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Springfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
se who are willing to accompany me will side to the right and form in line. Ridgely in the meantime had fastened our banner to a crude staff, under which every Marylander present rallied, and with Colonel Dorsey at the head of the little band, we moved forward, passing through Waynesboro, encamping for the night five miles south of the town. At sunrise the march was resumed, and proceeded southward for three days and a half, passing through Greenville, Midway, Fairfield, Lexington and Springfield. We crossed the James river at Buchanan and reached Cloverdale at noon on Saturday, April 29, 1865. We then went into camp and the men were given their discharge. The following address was read to the men by Lieutenant Ditty: The farewell address. To the gallant band who claim Maryland as their song: Soldiers,—You, my veteran friends, who have weathered the storm, may now sing your song with proud hearts. It once could be heard on every lip, but after the Maryland campaig
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
ered, we will yet join hands and fling our glorious battle flags to the breeze as the emblem of their majesty and strength. In conclusion, let me urge upon you to remain quiet and keep your armor burnished. You, who struck the first blow in Baltimore and the last in Virginia, have done all that could be asked of you. Had the rest of our officers and men adhered to our cause with the same devotion to-day we would have been free from the Yankees. May the God of battles bless you. With manyCommanding Division. Cloverdale, Botetourt county, Va., April 29, 1865. The flag, by a vote of the officers and men, was given to Colonal Dorsey. He took each man by the hand, bidding each an affectionate farewell. I was paroled at Harrisonburg, Va., May I am not one of those who half-apologize by saying we fought for what we believed to be right. I think we fought for what was right, and I have never had a regret for the part I took in the strife. Baltimore, Md., January 29, 1910.
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
the men were given their discharge. The following address was read to the men by Lieutenant Ditty: The farewell address. To the gallant band who claim Maryland as their song: Soldiers,—You, my veteran friends, who have weathered the storm, may now sing your song with proud hearts. It once could be heard on every liplant little band caught up another air from Virginia. Three years ago the chivalrous (Ridgely) Brown joined my old command, with twenty-three men—twenty-three Maryland volunteers, with light hearts and full of fight. If they had a care, a trouble or a wish, it was to whip the Yankees. They increased so rapidly that the captaild Brigade to remain at home and be ready, and whenever and wherever we are called, I know the gallant Colonel Dorsey and his braves will rally again, and though Maryland and Virginia are now overpowered, we will yet join hands and fling our glorious battle flags to the breeze as the emblem of their majesty and strength. In con
Salem (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
zvous, met Lieutenant Ditty and Private Johnson, of our command, on the road, and together we crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Upon reaching Waynesboro I left them and proceeded five miles farther to the Cattle Scales. Here I found that a number of our boys had already assembled. By 10 o'clock next morning nearly every member of the command which had marched to Lynchburg was present. Colonel Dorsey then formed us in line and said: General Munford has ordered me to meet him at Salem, Roanoke county, with my battalion. From there we expect to go South and join General Joseph E. Johnston. I want every man to feel that he is at liberty to do as he pleases. Those who are willing to accompany me will side to the right and form in line. Ridgely in the meantime had fastened our banner to a crude staff, under which every Marylander present rallied, and with Colonel Dorsey at the head of the little band, we moved forward, passing through Waynesboro, encamping for the night
Harrisonburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
ength. In conclusion, let me urge upon you to remain quiet and keep your armor burnished. You, who struck the first blow in Baltimore and the last in Virginia, have done all that could be asked of you. Had the rest of our officers and men adhered to our cause with the same devotion to-day we would have been free from the Yankees. May the God of battles bless you. With many thanks for your generous support and a hearty God bless you. I bid you farewell. Thomas T. Munford, Brig.—General, Commanding Division. Cloverdale, Botetourt county, Va., April 29, 1865. The flag, by a vote of the officers and men, was given to Colonal Dorsey. He took each man by the hand, bidding each an affectionate farewell. I was paroled at Harrisonburg, Va., May I am not one of those who half-apologize by saying we fought for what we believed to be right. I think we fought for what was right, and I have never had a regret for the part I took in the strife. Baltimore, Md., January 29, 1910
Augusta county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
lowly and unmolested, reaching Lynchburg that afternoon. The First Maryland Cavalry crossed the James River about dark and encamped in the Fair Grounds. At sunrise the next morning, April 10, we were formed in line, and Colonel Dorsey informed us that it had been determined at yesterday's conference to disband the cavalry for a short time. Acting upon this agreement, we were free to go where we pleased until April 25, when he would expect every man to meet him at the Cattle Scales, in Augusta county. We at once broke ranks; our color-bearer, John Ridgely, stripped our beloved flag from its staff, placed it in his haversack, and carried it with him to Albemarle county, Va. The men scattered in every direction. About April 15, while riding along the road, I was invited by a boy to the house of his mother, a widow, who owned a small place in Deep Gully, through which ran a small stream called Hickory Creek. Here I remained until April 24. On that date I started for our appointed
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
Munford's Marylanders never surrendered to foe. From Richmond, Va., Times-dispatch, February 6, 1910. Belonged to famous command which cut its way out on Eve of Lee's surrender. By John R. Stonebraker. After repulsing the Yankees when we made the last charge at Appomattox, and General Munford, having most emphatically declined to be included in the surrender of General R. E. Lee's army, General Munford's command moved off slowly and unmolested, reaching Lynchburg that afternoon. Theh Waynesboro, encamping for the night five miles south of the town. At sunrise the march was resumed, and proceeded southward for three days and a half, passing through Greenville, Midway, Fairfield, Lexington and Springfield. We crossed the James river at Buchanan and reached Cloverdale at noon on Saturday, April 29, 1865. We then went into camp and the men were given their discharge. The following address was read to the men by Lieutenant Ditty: The farewell address. To the gall
Buchanan, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
de to the right and form in line. Ridgely in the meantime had fastened our banner to a crude staff, under which every Marylander present rallied, and with Colonel Dorsey at the head of the little band, we moved forward, passing through Waynesboro, encamping for the night five miles south of the town. At sunrise the march was resumed, and proceeded southward for three days and a half, passing through Greenville, Midway, Fairfield, Lexington and Springfield. We crossed the James river at Buchanan and reached Cloverdale at noon on Saturday, April 29, 1865. We then went into camp and the men were given their discharge. The following address was read to the men by Lieutenant Ditty: The farewell address. To the gallant band who claim Maryland as their song: Soldiers,—You, my veteran friends, who have weathered the storm, may now sing your song with proud hearts. It once could be heard on every lip, but after the Maryland campaign it was discarded and your gallant little
Deep Gully (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
greement, we were free to go where we pleased until April 25, when he would expect every man to meet him at the Cattle Scales, in Augusta county. We at once broke ranks; our color-bearer, John Ridgely, stripped our beloved flag from its staff, placed it in his haversack, and carried it with him to Albemarle county, Va. The men scattered in every direction. About April 15, while riding along the road, I was invited by a boy to the house of his mother, a widow, who owned a small place in Deep Gully, through which ran a small stream called Hickory Creek. Here I remained until April 24. On that date I started for our appointed rendezvous, met Lieutenant Ditty and Private Johnson, of our command, on the road, and together we crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Upon reaching Waynesboro I left them and proceeded five miles farther to the Cattle Scales. Here I found that a number of our boys had already assembled. By 10 o'clock next morning nearly every member of the command whi
Roanoke County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.29
Lieutenant Ditty and Private Johnson, of our command, on the road, and together we crossed the Blue Ridge at Rockfish Gap. Upon reaching Waynesboro I left them and proceeded five miles farther to the Cattle Scales. Here I found that a number of our boys had already assembled. By 10 o'clock next morning nearly every member of the command which had marched to Lynchburg was present. Colonel Dorsey then formed us in line and said: General Munford has ordered me to meet him at Salem, Roanoke county, with my battalion. From there we expect to go South and join General Joseph E. Johnston. I want every man to feel that he is at liberty to do as he pleases. Those who are willing to accompany me will side to the right and form in line. Ridgely in the meantime had fastened our banner to a crude staff, under which every Marylander present rallied, and with Colonel Dorsey at the head of the little band, we moved forward, passing through Waynesboro, encamping for the night five miles
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