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The writings of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volume 7. (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier), Criticism (search)
st Is this thy neck, that curve of moonlight Which Helva's hand caressed? “No misty breathing strains thy nostril; Thine eye shines blue and cold; Yet mounting up our airy pathway I see thy hoofs of gold. Not lighter o'er the springing rainbow Walhalla's gods repair Than we in sweeping journey over The bending bridge of air. “Far, far around star-gleams are sparkling Amid the twilight space; And Earth, that lay so cold and darkling, Has veiled her dusky face. Are those the Nornes that beckon o banquets never o'er, And Freya's Freya, the Northern goddess of love. glances fill the bosom With sweetness evermore. “On on! the northern lights are streaming In brightness like the morn, And pealing far amid the vastness I hear the gyallarhorn. The horn blown by the watchers on the rainbow, the bridge over which the gods pass in Northern mythology. The heart of starry space is throbbing With songs of minstrels old; And now on high Walhalla's portal Gleam Surtur's hoofs of g