Found 473 total hits in 392 results.
Adams, Chas Francis, 1, 102,121, 126; John Q.,25
Albemarle, The Confederate Ram, 205.
Alexander, W. A., 164.
Anderson, Fort. 205.
Andersonville, 78.
Appomattox, 28, 103.
Arlington, Va., 3.
Austin, Captain C. W. 96.
Averell, General W. W., 281.
Baltimore, Johnson's ride around, 215.
Barry, Major, John, 114.
Bartlett, Hon. C. L., 355.
Barton, Captain R., 117.
Beall, J. Gates, execution of, 262.
Blackford, Captain C. M., 279.
Black Horse Troop, Reminiscences of, 142.
Blaine, J. G. 78.
Bombshell, Captured the, 211.
Boonsboro Md., 145.
Breathed, Major, James, Sketch of, 346.
Brown. John Young, 188; Colonel Ridgeley, killed, 215.
Buck. Captain S. D., 104, 371.
Buckingham Yancey Guard, 154.
Buckner, General S. B., 117.
Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860.
Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371.
Chambersburg, Pa., 266.
st, skedaddle at, 269.
Martin, Tom, execution of, by General Hooker, 129; Rev. S. Taylor, 101.
Matthews, H. H., 341.
Maximilian and Mexico 118.
Meredith, General S. A.. 94.
Miles, General N. A., 100.
Mill, John Stuart, 118.
Minor, Berkeley 332; Dr. C. L. C., 129.
Montague, Governor A. J., 360.
Moorman, Major M. N., 110, 306, 372.
Mosby's Command, 90.
Mott, Dr., Valentine, 81.
Mulford, General J. E., 84.
Natchez Miss., War times in, 135.
Negro, The, Problem, 337.
Newbern, Federal fleet at, 205.
Nicholls, General F. T., 284.
Nightingale, Florence, 228.
North, Inconsistency of the, 82.
Hon. C. T., 260.
Ould, Hon., Robert, 84.
Palmer, colonel, Wm. H., 112.
Parker. Theodore, 25.
Parsons, Capture of the Philo, 261.
Passy, Frederick 227.
Patteson, Captain, Camm, 154.
Payne, General, Wm. H.. 144.
Pegram, General, John, 105.
Pelham. Charles Thomas, 345 Major John, Lines to by J. R. Randall, Sketch of his career, 338.
Pelham a
uckingham Yancey Guard, 154.
Buckner, General S. B., 117.
Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860.
Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371.
Chambersburg, Pa., 266.
Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 178.
Christian, Hon. G. L., 77.
Clark, Surgeon A. M.. 89.
Cobb, General, Howell, 82.
Cobden. Richard, 6.
Confederacy Last forlorn hope of, in TransMississippi. R. Randall, Sketch of his career, 338.
Pelham and Breathed's Battery, Roll of, 348.
Pender, General W. D. 112.
Pendleton, Major A. S., killed, 372.
Perryville, Battle of, 238
Peters, Colonel W. E., 218, his noble conduct at Chambersburg, Pa., 266; Winfield, 116.
Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1.
Philip II and William of Orange, 30.
Piatt, Donn, 103.
Porter, General, Fitz John, 147; Constructor J. L., 207.
Price, Major R. C., killed, 110.
Prisons, Northern and Southern,
nfederate Ram, 205.
Alexander, W. A., 164.
Anderson, Fort. 205.
Andersonville, 78.
Appomattox, 28, 103.
Arlington, Va., 3.
Austin, Captain C. W. 96.
Averell, General W. W., 281.
Baltimore, Johnson's ride around, 215.
Barry, Major, John, 114.
Bartlett, Hon. C. L., 355.
Barton, Captain R., 117.
Beall, J. Gates, execution of, 262.
Blackford, Captain C. M., 279.
Black Horse Troop, Reminiscences of, 142.
Blaine, J. G. 78.
Bombshell, Captured the, 211.
Boonsboro Md., 145.
Breathed, Major, James, Sketch of, 346.
Brown. John Young, 188; Colonel Ridgeley, killed, 215.
Buck. Captain S. D., 104, 371.
Buckingham Yancey Guard, 154.
Buckner, General S. B., 117.
Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860.
Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371.
Chambersburg, Pa., 266.
Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 178.
Christian, H
Elliott Grays, Roll and History of, 161.
Elliott, Gilbert, 208.
Emack, Lieutenant. 113.
Embargo of 1812, The, 25.
Finley. Colonel Luke W. 288.
Fisher's Hill, Battle of, 371.
Forces, Federal and Confederate, Disparity between, 109, 184, 241 280.
Fox, Captain of the, 198.
Frazier's Farm, Battle of, 149.
Fulton, Judge J. H., 136.
Garnett, James M., 147.
Garrett, John W., his military sagacity, 220.
Gettysburg, 31, 159.
Gordon, General J. B., 105.
Grant, General U. S., 29, 96; his order for devastation, 304, 332.
Hallack, General H. W., 87 91.
Hampton General Wade, 286.
Hartford Convention, The, 25.
Hawkins, Sir, John. 127.
Hayes, General R. B., 292.
Hill, General A. P., 111; General D. H., 83.
Hitchcock, General E. A., 84.
History Committee, Report of members of the, 104; books recommended by, 101.
Hoffman Colonel, 106.
Hooker, General, Joseph, his brutality, 129.
Housatonic destroyed, The, 164.
Hunley, C. S. Navy, Captain, 16
The Confederate Ram, 205.
Alexander, W. A., 164.
Anderson, Fort. 205.
Andersonville, 78.
Appomattox, 28, 103.
Arlington, Va., 3.
Austin, Captain C. W. 96.
Averell, General W. W., 281.
Baltimore, Johnson's ride around, 215.
Barry, Major, John, 114.
Bartlett, Hon. C. L., 355.
Barton, Captain R., 117.
Beall, J. Gates, execution of, 262.
Blackford, Captain C. M., 279.
Black Horse Troop, Reminiscences of, 142.
Blaine, J. G. 78.
Bombshell, Captured the, 211.
Boonsboro Md., 145.
Breathed, Major, James, Sketch of, 346.
Brown. John Young, 188; Colonel Ridgeley, killed, 215.
Buck. Captain S. D., 104, 371.
Buckingham Yancey Guard, 154.
Buckner, General S. B., 117.
Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860.
Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371.
Chambersburg, Pa., 266.
Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 178.
Echols, W. H., 72.
Elzey, A., 40.
Ewell, B. S., 35; R. S., 47.
Evans, N. G., 58.
Fain, R. G., 35.
Ferguson, S. W., 71.
Field, C. W. 59.
Fish, O. H.. 71.
Flewellen, J. P., 61.
Forney, J. H., 64.
Frazier, J. W., 60
Fremont, S. L.. 48.
French, S. G., 52.
Frost, D. M., 53.
Fuller, C. A., 37.
Gaillard, P. C., 37.
Gardner, F.. 53; W. M., 56.
Garnett, R. B., 49; R. S., 49.
Gatlin, R. C., 36.
Gibbs, W. H., 75.
Gilmer, J. F., 46.
Gorgas, J., 48.
Gracie, A., 67.
Green. D. C., 59.
Griffin, W. H., 37.
Gwynn, W., 41.
Hallonquist, J. H., 72.
Hardee. W. J. 46.
Harris, D. B., 36.
Hawes J. M., 54.
Haynes, M. A., 46.
Hebert. L., 54; P. O., 47.
Helm, B. H.. 63.
Henry. M. W., 76.
Heth H.. 57.
Heywood. W. C.; 45; J. H., 69; R. C., 69.
Hill, A. P., 56; D. H., 51.
Holloway E. B., 53.
Holmes, T. H., 44.
Holt, G. W., 72.
Hood, J. B., 66.
Hoxton. L. G., 75.
Huger B., 42; F., 75.
Huse, C., 62.
Ives, J. C., 63.
Jackson, A., 93; George, 69
ommended by, 101.
Hoffman Colonel, 106.
Hooker, General, Joseph, his brutality, 129.
Housatonic destroyed, The, 164.
Hunley, C. S. Navy, Captain, 165.
Hunter, General D., ruthlessness of, 283, 297.
Iron-clad—The first, the Manassas, exploits of, 196.
Jackson, General T. J Wounding of 110; mentioned, 111; at Winchester, in May, 1862, 226.
Jones Lieutenant Iredell, 138.
Jones. D. D., Rev. J. W., 79.
Johnson, General B. T., 215, 267, 305; General Edward, 287.
Johnson's Island, graves at 268.
Johnston's Last Volley at Durham, N. C., 174.
Keith, Judge, James, 144.
Kemper, General J. L., sketch of, portrait of, 260.
Kentucky Resolutions, 1798-9,9.
LaBorde. History of S. C. College, 141.
Lamar, C. A. C., 856; L. Q. C., 366.
Lane, General J. H., 112.
Lee, and Virginia, 15: Captain R. E., 217; General R. E., statue of 3, 123; cited, 21, 26; Confederate orders of, 81, 122; Wormsley's lines on, 101; tributes to, 121. 332.
Leopard, The, and th
y F, 39th Va. Battalion cavalry, 329; Kirkpatrick's Battery, Company A, 31st Battalion Artillery, 330; 2nd Regiment, Va. Cavalry, officers of. 330.
Lyons, James, 99.
Magruder, General J. B., 117.
Mcguire, Dr., Hunter, 101; at Winchester in 1862, 226.
McKinley, Major, Wm.. 110, 305.
McRae, J. R., 359.
Malvern Hill Battle of, 1, 50.
Manassas First, skedaddle at, 269.
Martin, Tom, execution of, by General Hooker, 129; Rev. S. Taylor, 101.
Matthews, H. H., 341.
Maximilian and Mexico 118.
Meredith, General S. A.. 94.
Miles, General N. A., 100.
Mill, John Stuart, 118.
Minor, Berkeley 332; Dr. C. L. C., 129.
Montague, Governor A. J., 360.
Moorman, Major M. N., 110, 306, 372.
Mosby's Command, 90.
Mott, Dr., Valentine, 81.
Mulford, General J. E., 84.
Natchez Miss., War times in, 135.
Negro, The, Problem, 337.
Newbern, Federal fleet at, 205.
Nicholls, General F. T., 284.
Nightingale, Florence, 228.
North, Inconsistency of the, 82.
ion of, 262.
Blackford, Captain C. M., 279.
Black Horse Troop, Reminiscences of, 142.
Blaine, J. G. 78.
Bombshell, Captured the, 211.
Boonsboro Md., 145.
Breathed, Major, James, Sketch of, 346.
Brown. John Young, 188; Colonel Ridgeley, killed, 215.
Buck. Captain S. D., 104, 371.
Buckingham Yancey Guard, 154.
Buckner, General S. B., 117.
Butler, General B. F., 95; at New Orleans, La., 188; infamous order of, 194; Hon. W. E., 860.
Cameron, Hon. W, E., 360.
Cedar Creek, Battle of, 184; losses at, 109, 371.
Chambersburg, Pa., 266.
Chesterfield troops, monument to, 161.
Chickamauga, Battle of, 178.
Christian, Hon. G. L., 77.
Clark, Surgeon A. M.. 89.
Cobb, General, Howell, 82.
Cobden. Richard, 6.
Confederacy Last forlorn hope of, in TransMississippi Department, 117.
Confederate-dead in the North, 230; Defeat, causes of, 368; Surgeons, humanity of, 230; gold in 1865, 119.
Colston, General R. E., 111.
Constitution. The Federal, 8; Was