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J. E. B. Stuart 612 6 Browse Search
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Culp's Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
e east, while to the west it falls off in a cultivated and undulatory valley which it commands. The ridge at its northern extremity at the Cemetery, turns eastward a short distance, and then southward, terminating in a bold promontory called Culps Hill. The Federal line on its right wing, thus faced northward to the town, with a bend to the east. Its extension along Cemetery Heights and Round Top faced to the west. The Confederate forces occupying the outer line, were spread over a great parallel to the Cemetery Ridge. Longstreet faced Round Top, and part of Cemetery Ridge; Hill continued the line from the left of Longstreet, and Ewell held the town, sweeping round the base of Cemetery Hill, and ending on the left in front of Culps Hill. There is a mass of concurring testimony from a number of officers of high standing in the army, and some of whom participated in a conference, held by General Lee during the night of the 1st, that the attack should be made by Longstreet at
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
entrate the Western forces under Joe Johnston, against Rosencranz at Tullahoma, and add his two divisions, which would enable Johnston to crush Rosencrans; after which they could turn their faces North, and with this splendid army march through Tennessee and Kentucky and threaten the invasion of Ohio. In the march through those States, he thought the army would meet no organized obstruction, and supplies would be plentiful. Mr. Seddon, he says, did not accede to his views, not, he thought fronnsylvania would accomplish the same results, to which he replied he did not see that it would, and the movement would be too hazarous, and the campaign in thoroughly Union States would require more time and greater preparation than one through Tennessee and Kentucky. The account proceeds, I soon discovered that he (Lee) had determined he would make some forward movement, and I finally assented that the Pennsylvania campaign might be brought to a successful issue if he could make it offensive
Jefferson City (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
ers, which added greatly to the length of his column and impeded his march. The destruction of stores, and the tracks of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad further delayed him, so that Westminster was not reached until the evening of the 29th, where a slight skirmish occurred. The next morning, June 30th, the march was resumed in a direct line for Hanover, Pa. Here a considerable body of cavalry was encountered, which had to be disposed of, and sending the wagon trains and prisoners by way of Jefferson, Dover was reached on the morning of July 1st. Here Stuart learned that Early had marched his division in the direction of Shippensburg, and after a short rest, he moved on to Carlisle, which was held by a considerable body of militia. During the night of July 1st, he learned through dispatches from General Lee, that the army was at Gettysburg, and had been engaged on that day. The late Judge James D. Watters, of the Third Judicial Circuit of the State of Maryland, then in Harry Gilm
Aldie (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
he had any in this part of the country. He dispatched Gregg with a division to Aldie, at the mouth of a pass in the Bull Run Mountains, and a stiff fight occurred oStuart with the cavalry. General Stuart, last night, was within a few miles of Aldie, to which point the enemy had retired. The campaign had now reached a stage e compaign, made on the 20th of August, 1863, he says, that after the affair at Aldie, He began to look for some other point at which to aim an effective blow, and hding ridge, running generally in the same direction and extending northerly to Oak Hill where the view was lost in the forests. Davis' right rested on the turnpike an the sun as his brigades emerged from the woods and deployed on the slopes of Oak Hill. They were none too soon, for Heth's men were well nigh exhausted, and they wave me an opportunity to witness a large portion of the battlefield, including Oak Hill where Rodes' brigades deployed in line. It also gave me the opportunity of
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
, and not as picturesque in its setting as Fredericksburg, and while there was no brilliant coup de the time they left the neighborhood of Fredericksburg, Va., noting the objects had in view by the y, was quietly withdrawn from the front at Fredericksburg, and put on the march to Culpeper Court Hoorps, crossed the river on pontoons, below Fredericksburg, and made a demonstration on Hill's right,he Confederates, although Hooker, South of Fredericksburg, was nearer Richmond than Lee at Culpeper,immediate bank of the Rappahannock from Hamilton's Crossing to Culpeper. A. P. Hill's corps is on his right, below Fredericksburg; Ewell's corps joins his left, reaching to the Rapidan and beyond thfe to mass troops south of the river below Fredericksburg, and General Sykes expressed himself as opd the tail of it on the Plank Road between Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, the animal must be vs had given out since the march began from Fredericksburg, and there was urgent need for fresh ones
Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
rs present, but two escaped unhurt. Archer, after pushing the cavalry out of his way, crossed Willoughby Run in the face of the enemy, and moved forward to the charge on the eastern slope of that stream. His progress was retarded by the undergrowth, but after clearing that with great effort, his men advanced with a yell, and delivered their fire within forty or fifty feet of the enemy's lines. They were met by the Iron Brigade under Meredith, composed of a splendid body of troops from Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana. Meredith largely overlapped Archer and the latter's flanks became exposed and subjected to a cross fire which compelled a retreat. In recrossing the stream, he together with a considerable portion of the command were taken prisoners. In describing how the action was brought on, General Heth says, that being ignorant what force was at or near Gettysburg, and supposing it to consist of cavalry, most probably supported by a brigade or two of infantry, he made a rec
Wrightsville (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
encastle, Chambersburg and Carlisle, making requisitions and securing supplies. He reached Carlisle on the 27th, with two divisions, Johnson's and Rodes', while Early was deflected to the east, and directed to move across South Mountain to Gettysburg and York. Early passed through Gettysburg without opposition, on the 26th, and reached York on the 27th. While the requisitions made by Early upon the authorities at York, were being complied with, Gordon with his brigade was dispatched to Wrightsville, on the 28th, to secure the Columbia bridge over the Susquehanna, his purpose being, if he obtained possession of the bridge, to cross his force over the river, cut attack Harrisburg from the rear, expecting the balance of the division to move on it in front. Gordon found a body of militia the Pennsylvania Railroad, lay Lancaster under contribution, and entrenched to protect the bridge, which he tried to take in flank, and cut off from the bridge, but his ignorance of the ground prevente
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
he division of Ewell's left there to watch Harper's Ferry. The first point in General Lee's game y escaping with a fragment of his force to Harper's Ferry. What must have been Hooker's surprise e forces at Winchester and the garrison at Harper's Ferry would have been withdrawn to the defenses Potomac, whether his purpose was to occupy Harper's Ferry, or whether he meditated crossing the mounfront. Not knowing what force there is at Harper's Ferry, or could be collected to oppose your proglleck wished him to march to the relief of Harper's Ferry. Hooker considered the occupation of that A. M. It was to march in the direction of Harper's Ferry, where I was going myself. It had been pln to withdraw a portion of the garrison at Harper's Ferry, leaving a detachment to guard Maryland He to which Halleck replied: The garrison at Harper's Ferry is under your orders, you can increase or ar and give battle. That he had abandoned Harper's Ferry, and the garrison there, with the exceptio[1 more...]
Carlisle, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
also notified me that one column should move via Gettysburg and the other via Carlisle, towards the Susquehanna, and directed me after crossing, to proceed with all sion in the direction of Shippensburg, and after a short rest, he moved on to Carlisle, which was held by a considerable body of militia. During the night of July 1d Valley, and occupying successively Hagerstown, Greencastle, Chambersburg and Carlisle, making requisitions and securing supplies. He reached Carlisle on the 27th, Carlisle on the 27th, with two divisions, Johnson's and Rodes', while Early was deflected to the east, and directed to move across South Mountain to Gettysburg and York. Early passed thronued to pour into Washington, that the Confederate forces were rapidly leaving Carlisle and moving towards the Cumberland Valley. These dispatches forwarded to Generrk on the 29th. As these came through Ewell, who was thirty miles distant at Carlisle, and Carlisle is about the same distance from Chambersburg, it is probable tha
Poolesville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.5
crossed the river at Shepherdstown on the 24th, and Longstreet at the same time at Williamsport. The two columns united at Hagerstown, and proceeded thence to the neighborhood of Chambersburg, which was reached on the 27th, where a rest was made of two days. The two cavalry brigades of Robertson and Jones followed, and instructions were sent to Imboden, commanding a cavalry force, to move from Hancock and join the army. When Stuart crossed the river, he learned that Hooker was at Poolesville, Maryland, and his army in motion for Frederick. Had he paused when he reached the river and turning back, moved up by the south bank and crossed at Shepherdstown, he would have had no more miles to travel following Lee in reaching Gettysburg than he passed over in the route he took, and with the road free of obstacles, could have accomplished it in less time. But his choice of routes in the first instance, however unhappy it proved to be, cannot be said to have been a violation of his inst
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