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James M. Wells (search for this): chapter 1.45
egiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168. Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161. Wade, Ben J. F., 177. Walker, Miss Sue H., 378. Walker, Wm, 166. Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241. Washington, Bushrod C., 247. Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370. Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179. Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388. Weed, Thurlow, 289. Weisiger, General David A. 204. Wells, Colonel James M., 309. Whiting, General W. H. C., 326 Wilderness Battle of, 1. Williams, Ben J. J., 178. Wilson, James H., 252. Wilson, Colonel James M, 86. Winfield, Colonel John G., 98. Wolseley's estimate of Lee, 114. Wood, Surgeon, Mahone's Division, 26; killed, 50. Wright, Ambrose R., 144. Young, George, killed, 337. Zimmer, Captain, Louis, 14. Zollicoffer, General Felix K., 304.
George Young (search for this): chapter 1.45
egiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168. Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161. Wade, Ben J. F., 177. Walker, Miss Sue H., 378. Walker, Wm, 166. Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241. Washington, Bushrod C., 247. Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370. Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179. Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388. Weed, Thurlow, 289. Weisiger, General David A. 204. Wells, Colonel James M., 309. Whiting, General W. H. C., 326 Wilderness Battle of, 1. Williams, Ben J. J., 178. Wilson, James H., 252. Wilson, Colonel James M, 86. Winfield, Colonel John G., 98. Wolseley's estimate of Lee, 114. Wood, Surgeon, Mahone's Division, 26; killed, 50. Wright, Ambrose R., 144. Young, George, killed, 337. Zimmer, Captain, Louis, 14. Zollicoffer, General Felix K., 304.
Jed Hotchkiss (search for this): chapter 1.45
ohnson, 318. Hale, Jr., Captain E. E., 4. Harper's Ferry and First Manassas, 1864-5, Incidents at, 58. Hartford Convention, The 174. Hatcher's Run, Battle of, 368. Hill, General A. P., killed, 20. Hill General D. H., 294 Hinton, Judge Drury A., 213. History Committe Grand Camp C. V, Report of, 169; Members of, 198. History, Southern, cannot be falsified, 193, 194, 376 Holland, Horace, killed, 352. Homespun garb in 1861, 288. Hope, James Barron, 193. Hotchkiss, Major, Jed., 279. Howitzers, Richmond, Guns of, at Appoinattox, 41. Jackson, General T. J., Death of, 271, 352. Jackson, Henry, 297. Jenkin's Brigade General A. G, 73. Johnson, General Bushrod R., 329. Johnson's Battery, Marmaduke, 91. Jones, Beverley R., 70 Jones, Major Richard W., 215 Jones, William Ellis, wounded, 366. Joynes, Professor E. S., 243 Kearney, General, Phil, killed, 346. Key, Francis Scott, 349. Knox, Captain John G, 1. Lamar, Jeff., killed, 296.
Edwin G. Rawlings (search for this): chapter 1.45
Pegram, General, John, killed, 369. Pegram, General, Wm. R Johnson, killed, 342 373. Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 70. Pendleton, General, Wm. N., 69. Petersburg, Evacuation of hospitals in, 20; battles around, 21, 330, 331. Phi Gamma, The, in the war, 309. Phillips, Wendell, 187. Pickering, Timothy, 175. Pollard, Captain, Thos. P., 216. Porter, General, Fitz John, 96. Porter, John L., 125. Porter, John W. H., 125 Randolph Major N. ., 281. Ransom, General, 325. Rawlings, Lieutenant E. G., killed, 365. Rebel, was the Confederate soldier a, 247. Resolutions of 1798, 162 Richardson, Sergeant and Thos. E., 217. Richardson, Captain V. V. 1. Riddick, Captain, captured, 31. Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 222, 316. Rogers, Major, Arthur Lee, 89. Rogers, Colonel George T., 211. Rosser's Laurel Brigade, 101. Ruff, Lieutenant-Colonel, 300. Sage, B. J., 157, 169. Scott, Colonel W. C 259. Secession, pioneer of, 81; right of 169. Seven Days Battl
Bushrod Johnson (search for this): chapter 1.45
. Howitzers, Richmond, Guns of, at Appoinattox, 41. Jackson, General T. J., Death of, 271, 352. Jackson, Henry, 297. Jenkin's Brigade General A. G, 73. Johnson, General Bushrod R., 329. Johnson's Battery, Marmaduke, 91. Jones, Beverley R., 70 Jones, Major Richard W., 215 Jones, William Ellis, wounded, 366. JJohnson's Battery, Marmaduke, 91. Jones, Beverley R., 70 Jones, Major Richard W., 215 Jones, William Ellis, wounded, 366. Joynes, Professor E. S., 243 Kearney, General, Phil, killed, 346. Key, Francis Scott, 349. Knox, Captain John G, 1. Lamar, Jeff., killed, 296. Lane's Sharpshooters, General James H., 1; Brigade, Field and Staff officers and regiments of, 5. Laughton, Jr. Captain John E. 216. Lee and his Paladins, address by Surgeon D. D., Rev. B M., 228. Palmer, Colonel, Wm. H, 149 Pegram's Battalion, organization of, 342. Pegram, General, John, killed, 369. Pegram, General, Wm. R Johnson, killed, 342 373. Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 70. Pendleton, General, Wm. N., 69. Petersburg, Evacuation of hospitals in, 20; battles around, 21, 330, 331.
Daniel Webster (search for this): chapter 1.45
n 1861, 15; Cavalry, charging the 14th Regiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168. Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161. Wade, Ben J. F., 177. Walker, Miss Sue H., 378. Walker, Wm, 166. Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241. Washington, Bushrod C., 247. Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370. Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179. Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388. Weed, Thurlow, 289. Weisiger, General David A. 204. Wells, Colonel James M., 309. Whiting, General W. H. C., 326 Wilderness Battle of, 1. Williams, Ben J. J., 178. Wilson, James H., 252. Wilson, Colonel James M, 86. Winfield, Colonel John G., 98. Wolseley's estimate of Lee, 114. Wood, Surgeon, Mahone's Division, 26; killed, 50. Wright, Ambrose R., 144. Young, George, killed, 337. Zimmer, Captain, Louis, 1
Myrick Walter (search for this): chapter 1.45
Francis H. 14. Smith, D. D., Rev. James P., 276. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 2. South against the North, Case of the, 156. Southern Women, their glorious devotion, 377. Stamp Act of 1765, Declaration of rights under, 157. Starke, General, Wm. N. 3. Stephens, Alex. H. 18289. Stewart, Colonel, Wm. H., 84. Stovall, George, 289. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 248. Tarbell, Ida M. 189. Tariff for benefit of New England, 161, 162. Taylor, Captain W. A. 209. Taylor, Colonel Walter 14. Thompson, Wm., 249. Toombs, General, Robert, challenge of General D. H. Hill, 294. Townsend, Mrs., Mary Ashley, 228. Treaty the only Confederate, 265. Troy, Siege of, cited, 39. Tuttle, R. M., 199. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 248. Virginia, Council of War of, in 1861, 15; Cavalry, charging the 14th Regiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the ta
Administration responsible, 186. Lodge, Henry Cabot, 180. Longstreet's Division at Gaines' Mill, 97. Loss, Unparallel, of Company F, 26th North Carolina, 199. Lodt Cause, The, 56. Louisiana, Purchase of. 162; Troops of, at Fort Gregg, 265. Lunt, George, 188. McCabe, Captain, W. Gordon, 212, 242. McClellan, General George B., 348. McGuire, M. D., LI. D., H. H., Sketch of life of, 267; his family, 275. McMartin, Colonel F. W, 206. McNeill's men, 98. Macon, Sergeant Lyttleton S , 70. Mahon, General William 204. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 11, 341 Manassas First, Ammunition at, 289. Marks, Edwin, 236. Maryland, Invasion of, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74.
Stephen Beveridge (search for this): chapter 1.45
our approval, and that of the body over which you preside, I am, very respectfully yours, Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, President Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark. The following Memorial Associations have authorized us to append their names to this memorial: Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. Joseph Bryan, President. Junior Hollywood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. N. V. Randolph, President. Oakwood Memorial Association, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. Stephen Beveridge, President. The Confederate Memorial Literary Society, Richmond, Va.; Mrs. Joseph Bryan, President; Mrs. Lizzie C. Daniel, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Petersburg, Va.; Mrs. H. Van L. Bird, President; Mrs. Shelton Chieves, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial and Literary Association of Missouri; Mrs. Leroy Valliant, President; Mrs. Jennie Edwards, Secretary. The Warren Memorial Association, Front Royal, Va.; Mrs. G. C. Davis, President; Mrs. W. C
Maxey Gregg (search for this): chapter 1.45
d, 344. Figner, Alfonzo, 344. Fishburne, Lieutenant Clement D., 69. Five Forks, Battle of 371. Foy F. R. C. S., Dr. George, 275. Frederick City, Md, 347. Friedenwall, Dr., Herbert, 81. Gaines' Mill, Battle of, 94, 95. Garnett, Ll. D, Captain James M., 58, 71. Garnett, Ion. Thomas S 106. Garside, Miss Julia A 378. Gettysburg, Battle of, 10, 145, 356. Giddings, Colonel C. H., 255. Goolsby J. C., 6. Grady, B. F, 156. Greeley, Horace, on the Union, 177. Gregg, Fort, Battle at, 20 265, 366. Gwynn, Major-General, Walter, 85. Hagood, General, Johnson, 318. Hale, Jr., Captain E. E., 4. Harper's Ferry and First Manassas, 1864-5, Incidents at, 58. Hartford Convention, The 174. Hatcher's Run, Battle of, 368. Hill, General A. P., killed, 20. Hill General D. H., 294 Hinton, Judge Drury A., 213. History Committe Grand Camp C. V, Report of, 169; Members of, 198. History, Southern, cannot be falsified, 193, 194, 376 Holland, H
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