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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.28 (search)
pressed that some soldier who was there would do for the Thirty-second Virginia Regiment what Colonel Morrison had done for the Fifteenth Virginia. I have waited for nearly one year to see if some one more competent than I would respond, but so far I have seen no account of the Thirty-second Virginia, and the old regiment was there, and did her full duty, having lost forty-five per cent. in killed and wounded. If our noble Colonel Edgar Bunn Montague, Lieutenant-Colonel W. R. Willis, Major Baker P. Lee, or several Captains, Samuel Armistead, Octavius Coke, O. P. Johnson, Segar Green, Adjutant Pettit, and other true and brave men were alive, they could and would give a good account; but I will try and do the best that I can, and tell what I saw and did from my standpoint, which was not very far right or left of our colors. Bob Forrest was the color-bearer, John Cose, of Company I, was on his right front rank, and I was on his left front rank. Captain Octavius Coke, of Company C, on