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Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) 392 0 Browse Search
Waltham (Massachusetts, United States) 328 0 Browse Search
Charles (Massachusetts, United States) 94 0 Browse Search
New England (United States) 76 0 Browse Search
John Winthrop 56 2 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Charles A. Nelson , A. M., Waltham, past, present and its industries, with an historical sketch of Watertown from its settlement in 1630 to the incorporation of Waltham, January 15, 1739.. Search the whole document.

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School House (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
the following only were in existence when the town was incorporated, viz.: Mill Street, part of North Street or Trapelo Road; Pigeon Hill Road, part of the old Forest Street; part of Quince; Beaver; Winter; part of Lincoln, the way up the hills; a way by Mr. Hagar's unknown; Prospect; Weston; Main, the country road; part of South, the way to Dummer's farm; the road over Prospect Hill, beginning above the house of Hon. N. P. Banks; Bacon Street, Skunk, or Mixer's Lane, from Country Road to School-house; Pleasant; Grove and Warren Streets. Gore Street was an ancient way, but is not mentioned as a highway in the Surveyors' bounds. The northern portion of the town had nearly double the population of the southern portion. With the exception of a few residences on the Main or Country Road (Main Street), the earliest settlers in Waltham seem to have lived upon Trapelo The origin of the word Trapelo is not known. A traditional explanation of its derivation states that it is a combinati
Middlesex County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
aused some anxiety at first, but was speedily suppressed by State troops under Generals Lincoln and Shephard. The leader, Daniel Shays, was not unknown in Waltham, as appears from the following document in the possession of an old citizen:— Waltham, Febry 23, 1786. Received of John Bright two pair Mens Shoes for which I promife to Deliver him Fourteen lb. good Flax on demand. Daniel Shays. In the Constitutional Convention of 1788 the votes of a majority of the Delegates from Middlesex County were given against the adoption of the Federal Constitution; seventeen Delegates voting in favor of the adoption and twenty-five against. The Delegates from Waltham and Weston voted in the affirmative; those from Watertown in the negative. April 13, 1789, John Adams, Vice-President elect of the United States, set out on his journey to New York from Braintree, via Dorchester, Charlestown, and Cambridge. At Watertown Major Kent's Artillery saluted his Excellency, who passed on throug
Lisbon, Grafton County, New Hampshire (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
Pork, Turkeys and Fowles, Baked Plum Pudding, Boiled Pork and Fowles, Alamode Beef, legs of Bacon, or corn'd legs of Pork and Neats Tongues, with vegetables of every description. Pies of three kinds, Wine, Punch, Cyder, and any liquors that may be call'd for. Pipes, Tobacco, and Cigars, in fine every necessary article for a handsome Entertainment. Lodging and horsekeeping for those who may come the night previous or tarry the night following ordination.— N. B.—The Wine to be Sherry or Lisbon of the best quality, and all other articles above enumerated to be of a quality that will do honor to the person or persons who provide the entertainment and to the town. ing, that day being the fifty-seventh anniversary of the ordination of his predecessor. During the first five-years of his ministry fortyfive persons were received to communion, and one hundred and fifty-nine were baptized. January 1, 1815, he reported the number of members about 160. His salary was $700 per year. In 1
Concord (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
el Ripley who built his house back of the old tavern stand and resided there till he removed to Concord in 1846, when it passed into the hands of Mr. James Ellison the present owner. Opposite the incial Congress, and October 3d following Joshua Bigelow was chosen delegate to the Congress at Concord. January 9, 1775, The question was then put to know the minds of the town, whether they willdge, September 1st; and the first named was also chosen a Delegate to the Convention to meet at Concord, in October. From October 14, 1779 to March 5, 1781 the town appropriated £ 108,780 18s. 6d.ished. The Colony of Massachusits Bay Dt to Samuel Bowers for going from Watertown to Concord with a prisioner myself and horse and expenses one Day£ 0:9:0 overchag3 —— 6 Watertown, Juleated consultations upon the subject with his friends, consulted the late Hon. Samuel Hoar, of Concord, professionally. Mr. Hoar advised him that there was no society or party to whom he could lega<
China (China) (search for this): chapter 3
7,866,200; total valuation $10,130,770. The value of the agricultural products was $178,896, and of manufactures $2,620,788. There are eleven school buildings in the town, including two fine Grammar School Houses and one High School House, furnishing accommodation for 35 schools. Reference has already been made to the old Fiske house, on Main Street west of Bacon Street, as probably the oldest house in the town. Upon the walls of the parlor in the west end, quaint paper, imported from China, is still preserved in as good condition as when put on over eighty years ago. The three willow trees in front of the house sprang from a willow switch, cut by the boys seventy-five years ago, to quicken the homeward pace of the horse they were driving, which switch their father, William Fiske, broke into three pieces and set out on their return. The estate, valued at $10,000, embraces about five acres of land with a fine frontage on Main Street, and is located at the highest point on the
North River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
had to pay an additional sum of £ 6 each. Eight men who went with the State and Town bounty were allowed £ 6 each additional. Deacon Elijah Livermore, Amos Brown, and Jonathan Fiske paid £ 6 each, and eleven other leading men in the town paid £ 10 each, to procure men to go to the lines at Boston. £ 170 was raised from twenty-nine persons, in sums of from £ 3 to £ 5 each, to hire soldiers for the town quota of a reinforcement for the Continental army, and to secure the passes of the North River. Warham Cushing, James Priest, and Benjamin Hagar, each procured a man to serve in the army three years or during the war, and were allowed £ 30 each. Fifteen men did service at the Boston lines and at Dorchester Heights in the winter of 1776, and three went to Rhode Island. The latter received £ 6 each. Five, who were drafted to go to Bennington, went in person or procured substitutes. Eight went in November, 1777, to guard the troops of the Convention at Watertown, and remained
Deerfield, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
esolved that Samuel Bowers be paid out of the publick Treasury six shilling in full of the above account. 1776, Feby. 26. Examd and allowd. £ 0:6:0 Not Recorded.ABRAM Watson THOs Plympton Aaron Wood Joseph Locke. [Endorsed]. This may Certifye that the within named Sam Colby's Mss Notes. Bowers Did the service within mentioned. James Barrett. June 22d, 1775. To the Commety of Suplys at Watertown. Honorable Gentlemen I send you five fire Locks which I Purchased in Deerfield for the use of the Colony of the Massachuttes bay Benja Ely. 1776. Colony of the Massachusetts Bay to Elkanah Wales Dr March 25. To the use of a Room, occupied as an Office by the Honle Committee on Accts from Decer 15th, 1775, to this Day, = is 3 1/4 months @ 13s. 4d. p. month£ 2:3:4 Deduct overcharged10:10 ——— Errors Excepted.£ 1:12:6 PD. Elkanah Wales. [endorsed]. April 29, Examd and allowed£ 1:12:6 ABRAM Watson NATHL Mighell THOS Plympton Aaron W
Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
. Daniel Shays. In the Constitutional Convention of 1788 the votes of a majority of the Delegates from Middlesex County were given against the adoption of the Federal Constitution; seventeen Delegates voting in favor of the adoption and twenty-five against. The Delegates from Waltham and Weston voted in the affirmative; those from Watertown in the negative. April 13, 1789, John Adams, Vice-President elect of the United States, set out on his journey to New York from Braintree, via Dorchester, Charlestown, and Cambridge. At Watertown Major Kent's Artillery saluted his Excellency, who passed on through Waltham, and arrived in New York at noon on the 20th. In October of the same year Washington visited the Eastern States, leaving New York on Thursday the 15th. He lodged and breakfasted at Captain Flagg's in Weston. Captain Fuller's company of Horse met him and escorted him through Waltham and Watertown to Cambridge. He, too, was saluted by the Watertown Artillery as he pas
Weston (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
blished 30 years before, under the delusive expectation of furnishing the people a better currency than gold and silver, which had become very scarce. He died in Weston in 1784 at the age of 80, quite poor; the few hundred pounds realized in Continental money from the sale of his last real estate, turned to dust and ashes in his0th. In October of the same year Washington visited the Eastern States, leaving New York on Thursday the 15th. He lodged and breakfasted at Captain Flagg's in Weston. Captain Fuller's company of Horse met him and escorted him through Waltham and Watertown to Cambridge. He, too, was saluted by the Watertown Artillery as he paathan Weeks and Sarah Weeks from First Church in Marlboroa, Henry Moore and Mary Moore from First Church of Christ in Bolton, and Cyrus Jones from First Church in Weston. Dr. Lowell then pronounced these persons members of the Second Congregational Church in Waltham, gathered according to gospel order. Recorded by me, Bernard Wh
Snake Rock (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
d to take any steps to defend Lieutenant Eliphalet Hastings and others against an indictment found against them for a riot, in their endeavors to arrest Felix Cuff, a negro slave who was enlisted by the committee in 1780. Felix Cuff This same Felix Cuff received for his services in the war £ 1,500, and 60 bushels of corn. and other negro slaves concealed themselves in the summer of 1780 in a cave on Stony Brook, called the Devil's Den. Opposite the Stony Brook depot is a hill, called Snake Rock, from the rattlesnakes which used to abound at the foot of its precipitous western side. In the face of this high rock is this cave, some twenty feet in depth. Lieutenant Hastings, having discovered the whereabouts of the fugitives, went up with a party of young men to capture them; but they met with a warm reception and came back empty handed. The negroes afterwards prosecuted Hastings for riot; hence the indictment referred to. Colby's Mss Notes. The following documents, though
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