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William Frederick Niemeyer (search for this): chapter 1.45
70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command, 135, 195. Muhlenburg Rifles, Company F, 10th Virginia, Roll of, 115. Navy, C. S., Vessels of, and their history, 125, Notes on, 305. Nash, Major J. Van Holt, 251. Nelson, Lieutenant, Kinlock, 70. Nelson, Lieutenant, Philip, 71 New England's struggle for ship building, 159, 160. Nicholson, Captain W. T, 1. Niemeyer, Colonel W. F., Sketch of, 84. New Orleans, La., Daughters of the Confederacy at, 228. North, the, Attitude of, since 1865, 181. Otey Battery, 368. Packard, Jr., Lieutenant Joseph, 69. Page, Major R.--Channing M., 69. Palmer, D. D., Rev. B M., 228. Palmer, Colonel, Wm. H, 149 Pegram's Battalion, organization of, 342. Pegram, General, John, killed, 369. Pegram, General, Wm. R Johnson, killed, 342 373. Pendleton, Colonel A. S., 70. Pendleton, General, Wm. N., 69. Petersbu
Joseph D. Davis (search for this): chapter 1.45
ed are as follows: Recording Secretary, Miss Daisy L. Hodgson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sue H. Walker; Treasurer, Miss Julia A. Garside. The newly elected President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, was then escorted to the chair, and read a most beautiful and comprehensive report of the origin and work of her association, The Confederate Memorial Association of New Orleans, La. A Committee on Constitution and By-Laws was then appointed, consisting of Miss Julia A. Garside, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph D. Davis, Mrs. Lizzie Cary Daniel, Mrs. N. V. Randolph, alternate; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Mrs. W. J. Behan by request. This organization is to be known as The Confederated Southern Memorial Association; its object, Memorial and Historical. Second meeting. The Confederate Southern Memorial Association was called to order by the President, Mrs. W. J. Behan, at 9:30 A. M., May 31st. Mrs. Sarah Polk Blake was unanimously elected historian for the Association. The report of the Committee on
M. B. Jackson (search for this): chapter 1.45
C. Weaver, Corresponding Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Letitia A. Frazer, President; Phoebe Frazer, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, Fort Mills, S. C.; Mrs. J. B. Mack, President; Mrs. Elizabeth White, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Knoxville, Tenn.; Mrs. Wm. Caswell, President; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala.; Mrs. D. H. Williams, President; M. B. Jackson, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. W. G. Behan, President; Mrs. Joseph Jones, Corresponding Secretary. The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark.; Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, President; Miss Julia A. Garside, Recording Secretary; Miss Sue H. Walker, Corresponding Secretary. At 4 o'clock the meeting was again called to order. It was decided to have a gray ribbon badge, with embossed gold letters, as their insignia until the next
Wallace Broadbent (search for this): chapter 1.45
ff and Petersburg, 318. Behan, Mrs. W. J 380. Benton, Thomas A., Views of, 163. Bermuda Hundred, 330. Bernard, George S., 204. Bingen on the Rhine, 350. Birthday of Lee, poem 238. Blackford. Lieutenant L. M., 70. Blakemore, The Bravest, 49 Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 157. Bouldin, Captain E. E., 71, 77, 250. Bowie, Lieut., Walter, how he died, 135. Boyd, Belle, 296. Boyd, Lieutenant, E. Holmes, 69 Branch, Major, Thomas, 26. Brander, Major T. A, 4. Broadbent, Captain, Wallace, 308. Brockenbrough, Captain, J. Bowyer, 70. Brown's Raid, John, 185, 317. Brown, Governor Joseph E 288 Browne, General William M., 298. Brown, Lieutenant William M., 70. Brunswick Guard, Record and Roll of, 8; Blues, Record of, 261. Bryan, Mrs., Joseph, 383. Burke of North Carolina, Hon. Thomas, 81. Burkholder, N. M., 106. Butler, General B. F., 319. Caldwell, W. W, 210. Carpenter's Battery, Record of, 166. Carter, James C., 180 Central Confederac
Lewis Graham (search for this): chapter 1.45
es' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La. Delegates: Mrs. W. J. Behan, Chairman; Mrs. Joseph R. Davis. Mrs. Lewis Graham, Miss Daisy M. L. Hodgson, Miss Lucy Marshall Smith. The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark. Delegded by unanimous vote to enter into an election of officers. Mrs. W. J. Behan was nominated and elected President. Mrs. Graham then nominated Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, of Fayetteville, Ark., for First Vice-President—but a motion was made and carried he elections were as follows: Vice-President from Virginia, Mrs. David C. Richardson; Vice-President, Louisiana, Mrs. Lewis Graham; Vice-President, Tennessee, Miss Missie Ault; Vice-President, Arkansas, Mrs. J. D. Walker; Vice-President, Missouriilding this memorial. A hearty response was given and the Association pledged to assist in the work. On motion of Mrs. Lewis Graham it was asked that a published account be given by the Treasurer of the Davis Monument Fund of the amounts already s
Arthur Lee Rogers (search for this): chapter 1.45
lled, 365. Rebel, was the Confederate soldier a, 247. Resolutions of 1798, 162 Richardson, Sergeant and Thos. E., 217. Richardson, Captain V. V. 1. Riddick, Captain, captured, 31. Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 222, 316. Rogers, Major, Arthur Lee, 89. Rogers, Colonel George T., 211. Rosser's Laurel Brigade, 101. Ruff, Lieutenant-Colonel, 300. Sage, B. J., 157, 169. Scott, Colonel W. C 259. Secession, pioneer of, 81; right of 169. Seven Days Battle, how begun, 90Rogers, Colonel George T., 211. Rosser's Laurel Brigade, 101. Ruff, Lieutenant-Colonel, 300. Sage, B. J., 157, 169. Scott, Colonel W. C 259. Secession, pioneer of, 81; right of 169. Seven Days Battle, how begun, 90. Seward, W. H., duplicity of, 188. Shaw, General Abbott D., 309 Sheridan's charge at Appomattox, 44; vandalism, 98. Shoes, Cowhide Moccasins for, 8. Slaves, Emancipation of, 197. Smith, General Francis H. 14. Smith, D. D., Rev. James P., 276. Spotsylvania Courthouse, Battle of, 2. South against the North, Case of the, 156. Southern Women, their glorious devotion, 377. Stamp Act of 1765, Declaration of rights under, 157. Starke, General, Wm. N. 3. Stephens,
te, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Knoxville, Tenn.; Mrs. Wm. Caswell, President; Mrs. M. E. Lloyd, Secretary. The Ladies' Memorial Association, Gainesville, Ala.; Mrs. D. H. Williams, President; M. B. Jackson, Secretary. The Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, New Orleans, La.; Mrs. W. G. Behan, President; Mrs. Joseph Jones, Corresponding Secretary. The Southern Memorial Association, Fayetteville, Ark.; Mrs. Lizzie Pollard, President; Miss Julia A. Garside, Recording Secretary; Miss Sue H. Walker, Corresponding Secretary. At 4 o'clock the meeting was again called to order. It was decided to have a gray ribbon badge, with embossed gold letters, as their insignia until the next annual meeting, when a badge will be decided on. A motion was made by Miss Sue Walker that each association of this confederation prepare a condensed history of its work from the date of organization, to be published in book form, two volumes to be furnished, one to be pla
Site H. Walker (search for this): chapter 1.45
nsend, Mrs., Mary Ashley, 228. Treaty the only Confederate, 265. Troy, Siege of, cited, 39. Tuttle, R. M., 199. Uncle Tom's Cabin, 248. Virginia, Council of War of, in 1861, 15; Cavalry, charging the 14th Regiment, April 9, 1865,75; Infantry, 1st, on April 8, 1865, 8, 844 371; 14th offering of, 72; 10th, Company F, roll of, 15; Company D, 44th, history and roster of, 259; on the tax on tea in 1774,168. Von Hoist, opinion of the U. S. Constitution, 161. Wade, Ben J. F., 177. Walker, Miss Sue H., 378. Walker, Wm, 166. Washington and Lee, Unity of character of, 241. Washington, Bushrod C., 247. Washington Artillery, dead of, 301, 370. Webster, Daniel, 164, 176, 179. Webster the Spy, Hanging of, 388. Weed, Thurlow, 289. Weisiger, General David A. 204. Wells, Colonel James M., 309. Whiting, General W. H. C., 326 Wilderness Battle of, 1. Williams, Ben J. J., 178. Wilson, James H., 252. Wilson, Colonel James M, 86. Winfield, Colonel John G., 98
Mars Robert (search for this): chapter 1.45
, 354. Masons in the Army 46. Massachusetts in 17 1770, 1773, 157; in 1811, 173. Massie, Captain, J. Livingston, 69. Maury's fealty, Commodore, 112. Mechanicsville, Battle of, 92 Minor, Lieutenart C. W. Berkeley, 70. Minor, Captain Robert D, 305. Moon, The, behind the hill, 350. Monocacy, Battle of, 74. Mooretield, Va, surprised at, 75. Mosby's Command, 135, 195. Muhlenburg Rifles, Company F, 10th Virginia, Roll of, 115. Navy, C. S., Vessels of, and their 325. Rawlings, Lieutenant E. G., killed, 365. Rebel, was the Confederate soldier a, 247. Resolutions of 1798, 162 Richardson, Sergeant and Thos. E., 217. Richardson, Captain V. V. 1. Riddick, Captain, captured, 31. Rodgers, Judge Robert L, 222, 316. Rogers, Major, Arthur Lee, 89. Rogers, Colonel George T., 211. Rosser's Laurel Brigade, 101. Ruff, Lieutenant-Colonel, 300. Sage, B. J., 157, 169. Scott, Colonel W. C 259. Secession, pioneer of, 81; right of 169.
October 30th, 1900 AD (search for this): chapter 1.45
n securing the delegation an audience and having the memorial presented through General Gordon to the convention of United Confederate Veterans at the reunion of June 1, 1900, at Louisville, Ky. Adjourned to meet the first day of the United Confederate Veteran reunion at Memphis, Tenn., 1901, at 10:30 A. M. Respectfully submitted, site H. Walker, Cor. Sec. C. S. M. A. June 7, 1900. The Association was incorporated by the Circuit Court of Washington county, Fayetteville, Ark., October 30, 1900, and a charter issued. Index Alabama Regiment cut to pieces, Williams' 94. Alexander, Edgar, 71. Anderson's Corps complimented, 11. Appomattox Courthonse, Wants of the army at, 39; Last charge at, 41, 259; Last man killed at, 252. April 9th, 1865, lines by Percy Greg, 376. Arizona organized by the C. S. Government in 1862, 222. Armistead Brigade transferred, 8 Army of Northern Virginia unparalleled, 113. Artis Avis or Bird of Art, 304. Attucks, Crispus,
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