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nth, II., 324; Sixty-eighth, II., 324; III., 338; Sixty-ninth, II., 322; Seventy-first, II., 322; Seventy-third II, 334; Seventy-fourth, II., 324; Seventy-eighth, II., 324; Eighty-fifth, II., 339, 336; Eighty-ninth, II., 324; Ninety-third, III., 270, 321; One Hundred and First, II., 332; One Hundred and Sixteenth, II., 348; One hundred and Eighteenth, II., 348. Indianapolis, Ind.: I., 209; Camp Morton, prison, VII., 71. Indianola,, U. S. S.: II., 330; VI., 71, 81, 206, 318. Indians: recruiting in Wisconsin regiments, VIII., 75. Information supplied to Confederates by sympathizers in the North Viii., 274, 288. Ingalls, R.: III., 33; IV., 301; X., 49. Ingham Mills, Miss., II., 314. Ingraham, D. N., VI., 124, 239, 318. Inloes, C. E., VII., 125. Innes, W. P., III., 211. Ino,, U. S. S., VI., 290, 293. Instruments of war and mercy, VII., 259. Intelligence Bureau, U. S. Army, VIII., 24. Iosco,, U. S. S., III., 342.
, 320; IV., 43; V., 136; VIII., 198, 246; death of, VIII., 252, 298; IX., 193, 197; X., 129, 202. Sedgwick, Fort, Va. (see also Fort Sedgwick, Va.), I., 285. Selfridge, T. O., I., 215; VI., 147. Selma, Ala.: III., 344; IV., 136, 139; V., 166; arsenal at, V., 170; captured, IX., 247. Selma, , C. S. S., VI., 252, 254 seq. Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C. , VII., 283. Seminary Ridge, Gettysburg, Pa. , 243, 260. Seminole,, U. S. S., VI., 48. Seminole Indians Iv., 22. Semmes, P. J., X., 153. Semmes, R.: V., 158; VI., 80, 287, 289, 290, 293, 294, 301, 302, 304, 320; IX., 340 seq., 346. Semmes' Battery, Confederate, II., 320. Seneca,, U. S. S., III., 342; VI., 312. Separation and reunion, IX., 44 seq. Sequatchie Valley, Tenn., IV., 214. Sergeant and sentry guard, Long Bridge, Va., VIII, 81. Seven Days Battles: I., 83, 132, 299, 312 seq., 315, 320, 337; military result of, I., 338, 340, 342, 366; IV.
0, VIII., 75; suffers a financial panic, VIII., 75; troops furnished during Civil War, VIII., 75. Wisconsin troops: Artillery: First Independent battery of Light Art., V., 43; First Light Art., Baton Rouge, La., VIII., 248; Fourth, III., 318; Seventh, II., 328; Twelfth, III., 332. Cavalry: First, I., 364; II., 320, 332; Second, and staff, I., 247. Infantry: First, I., 348; III., 328, 330, 346; Second, I., 348, II., 336; III., 342; X., 119; losses X., 154; Third, I., 352; II., 25, 336; (Indians), VIII., 75; Fourth, I., 74; II., 320; VI., 234; Fifth, II., 123, 346; Seventh, II., 336;(Indian), VIII., 75, IX., 209, 211; losses, X., 54; Eighth, I., 352, 356; II., 328; III., 330; Ninth (Germans), II., 352; VIII., 75; Eleventh, 1.,368; Twelfth(French Canadians), VIII., 75; Fifteenth (Scandinavian), VIII., 75; Seventeenth (Irish), VIII., 75; Eighteenth, III., 332; Twenty-second, II., 330, 332: Twenty-sixth (German), VIII., 75; losses, X., 154; Thirty-seventh, II., 352; Twenty-eighth, cam