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Clinton (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.40
d how he died, 26 Georgia Military Institute Cadets, Roster of 306 Gettysburg causes of Lee's failure at, 81; charge of Pickett's Division, 118; disparity of forces engaged at, 124, 14; loss of Armistead's brigade at, 130; Gen. Lee at, 135, 243 Gift, C. S. Navy, Lt. G. W., 4 Godwin, Gen. A. C. killed, 284 Godwin, Col. D. J., 111 Gordon, Gen. John B. Monument to, 194; The man of the 12th of May, 296 Graves, Gen. B., 247 Grierson Col. B. H. Raid of, 85; Defeat of at Clinton, Miss., 93 Hancock, General W. S. 145 Harman, Major M. G., 233 Harper's Ferry, capture of, 268 Harris, Catain T. W., 234 Harrison, Colonel Z. D., 194 Hendree, Lt. E. P., killed, 214, 293 Hendree, Dr. Geo. R., 194 Hill, General D. H., vindicated, 25; indomitable will of, 230 Hobson, Colonel E. L., 201 Hodges, Colonel James G., killed, 132 Hodges Pilot John, killed, 4 Hoge, D. D., Rev. M. D., 241 Hoge, D. D., Rev. W. J., 234 Horse-Shoe The Salient, Bloody
291; flags restored, 297; furloughs, 256; Morale of the, 65; sufferings of the, 277, 351; Humour of the, 269, 366; Memorial literary society, 194; Respect of private property, 266 Crater, battle of the, 351, 355, 358 Crawford J. H., 71 Crocker, James, 111 James F., 111 Cutshaw, Col. W. E., 16. 320 Daniel, Major John W., 17, 44, 58, 72, 99, 336, 341, 344, 359 Davis, Capt. James T. killed 201 Died on the field of honor, 43, 67 Dispatch captured, 228 Dow, capture of Gen. Neal, 94 Drug conditions of the Confederacy, 161 England, Capt. A. V. killed, 19 Ewell, Gen. R. S., 19 Falligant, Capt. Robert 296 Farragut, Admiral D. G., 2 Fauntleroy, Gen. T. T., 286 Featherstone, Capt. J. C., 358 Federal Army, Foreigners in, 240 Federal, vessels destroyed, 8, 84 Ferrero, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 G
Henry Bryan (search for this): chapter 1.40
Baumgarten J. B., Engraver, 188 Beall, John Yates, hero and martyr, 17 Bennett, Col. R. T., admirable addresses of, 665 Bethesda Church, battle of, 57 Billmyer Capt. J. M., 192 Bishop, Capt. C. R., 297 Bouldin, Capt. E. E., 69 Boonsboro, Md., battle of, 278 Bristow station battle of, 250 Brown comander I. N. 11, Capt. J. Thompson, 104; Rev. Wm. D. D., 260, 290 Bull, Col. G. A. killed 223 Burrows D. D., Rev. J. L., 221, 290 Burton, Bishop L. W., 194 Bryan, Capt. J. R., perils of, 32 Cameron, Ex-Gov. W. E., 298 Carman Gen. E. A., 98 Carter's Battery, 233 Carter, Col. T. H. 288; Capt. Wm. Page, Poem by, 288 Chancellorsville, battle of 119 Chappell, P. W. killed, 233 Chisholm's J. J. Manual of Surgery, 174 Christian, Col. C. B., 57 Clay, James W., 28 Cold Harbor, battle of forces and losses of opposing armies at, 80 Cole Capt. C. H., 73 Confederate, disparity of forces with Fed-eral, 80, 106, 124, 154, 164, 2
W. C. Powell (search for this): chapter 1.40
ns, Colonel John C., killed, 132 Paine, Edward Courtenay, 194 Park, Dr. J. F. 195 Park, Captain R. E., 193; captured, 279 Parker's Boy Battery, 163 Pascoe, W. H., 96 Patton, Colonel G. W., killed, 284 Pegram's Brigade, glories of, 61 Peters U. C. V., Colonel Winfield, 26 Petersburg Military Park, 352 Porcher, Francis Peyre, 161 Port Hudson, strategic value of, 83; seige of, 86 Porter, General Fitz. John, 32 Porter, Commander W. D., false reports by, 32 Powell, D. D., Rev. W. C. 290 Powers, Colonel Frank, 83 Preaching in Camp, 289 Private Soldier of C. S. A., The, 65, 111 Purcell, Mrs. John B., 26 Randolph, Lt. J. Tucker, 58; Norman V., 58 Re-enlistment in Army, 258, 269 Rodes, General R. E. and family, 281, 282 Rodgers Robert L., 306 Rogers, Rev. E. J., 289 Rosser, D. D., Rev. L., 235, 290 St. Johns' Church Richmond, Va., 194 Saunders, General J. C. C., 360 Scott, Dr. Wm. Wallace 292 Semmes, General Paul
Lewis A. Armistead (search for this): chapter 1.40
o, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 Gaines, Lieut. S. M., 69 375 Garber, Maj. A. W., 341 Gardner, Gen. Frank, 83 Garnett Gen. R. B., sword of and how he died, 26 Georgia Military Institute Cadets, Roster of 306 Gettysburg causes of Lee's failure at, 81; charge of Pickett's Division, 118; disparity of forces engaged at, 124, 14; loss of Armistead's brigade at, 130; Gen. Lee at, 135, 243 Gift, C. S. Navy, Lt. G. W., 4 Godwin, Gen. A. C. killed, 284 Godwin, Col. D. J., 111 Gordon, Gen. John B. Monument to, 194; The man of the 12th of May, 296 Graves, Gen. B., 247 Grierson Col. B. H. Raid of, 85; Defeat of at Clinton, Miss., 93 Hancock, General W. S. 145 Harman, Major M. G., 233 Harper's Ferry, capture of, 268 Harris, Catain T. W., 234 Harrison, Colonel Z. D., 194 Hendree, Lt. E. P., killed, 214, 29
el, Major John W., 17, 44, 58, 72, 99, 336, 341, 344, 359 Davis, Capt. James T. killed 201 Died on the field of honor, 43, 67 Dispatch captured, 228 Dow, capture of Gen. Neal, 94 Drug conditions of the Confederacy, 161 England, Capt. A. V. killed, 19 Ewell, Gen. R. S., 19 Falligant, Capt. Robert 296 Farragut, Admiral D. G., 2 Fauntleroy, Gen. T. T., 286 Featherstone, Capt. J. C., 358 Federal Army, Foreigners in, 240 Federal, vessels destroyed, 8, 84 Ferrero, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 Gaines, Lieut. S. M., 69 375 Garber, Maj. A. W., 341 Gardner, Gen. Frank, 83 Garnett Gen. R. B., sword of and how he died, 26 Georgia Military Institute Cadets, Roster of 306 Gettysburg causes of Lee's failure at, 81; charge of Pickett's Division, 118; disparity of forces engaged at, 124, 14; loss of Ar
G. M. Sorrel (search for this): chapter 1.40
, 282 Rodgers Robert L., 306 Rogers, Rev. E. J., 289 Rosser, D. D., Rev. L., 235, 290 St. Johns' Church Richmond, Va., 194 Saunders, General J. C. C., 360 Scott, Dr. Wm. Wallace 292 Semmes, General Paul J., 105 Seven Days Battles, 223 Seven Pines, Battle of, 218 Sharpsburg or Antietam Battle of, a bloody contest, 110; 15th Va. at 97; losses as compared with those of other great battles 105 Smith, Captain James Power, 135, 258 Smyth, Colonel Thos. A., 327 Sorrel's Recollections, 25 Southern, Genius, Contributions of to National prosperity, 162; heroism and magnaminity, 162; sacrifices, 164 Spotsylvania C. H., Battle near, 260, 320; forces engaged at, 321 Springfield Landing, surprise at, 90 Stewart Colonel W. H., 353 Stiles, Major Robert, 17, 43 Terrill, General J. E. B killed, 57 Thomas, Richard S., 112 Thomas, Samuel, 112 University of Virginia, Honor Roll of, 43 Vandalism Federal, 275 Vandever, Major, 293 Walth
A. W. Garber (search for this): chapter 1.40
e Confederacy, 161 England, Capt. A. V. killed, 19 Ewell, Gen. R. S., 19 Falligant, Capt. Robert 296 Farragut, Admiral D. G., 2 Fauntleroy, Gen. T. T., 286 Featherstone, Capt. J. C., 358 Federal Army, Foreigners in, 240 Federal, vessels destroyed, 8, 84 Ferrero, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 Gaines, Lieut. S. M., 69 375 Garber, Maj. A. W., 341 Gardner, Gen. Frank, 83 Garnett Gen. R. B., sword of and how he died, 26 Georgia Military Institute Cadets, Roster of 306 Gettysburg causes of Lee's failure at, 81; charge of Pickett's Division, 118; disparity of forces engaged at, 124, 14; loss of Armistead's brigade at, 130; Gen. Lee at, 135, 243 Gift, C. S. Navy, Lt. G. W., 4 Godwin, Gen. A. C. killed, 284 Godwin, Col. D. J., 111 Gordon, Gen. John B. Monument to, 194; The man of the 12th of May, 29
, Gen. E. 367 Fleming, Prof. W. L., 161 Flournoy, Mack, killed, 290 Federicksburg, battlefield of, 120 Freitchie, Mythical Barbara, 265 Fulkerson, Col. A., 57 Gaines, Lieut. S. M., 69 375 Garber, Maj. A. W., 341 Gardner, Gen. Frank, 83 Garnett Gen. R. B., sword of and how he died, 26 Georgia Military Institute Cadets, Roster of 306 Gettysburg causes of Lee's failure at, 81; charge of Pickett's Division, 118; disparity of forces engaged at, 124, 14; loss of Armist Petersburg Military Park, 352 Porcher, Francis Peyre, 161 Port Hudson, strategic value of, 83; seige of, 86 Porter, General Fitz. John, 32 Porter, Commander W. D., false reports by, 32 Powell, D. D., Rev. W. C. 290 Powers, Colonel Frank, 83 Preaching in Camp, 289 Private Soldier of C. S. A., The, 65, 111 Purcell, Mrs. John B., 26 Randolph, Lt. J. Tucker, 58; Norman V., 58 Re-enlistment in Army, 258, 269 Rodes, General R. E. and family, 281, 282 Rodgers R
Joseph W. Randolph (search for this): chapter 1.40
scoe, W. H., 96 Patton, Colonel G. W., killed, 284 Pegram's Brigade, glories of, 61 Peters U. C. V., Colonel Winfield, 26 Petersburg Military Park, 352 Porcher, Francis Peyre, 161 Port Hudson, strategic value of, 83; seige of, 86 Porter, General Fitz. John, 32 Porter, Commander W. D., false reports by, 32 Powell, D. D., Rev. W. C. 290 Powers, Colonel Frank, 83 Preaching in Camp, 289 Private Soldier of C. S. A., The, 65, 111 Purcell, Mrs. John B., 26 Randolph, Lt. J. Tucker, 58; Norman V., 58 Re-enlistment in Army, 258, 269 Rodes, General R. E. and family, 281, 282 Rodgers Robert L., 306 Rogers, Rev. E. J., 289 Rosser, D. D., Rev. L., 235, 290 St. Johns' Church Richmond, Va., 194 Saunders, General J. C. C., 360 Scott, Dr. Wm. Wallace 292 Semmes, General Paul J., 105 Seven Days Battles, 223 Seven Pines, Battle of, 218 Sharpsburg or Antietam Battle of, a bloody contest, 110; 15th Va. at 97; losses as compared wi
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