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Calhoun, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
Macon, Ga. *Baker, W., West Point, Ga. Beall, Bignon,——. Billingslea, Clay, Green county, Ga. Bolger,——., Charleston, S. C. *Bomar, W. A., Atlanta, Ga. Died 1905. Bostick,—— Bozeman,——. Brantley,——., Atlanta, Ga. Breese, W. E., Charleston, S. C. Brevard, N. C. Brown, C., Cuthbert, Ga. *Brown, R., Americus, Ga. Bryan,——., Chattanooga, Tenn. Burt, F., Marietta, Ga. Came from South Carolina. *Bussey, Nathan, West Point, Ga. Died in Soldiers' Home, 1904. Calhoun, O., Abbeyville, S. C. Cameron, H. C., Harris county, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Chaney, T. G., Ellaville, Ga. Coleman, J. D., Harris county, Ga. Aberdeen, Miss. Brother of George C. *Collier, William E., Fort Valley, Ga. Commander,——. Tampa, Fla. *Culverhouse, Augustus, Knoxville, Ga. Compton, Lymon H., Milledgeville, Ga. Cunningham, D., Talbot county, Ga. *Dean, Jesse, Atlanta, Ga. *Dean, W., Atlanta, Ga. Dunwoody, —— Faver, J. D., Washin
Marshallville (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
W. H., Lagrange, Ga. Now druggist in Denison, Texas. Roberts, Wiley. Robinson, A., Meriwether counter, Ga. Robinson, E., Meriwether county, Ga. Roddy, R. L., Forsyth, Ga. Rucker, Jeptha H., Athens, Ga. Rucker, TinsleyW., (Tinnie), Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. *Ryan Lawrence T., Hawkinsville, Ga. Sapp, A. J. Sciley, B. Schley, G. Schofield, ——, Macon, Ga. Sheppard, W. T., West Point, Ga. Boston, Mass. Shumake, W., Harris county, Ga. Slappey, A. B., Marshallville, Ga. Smith, Archibald A., LaGrange, Ga. Smith, H. H. *Smith, W., Crawford county, Ga. Died in service, 1864. Solomon, W., Gordon, Ga. Spain,——. Taft, W., Charleston, S. C. Thurman, Jas. T., Atlanta, Ga. *Tilson, Mitchell, Darien, Ga. *Turnbull, J. J., Banks county, Ga. Waitzefelder, Abraham, Milledgeville, Ga. New York City. Walker, C. Walker, J. Waters, Byron B. Watson, ——. *Williams, C. Howard, Columbus, Ga. Died in Atlanta, Ga., 1895.
West Point (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
Brunswick, Ga. Fifth Sergeant, Cadet J. Scott Todd, West Point, Ga. Lost right arm in battle at Oconee River Bridge, Nov. rank, Augusta, Ga., died since the war. Dorsey, J., West Point, Ga., Opelika, Ala. Dozier,——. *Edwards, J. Polk, Ope *Hardee, W. P. Harlee, ——. Harrington, Henry P., West Point, now New York. Harris, John. *Haslem, George, Perry, G. Schofield, ——, Macon, Ga. Sheppard, W. T., West Point, Ga. Boston, Mass. Shumake, W., Harris county, Ga. Slley, Ga. Atkinson, R. H., Macon, Ga. *Baker, W., West Point, Ga. Beall, Bignon,——. Billingslea, Clay, Green county, tta, Ga. Came from South Carolina. *Bussey, Nathan, West Point, Ga. Died in Soldiers' Home, 1904. Calhoun, O., Abbeyvilnty, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Johnston, T. Jones, D. A., West Point, Ga. *Jones, H. B., Columbus, Ga. Jones, W. M., Hamilustice. Ligon, Little, W. W., Harris county, Ga. West Point, Ga., R. F. D. I. Loftin, Frank S., Franklin, H
Chattanooga (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
phen G. Jordan, Washington county, Ga. Died May 23d, 1904. Privates. Allen, J. L., Bainbridge, Ga. Chipley, Ga. Atkinson, R. H., Macon, Ga. *Baker, W., West Point, Ga. Beall, Bignon,——. Billingslea, Clay, Green county, Ga. Bolger,——., Charleston, S. C. *Bomar, W. A., Atlanta, Ga. Died 1905. Bostick,—— Bozeman,——. Brantley,——., Atlanta, Ga. Breese, W. E., Charleston, S. C. Brevard, N. C. Brown, C., Cuthbert, Ga. *Brown, R., Americus, Ga. Bryan,——., Chattanooga, Tenn. Burt, F., Marietta, Ga. Came from South Carolina. *Bussey, Nathan, West Point, Ga. Died in Soldiers' Home, 1904. Calhoun, O., Abbeyville, S. C. Cameron, H. C., Harris county, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Chaney, T. G., Ellaville, Ga. Coleman, J. D., Harris county, Ga. Aberdeen, Miss. Brother of George C. *Collier, William E., Fort Valley, Ga. Commander,——. Tampa, Fla. *Culverhouse, Augustus, Knoxville, Ga. Compton, Lymon H., Milledgeville, Ga.
Cobb (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
d, J. H. Lane, W. S. Latimer, Charles T. Leseuer,——., S. C. Lester, T. G., Lexington, Ga. Livingston,——. Lovett, Robert O., Screven county, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. McCarthy, McClellan,——, was from Florida. McLeod, George, Cobb county, Ga. McCleskey, L. L., Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. McHenry, W. S., Madison, Ga. *McWhorter, Madison, Green county, Ga. *McWhorter, Robert Ligon, Green county, Ga. Mann, Charley, Perry, Ga. *Marshall, C., Perry, Ga. Mims,——. Mims, W. HPatillo, W. F., Harris county, Ga. Decatur, Ga. *Persons, Robert T., Fort Valley, Ga. Persons, Thomas, Marietta, Ga. Rahn, James M., Guyton, Effingham county, Ga. Ramsey, Remshart, G. Horace, Savannah, Ga. Reynolds, Homer V., Cobb county, Marietta, Ga. J. Richter, Madison, Ga. Richter, M. L., Madison, Ga. *Reynolds, Fletcher P., Covington, Ga. Died at Marietta, 1889. *Robertson, ——, Meriwether county, Ga. Died since the war. Rodgers, Robert L, Washing
Columbus (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
ity. Walker, C. Walker, J. Waters, Byron B. Watson, ——. *Williams, C. Howard, Columbus, Ga. Died in Atlanta, Ga., 1895. Williams, M. *Woodward, James P. Wynn, Joseph H., Newnaoldiers' Home, 1904. Calhoun, O., Abbeyville, S. C. Cameron, H. C., Harris county, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Chaney, T. G., Ellaville, Ga. Coleman, J. D., Harris county, Ga. Aberdeen, Miss. Brota. Hughes, Hulbert, Humber, Lucius, Lumpkin, Ga. Hunt, T. J., Harris county, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Hunting, ——. Johnston, A. Johnston, Malcolm, Baldwin county, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Johnston, T. Jones, D. A., West Point, Ga. *Jones, H. B., Columbus, Ga. Jones, W. M., Hamilton, Ga. *Jordan, Edmond, Washington county, Ga. Died 1864. Kollock, ——, Savannah, Ga. Lamare, Ga. Smith, Thomas N., Washington county, Tennille, Ga. (Brothers.) Spencer, Samuel, Columbus, Ga., now President Southern Railway Company, and lives in New York City. Staten,——.
Hancock (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
Ga. *Dean, Jesse, Atlanta, Ga. *Dean, W., Atlanta, Ga. Dunwoody, —— Faver, J. D., Washington, Ga., Atlanta Ga. Goldsmith, Tom B., DeKalb county. Simpsonville, S. C. *Goldsmith, Paul, Atlanta, Ga. Goode, Samuel W., Lumpkin, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Gould,——. *Griffin, J. W., Lowndes county, Ga. *Griffin, Samuel, Lowndes county, Ga. (Brothers.) Grubbs, James W., Waynesboro, Ga. Guyton,——. Harris, W. *Heidt, C. B., Savannah, Ga. Hitchcock, Winfield, Hancock county, Ga. Holliday, George H., Atlanta, Ga. Holmes,——. Hood. M. F., Hamilton, Harris county, Ga. Hudson, J. M., Hamilton, Harris county, Ga. Hughes, Hulbert, Humber, Lucius, Lumpkin, Ga. Hunt, T. J., Harris county, Ga. Columbus, Ga. Hunting, ——. Johnston, A. Johnston, Malcolm, Baldwin county, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Johnston, T. Jones, D. A., West Point, Ga. *Jones, H. B., Columbus, Ga. Jones, W. M., Hamilton, Ga. *Jordan, Edmond, Washington
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
ush, Cobb, Ga. Decatur, Ga. Redding,——. Reese,——. Robert, W. H., Lagrange, Ga. Now druggist in Denison, Texas. Roberts, Wiley. Robinson, A., Meriwether counter, Ga. Robinson, E., Meriwether county, Ga. Roddy, R. L., Forsyth, Ga. Rucker, Jeptha H., Athens, Ga. Rucker, TinsleyW., (Tinnie), Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. *Ryan Lawrence T., Hawkinsville, Ga. Sapp, A. J. Sciley, B. Schley, G. Schofield, ——, Macon, Ga. Sheppard, W. T., West Point, Ga. Boston, Mass. Shumake, W., Harris county, Ga. Slappey, A. B., Marshallville, Ga. Smith, Archibald A., LaGrange, Ga. Smith, H. H. *Smith, W., Crawford county, Ga. Died in service, 1864. Solomon, W., Gordon, Ga. Spain,——. Taft, W., Charleston, S. C. Thurman, Jas. T., Atlanta, Ga. *Tilson, Mitchell, Darien, Ga. *Turnbull, J. J., Banks county, Ga. Waitzefelder, Abraham, Milledgeville, Ga. New York City. Walker, C. Walker, J. Waters, Byron B. Watson, —
English Branch (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
active duties in the field. At that time the faculty of the institute was composed of splendid professors, distinguished as educators, namely: General Frank W. Capers as Superintendent and Instructor in Military Tactics and Engineering. Captain James S. Austin, Commandant of Cadets and Professor of English Literature. Captain Victor E. Manget, Professor of French. Captain John M. Richardson, Professor of Higher Mathematics. Captain Paul Eve, Professor of Mathematics and English Branches. Rev. John W. Baker, Chaplain of the Institute, and Professor of Belle Lettres. Dr. E. J. Setze, Physician and Surgeon G. M. I. Major Dobbs, Quartermaster and Commissary. About the first of May, 1864, orders were received for the battalion to prepare for active service. Equipments of army guns and accoutrements, knacksacks, haversacks and canteens were received and issued to the cadets. They were intensely interested in these preparatory events. The battalion was divided
Crawford county, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.32
Meriwether counter, Ga. Robinson, E., Meriwether county, Ga. Roddy, R. L., Forsyth, Ga. Rucker, Jeptha H., Athens, Ga. Rucker, TinsleyW., (Tinnie), Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. *Ryan Lawrence T., Hawkinsville, Ga. Sapp, A. J. Sciley, B. Schley, G. Schofield, ——, Macon, Ga. Sheppard, W. T., West Point, Ga. Boston, Mass. Shumake, W., Harris county, Ga. Slappey, A. B., Marshallville, Ga. Smith, Archibald A., LaGrange, Ga. Smith, H. H. *Smith, W., Crawford county, Ga. Died in service, 1864. Solomon, W., Gordon, Ga. Spain,——. Taft, W., Charleston, S. C. Thurman, Jas. T., Atlanta, Ga. *Tilson, Mitchell, Darien, Ga. *Turnbull, J. J., Banks county, Ga. Waitzefelder, Abraham, Milledgeville, Ga. New York City. Walker, C. Walker, J. Waters, Byron B. Watson, ——. *Williams, C. Howard, Columbus, Ga. Died in Atlanta, Ga., 1895. Williams, M. *Woodward, James P. Wynn, Joseph H., Newnan, Coweta county, Ga. C
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