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E. E. Bouldin (search for this): chapter 1.16
6, the articles, A Brief History of the Charlotte Cavalry, with revised roll and The Last Charge at Appomattox, by Capt. E. E. Bouldin, a prominent lawyer, of Danville, Va., appear in Vol. XXVIII, Southern Historical Society Papers.] (From the Danv) Mr. S. M. Gaines, chief of the Mail and File Division of the Treasury Department, in Washington, is visiting Captain E. E. Bouldin, of this city. Mr. Gaines was a lieutenant in the Charlotte cavalry, of which company Mr. Bouldin was captain anMr. Bouldin was captain and both were in the last charge made by their regiment, the Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry, at Appomattox on the 9th of April, 1865, Captain Bouldin being in command of the regiment and Mr. Gaines commanding the company at the time. Two pieces of artiCaptain Bouldin being in command of the regiment and Mr. Gaines commanding the company at the time. Two pieces of artillery were captured from the Federals and a number of prisoners taken in the course of that last charge and two of the Fourteenth regiment's men were killed. These are important facts in connection with the history of that eventful day, but there i
ast Monday in this current month, it was my first term as judge. I held it in humility of spirit, supported by a mutilated Confederate soldier. Nightly I thanked our Gracious Master for such light and mercy as filled my heart, and besought Him, who alone is great, to inspire me for the sake of the people with Heavenly wisdom. Death has levied heavy tribute to the memory of this bar: Judge McCorkle, the most honored and loved, Col. George Nathaniel Folk, Major Cilly, Col. John F. Hoke, Judge Armfield, Burgess S. Gaither and Mark Lawrence have passed through the gate which opens but once to any of the sons of men. Verily Sorrow and Joy revolve like the wheeling courses of the Bear. I heard Dr. Clapp preach at your church on Sunday during that time from this scripture: As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. The Embassadors of the press as Comte, the French philosopher, was the first to style them, then as afterwards, applauded the orderly and deliberate course of justice. Two
ave a sort of precedence accorded the soldiers of North Carolina in the War: First at Bethel, See appended editorial from the Danville Register Oct. 17th, 1905. furtherest at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, and last at Appomattox. The inference to be extorted from this reverent but exaggerated apostrophe to the soldiers of North Carolina is not of historical proportion. The Southern people were an homogenious population; no crazy quilt contrasts were exhibited in their composition. Anglo-Saxon was the warp and woof of their body and blood. A spot of emerald, like a speck upon our great luminary, might be detected; but, sirs, in its last analysis, in their appetite for battle, in their divine intoxication for the conflict, the children in arms of all those blessed States were transported alike, with the same flag; the Triune God, their God of hosts ravished in heart with the same revelation, they went to battle at the same place, and after a short crisis were united in death. If
today, dead or living. LaTour Dauvergne the first Grenadier of France was as famous as private soldier could be. The glory with which his name is surrounded is based on the clearest of facts; in 1767 at the age of 23 years, he entered the army. His heroism and successes were legion. His friend Le Brigand had lost his four sons upon the battle field, and was called upon to give up his baby boy. La Tour Dauvergne exchanged with him and was accepted. He met his death at Oberhsusen. General Dessoles issued a special order to the army of the Rhine directing that the head of the roll of the 46th regiment should remain open when the roll was called over, the senior sergeant was to answer the name of La Tour Dauvergne Dead on the field of honor. His heart was embalmed, placed in an urn and carried with the regiment down to 1814, these orders were religiously observed, on the 30th of last March the mortal remains of this wonderful private soldier were committed to the government of Fra
f Howard, commonly called the Dred Scott Case, asked that the voice of the chief justice rolling in silvery cadence from the Atlantic to the pacific, from the frozen region of the lakes to the glittering waters of the gulf, should still the tumult of the masses and command obedience. It is said Stevenson who worked in collaboration with his step son in the composition of some of his most perfect pieces of romance, would say to him when he had reached the very roof of the world of thought, Osborn, this is magnificent, impossible, it can't be sustained. In the Dred Scott Case the Court says that a negro of the African race was regarded by the Colonies as an article of property and held and bought and sold as such in every one of the Thirteen Colonies which united in the declaration of independence and afterwards formed the constitution of the United States. The struggle is passed. The events of it which were the most tumultuous and energetic in their accomplishment are feint, the
Victor Hugo (search for this): chapter 1.16
approach to these mighty men entered into glory. To that end I asked through the press, which is always at attention for instances of personal valor above the common lot of virtuous manhood, I got one answer, and I would put this man and his friends upon a pinnacle of glory, but you would say that our orator is retained for special, interests. In that conflict which staggered the government and exhausted the resources of the South, the shock of ideas was as great as the shock of arms. Victor Hugo said of Waterloo, it was not a battle, it was a change of front of the universe. The surrender at Appomattox wrought a change of front of a hemisphere. William H. Seward's Higher Law skulking in the Hinterland of the constitution, William Lloyd Garrison's denunciation of the constitution as a league with hell and covenant with damnation, John Brown's invasion upon the soil of a soverign state, the killing of citizens within its peace, inflammatory and murderous appeals from pulpit, from
Risden Tyler Bennett (search for this): chapter 1.16
Address delivered at Newton, North Carolina, Before the Annual reunion of Confederate Veterans August 20th, 1904, By Colonel Risden Tyler Bennett, late of 14th N. C. Troops, C. S. A. [The admirable spirit of this address is in happy contrast to other allusions from prominent men of North Carolina. For the achievements of the Fourteenth North Carolina Regiment, see North Carolina Regiments 1861-5, Vol .I, pp. 905-62, and for the addresses by Col. Bennett, The Morale of the ConfederateCol. Bennett, The Morale of the Confederate, and The Private Soldier of the C. S. Army, see Vols. XXII and XXV, Southern Historical Society Papers.—Ed.] Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Soldiers: I am delighted to meet this great company of Christian people. The reason shall presently be made manifest. In yonder hall of justice a court was begun and holden twenty-four years ago, the last Monday in this current month, it was my first term as judge. I held it in humility of spirit, supported by a mutilated Confederate soldier. Nig
Samuel M. Gaines (search for this): chapter 1.16
tched reinforces humanity. The key-note of the stormy orchestra of guns is the reverberation of noble souls. These men were not reared in the school of fear. Farewell. [Referring to page 66, note 66, the articles, A Brief History of the Charlotte Cavalry, with revised roll and The Last Charge at Appomattox, by Capt. E. E. Bouldin, a prominent lawyer, of Danville, Va., appear in Vol. XXVIII, Southern Historical Society Papers.] (From the Danville Register, Oct. 17, 1905.) Mr. S. M. Gaines, chief of the Mail and File Division of the Treasury Department, in Washington, is visiting Captain E. E. Bouldin, of this city. Mr. Gaines was a lieutenant in the Charlotte cavalry, of which company Mr. Bouldin was captain and both were in the last charge made by their regiment, the Fourteenth Virginia Cavalry, at Appomattox on the 9th of April, 1865, Captain Bouldin being in command of the regiment and Mr. Gaines commanding the company at the time. Two pieces of artillery were capt
John F. Hoke (search for this): chapter 1.16
years ago, the last Monday in this current month, it was my first term as judge. I held it in humility of spirit, supported by a mutilated Confederate soldier. Nightly I thanked our Gracious Master for such light and mercy as filled my heart, and besought Him, who alone is great, to inspire me for the sake of the people with Heavenly wisdom. Death has levied heavy tribute to the memory of this bar: Judge McCorkle, the most honored and loved, Col. George Nathaniel Folk, Major Cilly, Col. John F. Hoke, Judge Armfield, Burgess S. Gaither and Mark Lawrence have passed through the gate which opens but once to any of the sons of men. Verily Sorrow and Joy revolve like the wheeling courses of the Bear. I heard Dr. Clapp preach at your church on Sunday during that time from this scripture: As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. The Embassadors of the press as Comte, the French philosopher, was the first to style them, then as afterwards, applauded the orderly and deliberate course
October 17th, 1905 AD (search for this): chapter 1.16
I wish to dissent sharply, as I have done before, from the vogue of to-day, which clamors to have a sort of precedence accorded the soldiers of North Carolina in the War: First at Bethel, See appended editorial from the Danville Register Oct. 17th, 1905. furtherest at Gettysburg and Chickamauga, and last at Appomattox. The inference to be extorted from this reverent but exaggerated apostrophe to the soldiers of North Carolina is not of historical proportion. The Southern people were an ief History of the Charlotte Cavalry, with revised roll and The Last Charge at Appomattox, by Capt. E. E. Bouldin, a prominent lawyer, of Danville, Va., appear in Vol. XXVIII, Southern Historical Society Papers.] (From the Danville Register, Oct. 17, 1905.) Mr. S. M. Gaines, chief of the Mail and File Division of the Treasury Department, in Washington, is visiting Captain E. E. Bouldin, of this city. Mr. Gaines was a lieutenant in the Charlotte cavalry, of which company Mr. Bouldin was cap
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