Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for William Manning or search for William Manning in all documents.

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Paige, 502. This mill-lane was a portion of the road laid out from Watertown line to Cooke's Mill at Menotomy in 1638. The mill-lane is now Water street in Arlington. 1691. Sarah Hill, relict and administratrix of Jacob Hill, late of Cambridge (who died 12 Dec. 1690), deeds to William Cutter, carpenter, April 10, 1691, eight acres in Cambridge; north William Cutter, east the highway that leads from the mill-gate to Concord Road, south with Concord Road, and west with land of Mr. William Manning. The highway that leads from the mill-gate to Concord Road, is the mill-lane, once Capt. Cooke's, now known as Water street. William Cutter was the son of Richard Cutter, and the nephew of William Cutter mentioned in the first paragraphs of this chapter. The bargain for the above eight acres was made and possession given about one year now past—the sale being first made by said Jacob Hill before his death. It is interesting to state that the original deed is extant, as one of a par
, 274, 275, 323 Lord, 275, 296, 315 Lord North, 51, 87 Lord Percy, 52, 61, 63-5, 80, 81 Loring, 58, 275, 287, 329 Lottridge, 248, 275 Lovewell, 334 Low, 320 Lowell 118, 119, 136 Lucas, 216, 275 Ludlow, 134,135 Lufkin, 339 Luthey, 347 Lynch, 341, 347 Lyons, 339 Maccarty, 275 Maccorly, 275, 304 Mackie, 112, 275 Mackintire, 176, 272, 276 Macomber, 348 Madison, 136, 277 Mahoney, 348 Mallet, 219, 264, 275,277 Mann, 114, 193, 276 Manning, 11, 326 Mansfield, 72 Marchant, 342 Marden, 343 Mark, 348 Marr, 339 Marrett, 74, 84, 215, 256, 318, 334 Marsh, 31, 32, 90, 152, 154, 170, 171, 276 Marshall, 162 Marston, 276, 314 Martin, 166,343, 345, 350 Mason, 131,199, 204, 215, 218, 235, 276, 294, 306, 330 Matthews, 198, 276 Mayhew, 31,32 Maynard, 276, 300 McAllister, 346 McCann, 348 McCarthy, 154 McConlow, 342 McDermott, 347 McDool, 347 McEnenna, 342 McIntire, see Mackin