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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Chapter 1: Longfellow as a classic (search)
s of his works, single or collective, had recently appeared in London. Poems newly set to music had lately been published at the music stalls, and familiar citations from his poems were constantly heard in public speeches. Inquiries similar to mine were made a few years since in the book-stores of Switzerland and Germany by my friend, Professor W. J. Rolfe, who found without difficulty the German and English text of single or collected poems by Longfellow at Nuremberg, Cologne, Strasburg, Lucerne, Interlaken, and elsewhere. Another form of obtaining statistics bearing on the relative position of Longfellow among English-writing poets would be to inspect books of selections made in Great Britain out of this class. I find two such lying near at hand; the first is Pen and Pencil Pictures from the Poets, published by William P. Nimmo at Edinburgh, containing fifty-six poems in all, each with a full-page illustration, generally by Scottish artists. Of these selections, six are taken
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Index (search)
family, 60. Longfellow Memorial Association, 121. Louis the Sixteenth, 47. Lover's Seat, the, cited, 143 note. Lowell, John A., 182. Lowell, James R., 1, 6, 57, 59, 82, 146, 192, 197, 211, 223, 228, 248, 251, 271, 273, 285, 294; intimacy with Longfellow, 168, 169; on Longfellow's Dante translations, 227; expresses gratitude for honor done to Longfellow, 251-255; likes English ways, 260, 261, Poe's influence on, 268; his literary alterations, 269. Lowell, Miss, Sally, 121. Lucerne, 8. Lugano, 224. Lundy, Benjamin, his Genius of Universal Emancipation, mentioned, 163. Lunt, George, 165. Lyly, John, 55. McHenry, Dr., James, praises Longfellow, 22. McLane, Mr., 118. Madrid, 50. Maine, 11, 17, 208; Cumberland County, 220. Maler River, the, 93. Malherbe, Francis de, 191. Marienberg, 157, 161, 170. Marseilles, 3, 94. Marshall, Emily, 19. Marshall, Chief Justice, John, 6. Massachusetts, 186; Legislature, 11. Mather, Cotton, 138,239; his Mag