Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905. You can also browse the collection for Middlesex Village (Massachusetts, United States) or search for Middlesex Village (Massachusetts, United States) in all documents.

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Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Historical Sketch of the old Middlesex canal. (search)
r was low, only about half a full load could be carried. Three boats each way a week were run. The fare from Boston to Middlesex was seventy-five cents, and from Middlesex to Lowell six and one-quarter cents. A stage met the boats at Middlesex to Middlesex to Lowell six and one-quarter cents. A stage met the boats at Middlesex to carry passengers to Lowell. The pay for a boatman in 1830 was $15 per month. Luggage or merchandise boats made two and one-half miles per hour, while passage boats made four miles. The time required to go from Boston to Lowell was about twelve hoMiddlesex to carry passengers to Lowell. The pay for a boatman in 1830 was $15 per month. Luggage or merchandise boats made two and one-half miles per hour, while passage boats made four miles. The time required to go from Boston to Lowell was about twelve hours, and to Concord, N. H., from seven to ten days. Between Boston and Lowell the usual time for freight boats was eighteen hours up and twelve hours down. Of the passage boats there were at first two, one running up and one down daily. Later, whose roots once gave stability to the shores of the canal. Several other buildings of interest still stand in historic Middlesex. The canal is now well defined through the country as one is traveling on the road to Lowell. At Medford the Woburn