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Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905 30 2 Browse Search
Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909 12 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 7, April, 1908 - January, 1909. You can also browse the collection for Abner Morse or search for Abner Morse in all documents.

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therein confidently made were based on the alleged result of researches said by Morse to have been made at the instance of the late Peter Bent Brigham. This I followed Mr. Morse in accepting in good faith. At the meeting to which I have referred, some suggestions by that sterling investigator, Charles D. Elliot, caused me to acres on ye Rocks on Charlestown line. In view of the important error of Rev. Abner Morse, the first Brigham genealogist, in locating upon this plot the homestead iy history which is unwarranted by its actual position as a Brigham possession. Morse, mistaking the well-known ledges of Clarendon Hill for ye Cambridge Rocks, decl conjecture that Thomas was buried in Medford.f The Cambridge Rocks were, as Morse says, a well-known ancient landmark, but they were not where Morse places them.Morse places them. They begin in Cambridge on the Watertown line, at a point which is now the corner of Pleasant Street and Concord Avenue, Belmont. They skirt the western boundary
McLellan Hospital, 5. McNall, George, 17. McQuade, John, 11. Mead, Sarah A., 32. Menotomy River, 87. Merritt, John S., 17. Methodist Church, 31. Milk Row School to 1849, 25-41. Milk Street Primary, 26. Mills, Edwin, 17. Miller, Colonel, 62. Mitchell, Edward S., 46. Mitchell, Luther, 65. Mitchell, Luther, 2nd, 46. Mitchell, Mary Ann, 46. Mitchell, Mary L., 46. Mitchell, Nathaniel, 44, 46, 69. Monongahela, Flagship, 60. Moore, Governor, 57. Moran, James, 9, 17. Morse, Rev., Abner, 87. Morton, Rev., Charles, 79, 80. Moulton, Ellen, 24. Moulton, William, 17, 19. Mount Hermon Lodge, Medford, 72. Mousal, John, 80. Mt. Auburn, 33. Mudge, Ezra, 73. Munroe, Edwin, 34. Munroe, Edwin, Jr., 74. Munroe, James, 47. Myers, George, 17. Mystic River, 28. National Fast, 1. Neck of Land, 63. Necrology, Report of Committee on, 21-24, 71, 72. Nelson, Captain George S., 4. Newell, James H., 18. New England Relief Association, 12. New Iberia, 56. N