Found 874 total hits in 486 results.
ne to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269.
Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121.
Lucerne, 8.
Lugano, 224.
Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163.
Lunt, George, 165.
Lyly, John, 55.
McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22.
McLane, Mr., 118.
Madrid, 50.
Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220.
Maler River, the, 93.
Malherbe, Francis de, 191.
Marienberg, 157, 161, 170.
Marseilles, 3, 94.
Marshall, Emily, 19.
Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6.
Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11.
Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Magnalia, mentioned, 149.
Matsys, Quintin, 161.
Mayence, 162.
Mayflower (ship), 13.
Medici, Cosmo de, 164.
Mellen, Mr., 140.
Mellen, Judge, 17.
Mellen, Frederic, 17.
Mellen, Grenville, 23.
Menzel, Charles Adolphus, his History of German Literature, mentioned, 112.
Mexico, 263.
Middleton, Thomas, 188.
Milton, John, 268.
illiard, Gray & Co., 69.
Hingham, Mass., 61.
Hirm, Me., 12.
Holm, Saxe, 122.
Holmes, Dr., Oliver Wendell, 1, 6, 57, 68, 146, 197, 273, 285, 294; on Evangeline, 194; on Longfellow, 287.
Home Circle, the, quoted, 279.
Homer, 5, 235.
Hook, Theodore, 10.
Horace, 19, 45.
Howe, Dr. Samuel G., 284.
Howe family, 214.
Howells, William D., 126, 198; on Kavanagh, 200.
Hudson River, 132, 248.
Hughes, Mr., 96.
Hugo, Victor, 3, 5,
Humphreys, David, 23.
Hunt, Helen, 122.
Huron, Lake, 209.
Hyperion, 55, 112, 113, 127, 134, 137-139, 171, 175, 260, 288; new literary style in, 70; development of, 124; criticism of, 125, 126; turgid rhetoric of, 128.
India, 215.
Indians, 18, 79, 129,132; Longfellow's plea for, 21; Longfellow plans poem about, 207, 208.
Innsbruck, 223.
Interlaken, 8.
Irving, Washington, 7, 18, 46, 68, 80, 89, 132, 133, 249; Longfellow imitates, 26, 27; speaks of Longfellow, 50; his Sketch Book compared with Longfellow's Outre-Mer, 69-71.
hero, Canon, presides at Longfellow commemoration in Westminster Abbey, 249; accepts bust, 255.
Pulaski, Casimir, Count, 27.
Pulszky, Madame, her White, Red, and Black, cited, 173 note.
Pushmataha, 79.
Quincy, Edmund, 285.
Quincy, Josiah, 122, 178; his letter to Longfellow offering professorship, 84, 85; Longfellow's letters to, 85-87, 155, 157, 158; his letter to Longfellow about absence, 159, 160.
Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 133, 158.
Quincy, Miss, 158.
Racine, Jean, 65, 176.
Raleigh, Va., 82.
Raynes, Capt., 131.
Reboul, of Nimes, 191.
Reed, E. J., 224.
Revolution, American, the, 12,117.
Rhine River, 131, 170, 193.
Richter, Jean Paul, 64, 112, 113, 127.
Riddle, George, 290.
Riedesel, Baroness, 117.
Robert College, 3.
Robinson, Rowland, 198.
Rolfe, Prof. William J., 8; on Longfellow, 287, 288.
Rome, 132, 148, 215, 223.
Rosendale, 94.
Rossetti, Dante G., 190.
Rotterdam, 107, 111.
Round Hill School, 81.
Routledge, Mr., 245.
Rubens, Peter P., 16
ork City, 23, 45, 69, 70, 140, 149, 164, 188, 219.
New York, 149.
New York University, 6.
New York Independent, the, 5 note.
New York Review, the, 140.
Newburyport, Mass., 102.
Ney, Marshal, 47.
Niagara, 264.
Niccolini, 54.
Nichols, Rev. Dr., Ichabod, 91.
Nimmo, William P., 8.
North American Review, the, mentioned, 29, 87, 134, 137, 258; quoted, 70, 71, 130-132, 144, 145, 200; cited, 126 note; Longfellow contributes to, 58, 75-77; criticism of Longfellow in, 70.
Northampton, Mass., 81, 82.
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 195.
Norton, Prof., Andrews, 109, 192.
Norton, Prof. Charles E., 192; on Longfellow's Dante translation, 227; his translation compared with Longfellow's, 231, 232.
Nuremberg, 8.
Oehlenschlaeger, Adam G., compared with Longfellow, 196, 197.
Ohio, 275.
Ojibway chief, 208; Indians enact Hiawatha, 209.
Orleans, 48.
Ossian, 15.
Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 138,260; criticizes Longfellow, 52, 163.
Our Native Writers, Longfellow's oration, 21
38, 40-42, 57, 75,82, 84, 116-118, 121, 139, 154, 160,169,172,179,181,182,187,192,203,205, 214, 215, 244, 272, 283, 289; Longfellow's address to the children of, 55; establishes himself in, 133; Longfellow's speech at the anniversary of, 290, 291; schools of, celebrate Longfellow's seventy-fifth birthday, 291.
Cambridge Tribune, the, 117 note.
Cambridge, Eng., 220, 288.
Campbell, Thomas, 7, 62.
Canova, Anthony, 34.
Carey & Lea, 51.
Carey and Hart, 166.
Caribbean Sea, 266.
Carlisle, Eng., 219.
Carlyle, Thomas, 87, 90, 92, 259.
Carlyle, Mrs., Thomas, 90, 92.
Carlyles, the, 91.
Carpenter, Prof. George R., 127; his Longfellow, cited, 127 note, 166 note.
Carter, Mr. (Longfellow's teacher), 15,17.
Carter, James G., 23.
Cervantes, Miguel de, 188.
Chamberlain Collection of Autographs, 139 note.
Channing, W. Ellery, 271.
Channing, Rev. William E., 11, 164.
Chantrey, Sir, Francis, 90.
Charles River, 116, 118.
Chasles, Prof., Philarete, 195; describes Longfe
ristus, Longfellow begins, 236; appeared, 242.
Civil War, the, 65.
Clark, Mr., 221.
Clemens, Samuel L., 198.
Cleveland, Henry R., 139, 284.
Cogswell, Joseph G., 71, 81, 82.
Coleridge, Samuel T., 262, 291; his Ancient Mariner, mentioned, 149.
Coleridge, Sara, 141.
Colman, Samuel, Longfellow's letter to, 139, 140.
Cologne, 8.
Columbian Muse, the, a collection of poems, 23.
Como, Lake of, 223.
Concord, Mass., 133, 271.
Condry, Capt., 102.
Congress, U. S., 11, 13.
Connecticut, 90.
Conolly, Rev. H. L., 194,195.
Constantinople, 3.
Cooper, James F., 80, 133.
Copenhagen, 93, 98, 100, 103, 105, 106.
Corby Castle, 219.
Corneille, Pierre, 65.
Cowley, Abraham, 249.
Cowper, William, 9, 15.
Craigenputtock, 90.
Craigie, Mrs., 147; Longfellow's description of, 118-120.
Craigie, Andrew, 117, 118, 122.
Craigie House, 116-123,272,279,281, 283,291; resembles Mt. Vernon in situation, 116; various occupants of, 121; Longfellow's letter about elms for, 122,
quoted, 70, 71, 130-132, 144, 145, 200; cited, 126 note; Longfellow contributes to, 58, 75-77; criticism of Longfellow in, 70.
Northampton, Mass., 81, 82.
Norton, Hon. Mrs., 195.
Norton, Prof., Andrews, 109, 192.
Norton, Prof. Charles E., 192; on Longfellow's Dante translation, 227; his translation compared with Longfellow's, 231, 232.
Nuremberg, 8.
Oehlenschlaeger, Adam G., compared with Longfellow, 196, 197.
Ohio, 275.
Ojibway chief, 208; Indians enact Hiawatha, 209.
Orleans, 48.
Ossian, 15.
Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 138,260; criticizes Longfellow, 52, 163.
Our Native Writers, Longfellow's oration, 21, 22; quoted, 30-36.
Outre-Mer, 55, 67, 71, 73, 119,121, 124, 193; comparison of, with Irving's Sketch Book, 69, 70; Mrs. Longfellow's letter about, 83.
Oxford, Eng., 223, 288.
Packard, Prof., Alpheus, 61.
Paris, 46-48, 63, 158, 161, 223.
Parker, Theodore, 285.
Parsons, Theophilus, 23, 27.
Parsons, Thomas W., 209, 214, 215.
Paul, Jean, 199, 28
presses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269.
Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121.
Lucerne, 8.
Lugano, 224.
Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163.
Lunt, George, 165.
Lyly, John, 55.
McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22.
McLane, Mr., 118.
Madrid, 50.
Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220.
Maler River, the, 93.
Malherbe, Francis de, 191.
Marienberg, 157, 161, 170.
Marseilles, 3, 94.
Marshall, Emily, 19.
Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6.
Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11.
Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Magnalia, mentioned, 149.
Matsys, Quintin, 161.
Mayence, 162.
Mayflower (ship), 13.
Medici, Cosmo de, 164.
Mellen, Mr., 140.
Mellen, Judge, 17.
Mellen, Frederic, 17.
Mellen, Grenville, 23.
Menzel, Charles Adolphus, his History of German Literature, mentioned, 112.
Mexico, 263.
Middleton, Thomas, 188.
family, 60.
Longfellow Memorial Association, 121.
Louis the Sixteenth, 47.
Lover's Seat, the, cited, 143 note.
Lowell, John A., 182.
Lowell, James R., 1, 6, 57, 59, 82, 146, 192, 197, 211, 223, 228, 248, 251, 271, 273, 285, 294; intimacy with Longfellow, 168, 169; on Longfellow's Dante translations, 227; expresses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269.
Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121.
Lucerne, 8.
Lugano, 224.
Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163.
Lunt, George, 165.
Lyly, John, 55.
McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22.
McLane, Mr., 118.
Madrid, 50.
Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220.
Maler River, the, 93.
Malherbe, Francis de, 191.
Marienberg, 157, 161, 170.
Marseilles, 3, 94.
Marshall, Emily, 19.
Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6.
Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11.
Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Mag
ayyam, Omar, 282.
Kiel, 108.
Kingsley, Rev., Charles, 237.
Knickerbocker, the, 140.
Korner, Charles Theodore, 64.
Kossuth, Louis, 173.
Lafayette, Marquis de, 52.
Lamartine, Alphonse M. L. de, 161.
Lawrence, Sir, Thomas, 207.
Lawton, William C., 234, 266; his The New England Poets, cited, 234 note, 265 note.
Lenau, Nicholas, 161.
Leopold, King of the Belgiums, 195.
Lincoln, Abraham, 6.
Liston, Sir, Robert, 93.
Liszt, Abbe, 223.
Liverpool, Eng., 219.
Locke, John, 55.
Loire, the river, 49.
London, 2, 8, 87, 88, 91, 92, 103,105, 106, 170, 209, 210, 221, 223, 241, 245, 278.
Longfellow, Alexander W., 83, 129.
Longfellow, Alice M., 117 note, 209.
Longfellow, Fanny, 201.
Longfellow, Frances A., Longfellow's engagement to, 171, 172; appearance, 173; assists her husband, 173; her letter to Eliza Potter, 174, 175; death, 211.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, birth of, 11; youth, 14-18; first poem on American subject, 17; college life, 18-20; shows American fe