Browsing named entities in Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct.. You can also browse the collection for Moses Robbins or search for Moses Robbins in all documents.

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1-2, 393-4. 4. William, s. of Samuel (1), m.—styled A. M.—Abigail Carteret, of Chas., this Pct. 12 Oct. 1758. He grad. H. U. 1755. Wil-Liam, B. A., was adm. Pct. ch. 26 Oct. 1755, and Abigail, wife of William, A. M., was adm. this ch. 29 July, 1781. She d. 27 Aug. 1807, a. 70. William, A. M., known as Master Bill, d. here 17 Mar. 1818, a. 86. Had Elizabeth Carteret, b. 4, bap. 10 Apr. 1763, d. 17 (18) Nov. 1763, a. 7 mos. (g. s.); Elizabeth Carteret, b. 6, bap. 7 Oct. 1764, m. Moses Robbins (see Wyman's Chas., 818) and John Frost (par. 12); Philip Carteret, b. 1, bap. 7 Sept. 1766; William, b. 28, bap. 29 Jan. 1769, d. 2 (3) July, 1771, a. 4. or 2 yrs. 3 mos. 6 ds. (g. s.); William, b. 30 June, bap. 5 July, 1772; Abigail, b. 16, bap. 18 Aug. 1776, m. John Davenport, 4 May, 1801. Dinah, servant of William, A. M., had a child, b. 2 Mar. 1771. He taught here many years. See Paige, 380, 689; Cutter Book, 390, &c.; Wyman's Chas., 1028. He was Pct. clerk, 1770-71, ‘82-‘84;