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Wade Hampton (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
utation over much fine gold. Maury, the illustrious path-finder of the seas, preferred the quiet shades of classic Lexington to the dazzling palaces of the Czar of all the Russias. He chose poverty among his own people to vast riches among strangers. President Davis declined gift after gift proffered in sincere sympathy for his misfortunes. Lands, houses, salaries from big corporations, all were tendered him and refused. And when the other day the noble old homesteads, first of Wade Hampton and then of John B. Gordon, were committed to the devouring flames, and all the priceless relics of their glorious past were turned into ashes, their loving comrades, out of pure brotherly feeling, urged each of them to let the veterans of this Lost Cause restore their homes, they steadily, firmly and affectionately declined the generous offer. And what of our great commander? Money in vast sums was offered him if he would fall down and worship at its shrine. An immense salary was
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
al R. E. Lee From Lord Wolseley, commander-in-chief of the British Army. In celebration of General Lee's birthday, on January 19th, 1899, the tenth annual banquet of Pickett-Buchanan Camp, Confederate Veterans, held at Atlantic Hotel, in Norfolk, was an interesting occasion. Among the toasts responded to was that entitled Lee and His Men; An Unequalled Leader of an Incomparable Host, to which Judge T. S. Garnett addressed himself. Judge Garnett's remarks were received with great enthuch he so well knew how to speak to a young and embarrassed visitor. This was my last view of him. I saw him no more; he visited this city not long before he died, when in feeble health, and received the hospitality and homage of the people of Norfolk. Faith perfect in love. Many weary years have passed since his death, October 12th, 1870, but the men who were with Lee have not forgotten. You who were with him cannot forget. Shall I praise you for that? Faith in him has become perfec
Sailor's Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
ped his lips as if in soliloquy when I came to him and told him that the battle of Five Forks had gone against General Pickett, and as I heard his deep bass voice asking, Well, Captain, what shall we do? I felt that nothing short of Almighty Wisdom could provide a way out of that calamity. But it meant nothing. He knew what to do, and he did all that man could do to rectify the blunders that some of his people were constantly committing. Again I saw him the evening of the battle of Sailor's Creek. It was a few minutes before he learned of the great disaster that had befallen Custis Lee's Division and General Ewell's troops. We (that is to say, General Roberts' Cavalry Brigade), had just crossed the creek and were watching the gallant fight of Walker's Stonewall Brigade, against the surging host of Yankees on the opposite bank. General Lee came up to our line, entirely alone, and dismounted near a cabin, holding Traveler by the bridle, and using his field glasses with the oth
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
e corporation for the purposes of gain. Positions of honor and vast profit were his at a word. But he turned to the quiet chair of Washington College, and there, as its president, ended a life of purity, dignity and unsullied honor. Like leader—like men. Like leader—like men! Unselfish—always brave, cheerful under all adversities, the men we knew beside us in war are worthy of the tribute paid them by a Northern historian in an address before the Military Historical Society of Massachusetts. Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Whittier, United States Volunteers, spoke as follows: The Army of Northern Virginia will deservedly rank as the best army which has existed on this continent; suffering privations unknown to its opponents, it fought well from the early Peninsula days to the surrender of that small remnant at Appomattox. It seemed always ready, active, mobile; without doubt it was composed of the best men of the South rushing to what they considered the defence of <
Hagerstown (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
he was handsome beyond all the men I had ever seen. Again I saw him when I enlisted in May, 1861, and once or twice in 1862, notably at his headquarters below Richmond, just after the raid of General Stuart around McClellan, on the Chickahominy. He had allowed his beard to grow and it had turned very gray. I saw him no more until the 2d day of July, 1863, at Gettysburg, nor can I dwell on that view of him further than to speak of carrying dispatches from General Stuart there. At Hagerstown I carried messages to General Lee and found him flying at his headquarters for the first time The Milk White Banner of the Confederacy, with the battle-flag at its union, which formed the next to the last national flag of our country. The greatest of men. With occasional glimpses of him on the march as we entered upon the fall campaign of 1863, I was learning to look upon him as no longer a curiosity. I knew nothing of him personally up to that time. But in the winter of 1864 I w
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
baggage car. This was Colonel Lee, and had I known at that moment that he had just come from the presence of General Scott, who had prevailed upon President Lincoln to tender to Colonel Lee the command of the Active Army of the United States and that he had declined it, I would have fallen at his feet and thanked God for his unparalleled devotion to duty. How few of us ever think of this! How many of us know what would have happened if he had chosen the other course. Imagine Lee at Sharpsburg with 87,000 men, and McClellan opposing him with 27,000. Picture to yourself Lee at Chancellorsville with 120,000 men confronted by Hooker with 40,000. Suppose, for one moment, that at the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Lee, with 125,000 had moved against Grant with 45,000 men—where would Grant's place in history be to-day? The journey to Richmond was interrupted at Gordonsville, and there I saw Colonel Lee uncheck his trunk, as we had to do in those days, and have it transferred to
brandy to kill at ten miles, has proven about as effective as one of our little mountain Howitzers, which, on the back of a mule, at the Gauley River fight, would shoot to the foot of a steep hill and carry the mule with it. But, gentlemen, we are modest. Of course, my brothers, you perceive that I am jesting. I would not detract one particle from the glory, if that is the right name for it, won by Roosevelt's Rough Riders at Santiago, or of Fred Funston's Volunteers, the F. F. V.'s at Malolos, but I still insist that we did more execution with our old-fashioned arms at short range and in shorter time, with smaller numbers, than the Mausers and the Krag-Jorgensens can ever do. The only thing in modern warfare worth mentioning is the adoption of the old Confederate slouch hat, which, as a means of grace, has served to keep off the weather and keep up the spirits of the United States Volunteers. But I am wandering from my toast. Honor to the hero. Here's to the men who in ta
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
s son had been captured, Custis Lee's Division annihilated and Ewell's troops eliminated from further action. Lee at Appomattox. I saw him last at Appomattox, but not after the surrender. It was just before he moved out against Sheridan and OrAppomattox, but not after the surrender. It was just before he moved out against Sheridan and Ord's troops and his manner was in no wise different from what it had always been. You, who witnessed his majestic bearing when all was over, can tell your children and all the generations to come, that Human fortitude has equalled human calamity. A few weeks after Appomattox, I was seated in his parlor on Franklin street, Richmond, talking with his daughter, when the General entered the room. Never can I forget his gentle manner as he extended his hand, and put me at my ease with a few corations unknown to its opponents, it fought well from the early Peninsula days to the surrender of that small remnant at Appomattox. It seemed always ready, active, mobile; without doubt it was composed of the best men of the South rushing to what th
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
rlington, I used to see Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Lee ride over on his chesnut sorrel from Arlington to Seminary Hill, near Alexandria, alone, quietly dismount, tie his horse to the fence and enter the little chapel, taking his seat near by me, as Sunday after Sunday was his custom, whenever he happened to be at home on furlough. At that time he was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Second Cavalry, and a little later he became Colonel of the First, as the following letter shows: Arlington, Washington City P. O., April 20, 1861. Honorable Simon Cameron, Secretary of War: Sir,—I have the honor to tender the resignation of my commission as Colonel of the First Regiment of Cavalry. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, Colonel First Cavalry. The very next morning, just at daybreak, as I was checking my trunk, coming South, at Alexandria, I brushed up against a military-looking man, with a dark moustache, but otherwise clean-shaven face, getting his trunk checked
Marlboro, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.11
f the weather and keep up the spirits of the United States Volunteers. But I am wandering from my toast. Honor to the hero. Here's to the men who in tattered uniform, but with bright muskets, sustained their cause against the whole world. Here's to our Caesar, without his ambition; our Frederick, without his tyranny; our Napoleon, without his selfishness; our Washington, without his reward! Other heroes, having won great fame, sullied it by some selfish folly or unworthy act. Marlborough was a great gift-taker—so was Grant. Sherman fought for plunder, and malicious, fiendish revenge—so, did Hannibal. Yea, even now it seems good unto the modern warriors, by land and sea, to tarnish their laurels by suits for prize-money, great gifts of lands and dwelling houses, silver, gold and precious stones, as if a part of their contract for service in battle was a payment down in hard cash or a furnished mansion in the fashionable quarter of some great city. So much victory for
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