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Henry G. Turner (search for this): chapter 1.37
John. Terryberry, William. Terry, George. Wounded six times. Thomas, George. Thomas, Paulus. Thomas (Lynchburg, Va.) Thornton, Frank. Tongue, Richard. Triplett, George. Lost a leg near Bull Run, Va. Trust, George. Turner, Thomas. Turner, Wilson. Killed at Second Manassas, Va., August, 1862. Vaughn (Alabama). Killed near Brandy Station, Va., October, 1863. Ward, Frank. Wagner, Harry. Wounded at Beverly Ford, Va., June 9, 1863. Weeks, Henry. WilTurner, Wilson. Killed at Second Manassas, Va., August, 1862. Vaughn (Alabama). Killed near Brandy Station, Va., October, 1863. Ward, Frank. Wagner, Harry. Wounded at Beverly Ford, Va., June 9, 1863. Weeks, Henry. Wile, Daniel L. Wilson, Charles. Yates, T. Frank. Shot on the nose at Carlisle, Pa., July 1, 1863. Young (Georgia). Wounded June 9, 1863. Zimmerman, William. Recapitulation. Commissioned officers. Captains,4 Lieutenants,6 Assistant Surgeon,1 Chaplain,1 —12 Non-commisioned officers and privates. Orderly Sergeants,2 Color-Bearer,1 Sergeants,4 Corporals,6 Buglers,2 Privates,126 —141 — To
Clement A. Evans (search for this): chapter 1.37
d instead of taking it, went with the command and was killed near Warrenton, Va. Dumne, James. Dusenberry, John. Elam. Epperly, 1st. Epperly, 2d. Evans, Benton. Killed in the Shenandoah Valley. Evans, Charles A. Lost an arm at Second Manassas. Evans, William. Killed at Chancellorsville. Gardiner, F. Evans, Charles A. Lost an arm at Second Manassas. Evans, William. Killed at Chancellorsville. Gardiner, F. Gavigan, Michael. Garrison. Gibson, E. Goodman, William. Reputed to have been a captain in a Pennsylvania regiment. Greenwell, Hebb. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863. Griffin. Haller, Uriah. Hart, Frank. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Henderson. Higgins. Hobson, Dean. Hollins. HopkEvans, William. Killed at Chancellorsville. Gardiner, F. Gavigan, Michael. Garrison. Gibson, E. Goodman, William. Reputed to have been a captain in a Pennsylvania regiment. Greenwell, Hebb. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863. Griffin. Haller, Uriah. Hart, Frank. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Henderson. Higgins. Hobson, Dean. Hollins. Hopkins, William. Wounded at New Baltimore, Va., September, 1863. Hunter, Dr. Pat. Jenkins, Thomas. Johnston, F. N. Kane, James C. Kane, John. Key, John R. King, E. S. Captured at Westminster, Md., June 29, 1863. Latimer, George S. Lewis. Lindsay. Loudenslager, Thomas. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbo
t, Charles Seymour. Sergeant, Smith (Mississippi). Sergeant, Harry Thomas. Corporal, Demetrius Coode. Wounded at White House, Va., on Pamunkey river. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863 Corporal, C. D. Costigan. Killed at Union, Va., November 2, 1862. Corporal, Fay. Corporal, Fayette Gibson. Corporal, Hal. H. Hopkins. Wounded at Union, Va. Corporal, Joseph Warro. Bugler, Martin Burke. Lost a leg at Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bugler, Frank Willis. Privates. Addison. Aiken, Thomas. Anderson, Arnold, Frank. Baber, 1st. Baber, 2d. Balch, William, Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U. S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennett, William V. Bollman, J. M., No. 7. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Boyd, Hamilton. Died near Orange C. H., Va. Branch, Charles. Brown, James F. Bulger, John. Bunch. Burgess. Burke, Hugh. Wounded at Funkstown, Md. Byron.
mith (Mississippi). Sergeant, Harry Thomas. Corporal, Demetrius Coode. Wounded at White House, Va., on Pamunkey river. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863 Corporal, C. D. Costigan. Killed at Union, Va., November 2, 1862. Corporal, Fay. Corporal, Fayette Gibson. Corporal, Hal. H. Hopkins. Wounded at Union, Va. Corporal, Joseph Warro. Bugler, Martin Burke. Lost a leg at Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bugler, Frank Willis. Privates. Addison. Aiken, Thomas. Anderson, Arnold, Frank. Baber, 1st. Baber, 2d. Balch, William, Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U. S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennett, William V. Bollman, J. M., No. 7. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Boyd, Hamilton. Died near Orange C. H., Va. Branch, Charles. Brown, James F. Bulger, John. Bunch. Burgess. Burke, Hugh. Wounded at Funkstown, Md. Byron. Killed; place not known. Cahil
Manassas. Evans, William. Killed at Chancellorsville. Gardiner, F. Gavigan, Michael. Garrison. Gibson, E. Goodman, William. Reputed to have been a captain in a Pennsylvania regiment. Greenwell, Hebb. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863. Griffin. Haller, Uriah. Hart, Frank. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Henderson. Higgins. Hobson, Dean. Hollins. Hopkins, William. Wounded at New Baltimore, Va., September, 1863. Hunter, Dr. Pat. Jenkins, Thomas. Johnston, F. N. Kane, James C. Kane, John. Key, John R. King, E. S. Captured at Westminster, Md., June 29, 1863. Latimer, George S. Lewis. Lindsay. Loudenslager, Thomas. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Luckett, George. Lusby, John. McCabe, George. McCabe, William. McManus. McNellis. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va. Mangum, 1st. Mangum, 2d. Mason, William. Matthews, Henry H. Merryman, Samuel. Minnigerode, Charles.
C. D. Costigan (search for this): chapter 1.37
llery, Town Dodson. Promoted from Private in Breathed's Battery. Orderly Sergeants, Stirling Murray and Z. F. Williams. Sergeant Murray was captured at Westminster, Md., June 29, 1863. In prison until fall of 1864. Color-Bearer, Robert L. Mackall. Sergeant, Alfred Russell. Sergeant, Charles Seymour. Sergeant, Smith (Mississippi). Sergeant, Harry Thomas. Corporal, Demetrius Coode. Wounded at White House, Va., on Pamunkey river. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863 Corporal, C. D. Costigan. Killed at Union, Va., November 2, 1862. Corporal, Fay. Corporal, Fayette Gibson. Corporal, Hal. H. Hopkins. Wounded at Union, Va. Corporal, Joseph Warro. Bugler, Martin Burke. Lost a leg at Blackburn's Ford, Va. Bugler, Frank Willis. Privates. Addison. Aiken, Thomas. Anderson, Arnold, Frank. Baber, 1st. Baber, 2d. Balch, William, Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U. S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennet
Clatterbuck (search for this): chapter 1.37
ber, 2d. Balch, William, Beall, Lloyd. Reputed Captain Battery M, Fourth Artillery, U. S. Regular Army. Bennett, L. Orrick. Bennett, William V. Bollman, J. M., No. 7. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Boyd, Hamilton. Died near Orange C. H., Va. Branch, Charles. Brown, James F. Bulger, John. Bunch. Burgess. Burke, Hugh. Wounded at Funkstown, Md. Byron. Killed; place not known. Cahill, Martin. Chapman. Clatterbuck. Coit. Connor. Conroy, Dennis. Orderly for Major Pelham. Covington, William. Mortally wounded near Winchester, Va. Culbreth, John, No. 8. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Dillon, Anthony. Wounded. Dodson, Town. Promoted to Sergeant-Major Battalion Stuart Horse Artillery. Dorsey, John. Captured; confined in Fort Delaware; escaped; returned to his command; got a furlough, and instead of taking it, went with the command and
Covington, William. Mortally wounded near Winchester, Va. Culbreth, John, No. 8. Wounded at Union, Va., November 2, 1862, by the explosion of a caisson. Dillon, Anthony. Wounded. Dodson, Town. Promoted to Sergeant-Major Battalion Stuart Horse Artillery. Dorsey, John. Captured; confined in Fort Delaware; escaped; returned to his command; got a furlough, and instead of taking it, went with the command and was killed near Warrenton, Va. Dumne, James. Dusenberry, John. Elam. Epperly, 1st. Epperly, 2d. Evans, Benton. Killed in the Shenandoah Valley. Evans, Charles A. Lost an arm at Second Manassas. Evans, William. Killed at Chancellorsville. Gardiner, F. Gavigan, Michael. Garrison. Gibson, E. Goodman, William. Reputed to have been a captain in a Pennsylvania regiment. Greenwell, Hebb. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863. Griffin. Haller, Uriah. Hart, Frank. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Henderson. Hig
Sergeants S. Murray (search for this): chapter 1.37
Roll and roster of Pelham's, Afterward Breathed's, famous Battery, Stuart's Horse Artillery Battalion, Cavalry Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A. Corrected and verified at various times by Captain Daniel Shanks, Lieutenant J. Wm. Cosgrove, Orderly Sergeants S. Murray and Z. F. Williams, and Privates H. H. Matthews, L. O. Bennett, Walter G. Smith, Henry Weeks, T. Frank Yates, and others. Revised by Colonel Winfield Peters, of Maryland Line, member of Historical Committee, etc., United Confederate Veterans, Baltimore, Md., February, 1903. This renowned battery grew out of the Newtown, Va., Battery; when, at Centreville, Va., in November, 1861, it was changed to a horse battery (every man mounted), under the command of Captain John Pelham, and was attached to the cavalry at the instance of Brigadier-General J. E. B. Stuart, and the battery was known as the Stuart Horse Artillery. Other horse batteries, uniting with Pelham's, formed the battalion, Stuart Horse Art
863. Latimer, George S. Lewis. Lindsay. Loudenslager, Thomas. Lost an arm at Second Cold Harbor, Va. Luckett, George. Lusby, John. McCabe, George. McCabe, William. McManus. McNellis. Killed at Fredericksburg, Va. Mangum, 1st. Mangum, 2d. Mason, William. Matthews, Henry H. Merryman, Samuel. Minnigerode, Charles. Mintzner, Samuel. Killed at Winchester, Va., October, 1864. Moore, John. Morton, Clem. Morton, N. S. M. Muth, Alford. KilMangum, 2d. Mason, William. Matthews, Henry H. Merryman, Samuel. Minnigerode, Charles. Mintzner, Samuel. Killed at Winchester, Va., October, 1864. Moore, John. Morton, Clem. Morton, N. S. M. Muth, Alford. Killed at Little Baltimore, Va., October, 1863. Myers. Neal, Frank. Neal, Henry (or Harry). O'Brien, Edw. H. Owens, James. Owens, Thomas. Killed in the Valley of Virginia. Parker, Joseph. Killed at Aldie, Va., June 18, 1863. Phillips, John. Killed at Union, Va., November 2, 1862. Porter. Riley, Thomas. Died at Fredericksburg, Va. Robinson. Roe, David. Russell, Elijah T. Promoted to Sergeant-Major, Battalion Stuart Horse Artillery. Russell, Mit. Ryan,
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