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Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
and the acquisition of the munitions of war at Selma or Montgomery far outweighed in importance, to his practical mind, the glory of the capture of Mobile. His orders in regard to Schofield's movement were now minute and constant, and he in reality directed the operation as closely as if he had been chief of staff. On the 24th of January, he said: As rapidly as it can be sent, in addition to previous calls, I want fifteen miles of railroad iron sent from Norfolk or elsewhere to Beaufort, North Carolina. Men will also be required to lay the track from Newbern to Kinston. Even the roads over which Sherman must be supplied were to be carried towards the rendezvous, to meet his column on its northward march. In the latter part of January, the Potomac still being frozen, the general-in-chief proceeded with Schofield, in advance of the troops, to the mouth of the Cape Fear river, to consult with Porter and Terry, and to study the situation on the coast. Schofield was now placed i
Gulf of Mexico (search for this): chapter 7
sion to Canby, and three thousand cavalry to Vicksburg. Canby, meanwhile, had received his orders to move from the Gulf of Mexico towards Montgomery and Selma. On the 18th of January, the general-in-chief instructed him to make an independent camnnessee; inspiring one advance from the north and another from the south, one from the Tennessee and another from the Gulf of Mexico, against the last great arsenals and storehouses left to the rebellion west of the Alleghanies; and himself still fireed with the principal strategic objects of the war. When, however, a positive movement was ordered by Grant from the Gulf of Mexico, in co-operation with his other plans and other armies, he at once assumed different relations with Canby, and gave h also anxiously supervising the operations he had ordered from the Tennessee and the Mississippi rivers, and from the Gulf of Mexico. He was becoming dissatisfied with Canby. As early as the 1st of March, he enquired of Halleck: Was not the order
New Market (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
his important commanders, Halleck was then instructed to say: General Grant's wishes, however, are that this whole matter of your future actions should be left entirely to your discretion. Sherman answered promptly on the 24th, and, in response to an invitation from Grant to present his views, he proposed to move on Branchville, ignoring Charleston and Augusta, then occupy Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, and strike for the Charleston and Wilmington railroad, somewhere between the Santee and Cape Fear rivers. Then, he said, I would favor an attack on Wilmington, in the belief that Porter and Butler will fail in their present expedition. After Wilmington should have fallen, he proposed to move upon Raleigh, in North Carolina. He would thus break up the entire railroad system of South and North Carolina, and place himself within a hundred and fifty miles of Grant. The game then, he said, would be up with Lee, unless he comes out of Richmond, avoids you, and fights me, in wh
Goochland (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
James, and his scouts reported the enemy concentrating at Lynchburg from the west, while Pickett's infantry and Fitz Lee's cavalry were moving upon the same point from Richmond. The bridges over the James were destroyed, and Sheridan must either return to Winchester or attempt to rejoin Grant. Fortunately, he chose the latter course. But first he determined to effect a more absolute demolition of the railroads and canal. By hurrying quickly down the canal, and destroying it as far as Goochland, and then moving along the railroad towards Richmond, and tearing that up as close to the city as possible, he felt convinced that he could not only strike a heavy blow at the supplies of the rebel capital and army, but render useless the concentration of troops at Lynchburg. This conception was no sooner formed than acted on, and the entire command moved down the canal. The rain and mud again impeded the advance; the troops were now much worn, and the animals fatigued; but Sheridan repl
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
burg, they will be required where they are. No contingency was forgotten, no preparation omitted. And now Grant waited only for the arrival of Sheridan from the Pamunkey. On the 20th of March, he invited the President to pay him a visit at City Point. Lincoln assented at once, and arrived on the 22nd. On the 25th, Sherman, leaving Schofield in command, also started for City Point. He had not been summoned, but was naturally anxious to communicate in person with his chief after the long sCity Point. He had not been summoned, but was naturally anxious to communicate in person with his chief after the long series of important operations in which he had been engaged, as well as to receive orders in regard to his future movements. Grant met him at the steamboat landing, with more than a cordial welcome, and the great brothers in arms went together to pay their respects to the President. Admiral Porter was also present at the interview, and Lincoln listened with the keenest interest to Sherman's graphic story of his march. There was nothing like a council of war, for Grant never held one in his l
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
uth Carolina, to be there about the time you would reach Columbia. He could either have drawn off the enemy's cavalry from you, or would have succeeded in destroying railroads, supplies, and other material which you could not reach. At that time the Richmond papers were full of accounts of your movements, and gave daily accounts of movements in West North Carolina; I supposed all the time it was Stoneman. You may judge my surprise when I afterward learned that Stoneman was still in Louisville, Kentucky, and that the troops in North Carolina were Kirk's forces. In order that Stoneman might get off without delay, I told Thomas that three thousand men would be sufficient for him to take. In the meantime I had directed Sheridan to get his cavalry ready, and as soon as the snow in the mountains melted sufficiently, to start for Staunton, and go on and destroy the Virginia Central road and the canal. Time advanced, and he set the 28th of February for starting. I informed Thomas, and
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
of Potomac junction of Sherman and Schofield Sherman's northward march difficulties at outset advances directly North enters Columbia-conflagration caused by Hampton's orders Sherman's troops extinguish flames fall of Charleston Sherman pursues Beauregard as far as Winnsboro turns eastward arrives at Cheraw great capturets of Hood's army were also hurrying rapidly across Georgia by way of Augusta, to make junction in the national front; and these, with Hardee, Wheeler, Bragg, and Hampton's troops, would amount to forty thousand men; a formidable force, sufficient, if handled with spirit and energy, to make the passage of rivers like the Santee andearth or cotton parapets to carry, and cypress swamps to cross; but nothing stayed his course. On the 13th, he learned that there was no enemy in Columbia except Hampton's cavalry. Hardee, at Charleston, took it for granted that Sherman was moving upon that place, and the rebels in Augusta supposed that they were Sherman's object
Ohio (United States) (search for this): chapter 7
his northward march. On the 7th of January, Grant said to Halleck: Order General Thomas, if he is assured of the departure south of Hood from Corinth, to send Schofield here with his corps, with as little delay as possible. Schofield was at Clifton, on the Tennessee, when, on the 14th of January, he received his orders, and the movement was begun on the following day. The troops were sent with their artillery and horses, but without wagons, by steam transports, along the Tennessee and Ohio rivers to Cincinnati, and thence by rail to Washington and Alexandria. It was midwinter, and the weather unusually severe. The movement was delayed by snow and ice and violent storms; the Baltimore and Ohio railroad had to be especially guarded against guerrillas during the passage; but the troops moved night and day, through fogs and sleet on the Ohio and snows in the mountains, and on the 31st of January, the whole command had arrived at Washington and Alexandria. Here, however, another una
Bull's Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ly. Hoke's division was confronting him. Schofield was going out himself, and expected to push out and take Kinston at once. On the 14th of March, Grant said to Halleck: Instruct General Gillmore that if Sherman strikes the sea-coast at any other point than Wilmington before the execution of the transfer of troops, they will join him, wherever he may be. Of Thomas he enquired on this day: Has Stoneman started yet on his expedition? Have you commenced moving troops from Knoxville to Bull's Gap? On the 16th of March, Grant heard direct from Sherman, and telegraphed at once to the Secretary of War: I am just in receipt of a letter from General Sherman from Fayetteville. He describes his army in fine health and spirits, having met with no serious opposition. Hardee keeps in his front at a respectful distance. At Columbia he destroyed immense arsenals and railroad establishments, and forty-three cannon. At Cheraw he found much machinery and war material, including seventy-fi
Catawba River (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
ad being clear, the army moved to Goldsboro, where Schofield had already arrived. On the 25th, the road from Newbern was complete, and the first train of cars came up from the coast. Sherman therefore was able to supply his command. Thus was concluded one of the longest and most important marches ever made by an organized army in civilized war. The distance from Savannah to Goldsboro is four hundred and twenty-five miles. Five large navigable rivers had been crossed—the Edisto, Broad, Catawba, Pedee, and Cape Fear, at either of which a comparatively small force, well handled, might have made the passage difficult, if not impossible. The country generally was in a state of nature, with innumerable swamps, and the roads were masses of mud, nearly every mile of which had to be corduroyed. Columbia, Cheraw, and Fayetteville—all important depots of supplies, had been captured, the evacuation of Charleston rendered inevitable, all the railroads of South Carolina had been broken up,
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