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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 1: Longfellow as a classic (search)
ogue under the name of Tennyson, for instance, up to September, 1901, were 487; under Longfellow, 357; then follow, among English-writing poets, Browning (179), Emerson (158), Arnold (140), Holmes (135), Morris (117), Lowell (114), Whittier (104), Poe (103), Swinburne (99), Whitman (64). The nearest approach to a similar test of appreciation in the poet's own country is to be found in the balloting for the new Hall of Fame, established by an unknown donor on the grounds of the New York Universio doubt extremely limited. The popular impression in such matters is too deep to be easily removed; and yet every test continues to prove that the hold taken on the average human heart by Longfellow is far greater than that held, for instance, by Poe or Whitman. This was practically conceded by those poets themselves, and it is this fact which in reality excited the wrath of their especial admirers. No man ever sacrificed less for mere fame than Longfellow, no man ever bore attack or jealous
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 12: voices of the night (search)
9. Halleck also said of the Skeleton in Armor that there was nothing like it in the language, and Poe wrote to Longfellow, May 3, 1841, I cannot refrain from availing myself of this, the only opportuadmirable, do not seem to me quite to recognize this truth, nor yet the companion fact that while Poe took captive the cultivated but morbid taste of the French public, it was Longfellow who called f of the United States, to see how eminently this was the case in America. Whatever the genius of Poe, for instance, we can now see that he represented, in this respect, a dangerous tendency, and PoePoe's followers and admirers exemplified it in its most perilous form. Take, for instance, such an example as that of Dr. Thomas Holley Chivers of Georgia, author of Eonchs of Ruby, a man of whom Bayar cannot turn a page of Chivers without recognizing that he at his best was very closely allied to Poe at his worst. Such a verse as the following was not an imitation, but a twin blossom:— On the b
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 14: anti-slavery poems and second marriage (search)
ich laid the foundation for the intimacy between Longfellow and Lowell. Lowell had been invited, on the publication of A Year's Life, to write for an annual which was to appear in Boston and to be edited, in Lowell's own phrase, by Longfellow, Felton, Hillard and that set. Scudder's Lowell , i. 93. Lowell subsequently wrote in the Pioneer kindly notices of Longfellow's Poems on Slavery, but there is no immediate evidence of any personal relations between them at that time. In a letter to Poe, dated at Elmwood June 27, 1844, Lowell says of a recent article in the Foreign Quaterly Review attributed to John Forster, Forster is a friend of some of the Longfellow clique here, which perhaps accounts for his putting L. at the top of our Parnassus. These kinds of arrangements do very well, however, for the present. Correspondence of R. W. Griswold, p. 151. . . . It will be noticed that what Lowell had originally called a set has now become a clique. It is also evident that he did not
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 23: Longfellow as a poet (search)
stitutes, for an American, the basis of fame; for the high imaginative powers of Poe, with his especial gift of melody, though absolutely without national flavor, ha of facts, all utterly unconscious on his part, did not attract the attention of Poe during his vindictive period. It is to be noticed, however, that Longfellow a counting up the number of his sheep. It will always remain uncertain how far Poe influenced the New England poets, whether by example or avoidance. That he somew, but he chose it most appropriately for Seaweed and in some degree succeeded. Poe himself in his waywardness could not adhere to it when he reached it, and after ses beginning Pine in the distance, but Longfellow showed absolutely no trace of Poe, unless as a warning against multiplying such rhythmic experiments as he once tr first of all. It is impossible to imagine him as writing puffs of himself, like Poe, or volunteering reports of receptions given to him, like Whitman. He said to M
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
., 1, 6, 57, 59, 82, 146, 192, 197, 211, 223, 228, 248, 251, 271, 273, 285, 294; intimacy with Longfellow, 168, 169; on Longfellow's Dante translations, 227; expresses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269. Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121. Lucerne, 8. Lugano, 224. Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163. Lunt, George, 165. Lyly, John, 55. McHenry, Dr., James, pr Pa., 22, 51, 132, 164, 166, 192, 193, 264. Phillips, Wendell, 285. Pierce, Mrs. Anne (Longfellow), 91, 92, 100. Pierce, George W., 81, 91, 99,112. Pierpont, Rev., John, 145. Platen, Count von, 191. Pliny, 54. Plymouth, Mass., 12. Poe, Edgar A., 6, 10, 142-144, 168, 259, 267, 269, 276; admiration of Longfellow, 141; influence of, 268. Pope, Alexander, 40. Portland, Me., 11, 13, 14, 19, 57, 60, 61, 87, 98, 106, 172, 189. Portland Academy, 15-17. Portland Gazette, the, 22.