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William Penn 436 0 Browse Search
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Norman, Cleveland county (Oklahoma, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
nctly in succession. It is the peculiar glory of England, that her free people always had a share in the government. From the first, her freeholders had legislative power as well as freedom; and the tribunals were subjected to popular influence by the institution of a jury. The majority of her laborers were serfs; many husbandmen were bondmen, as the name implies; but the established liberties of freeholders quickened, in every part of England, the instinct for popular advancement. The Norman invasion could not uproot the ancient institutions; they lived in the heart of the nation, and rose superior to the Conquest. The history of England is therefore marked by an original, constant and increasing political activity of the people. In the fourteenth century, the peasantry, conducted by tilers, and carters, and ploughmen, demanded of their young king a deliverance from the bondage and burdens of feudal oppression; in the fifteenth century, the last traces of villenage were wipe
Aberdeen (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 6
d a confession of a bad cause; for the design that is of God has confidence in itself, and knows that any other Barclay, 480, &c will vanish. Your cruelties are a confirmation, that truth is not on your side, was the remonstrance of a woman of Aberdeen to the magistrates who had im- Besse, II 522. prisoned her husband. In like manner, the Quaker never employed force to effect a social revolution or reform, but, refusing obedience to wrong, deprived tyranny of its instruments The Quaker's loyalty, said the earl of Arrol at Aberdeen, Chap. XVI.} 1676. is a qualified loyalty; it smells of rebellion: to which Alexander Skein, brother to a subsequent governor of West New Jersey, calmly answered, I understand not loyalty, that is not qualified with the fear of God rather than of man. The Quaker never would pay Besse, II 512. tithes; never yielded to any human law which traversed his conscience. He did more: he resisted tyranny with all the moral energy of enthusiasm, bearing witne
New Castle, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
feet. Smith's New Jersey, 100. Every thing augured success to the colony, but that, at Newcastle, the agent of the duke of York, who still possessed Delaware, exacted customs of the ships ascia was, therefore, in that direction, limited by a circle drawn at twelve miles' distance from Newcastle, northward and westward, unto the beginning of the fortieth degree of latitude. This impossibhis may refer to his entering into the bay. of October, 1682, William Penn Oct. 27. landed at Newcastle. The son and grandson of naval officers, his thoughts had from boyhood been directed to thehe Holy experiment. The news spread rapidly, that the Quaker king was 1682 Oct. 27, 28. at Newcastle; and, Proud, i. 205. The date in Chalmers and Proud, of Penn's landing, is October 24. Itriety and peace, and pledged himself to grant liberty of conscience and civil freedom. From Newcastle, Penn ascended the Delaware to Chester, where he was hospitably received by the honest, kind-h
Amsterdam (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
on earth, his second coming, was at hand. Under the excitement of hopes, created by the rapid progress of liberty, which, to the common mind, was an inexplicable mystery, the blissful centuries of the millennium promised to open upon a favored world. Political enfranchisements had been followed by the emancipation of knowledge. The powers of nature were freely examined; the merchants always tolerated or favored the pursuits of science. Galileo had been safe at Venice, and honored at Amsterdam or London. The method of free inquiry, applied to chemistry, had invented gunpowder and changed the manners of the feudal aristocracy; applied to geography, had discovered a hemisphere, and, circumnavigating the globe, made the theatre of commerce wide as the world; applied to the mechanical process of multiplying books, had brought the New Testament, in the vulgar tongue, within the reach of every class; applied to the rights of persons and property, had, for the English, built up a syst
Russian River (Alaska, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
f the province, the charter was received by the assembly with gratitude, as one of more than expected liberty. Votes, &c. 21. I desired, says Penn, to show men as free and as happy as they can be. Watson, 20. In the decline of life, the language of his heart was still the same. If, in the relation between 1710 us, he writes in his old age, the people want of me any thing that would make them happier, I should readily grant it. Watson, 29. Proud, II. 45. When Peter, the great Russian reformer, attended in England a meeting of Quakers, the semibarbarous philanthropist could not but exclaim, How happy must be a community instituted on their principles! Beautiful! said the philosophic Frederic of Prussia, when, a hundred years later, he read the account of the government of Pennsylvania; it is perfect, if it can endure. Herder, XIII. 116. To the charter which Locke invented for Carolina, the palatines voted an immutable immortality; and it never gained more than a sho
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 6
t to infuse his principles into the popular mind, that so they might find their place in the statute-book through the free convictions of his countrymen. England to-day confesses his sagacity, and is doing honor to his genius. He came too soon for success, and he was aware of it. After more than a century, the laws which he reproved began gradually to be repealed; and the principle which he developed, sure of immortality, is slowly but firmly asserting its power over the legislation of Great Britain. The political connections of William Penn have in- Chap. XVI.} volved him in the obloquy which followed the overthrow of the Stuarts; and the friends to the tests, comprising nearly all the members of both the political parties, into which England was soon divided, have generally been unfriendly to his good name. But their malice has been without permanent effect. There are not wanting those who believe the many to be the most competent judge of the beautiful; every Quaker believ
Orange, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ree Saxon people to be governed by laws of which they themselves were the makers, Penn, III. 220, and 273, 274. his whole soul was bent on effecting this end by means of parliament during the reign of James II., well knowing that the prince of Orange was pledged to a less liberal policy. The political tracts of the arch Quaker have the calm wisdom and the universality of Lord Bacon; in behalf of liberty of conscience, they beautifully connect the immutable principles of human nature and humathat he esteemed parliament I should rejoice to see the penal laws repealed. Penn to Harprison, in Proud, i. 308. Burnet says Penn promised, on behalf of King James, an assent to a solemn and unalterable law. The whole mission to the prince of Orange is based upon an intended action of parliament. Burnet, II. 395, 396. Compare Penn, in Proud, i. 325. The Good Advice to the Church of England, Penn, II., is an argument for the repeal of the penal laws and tests. What better mode than to rea
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
imore, and fix the limits of their respective provinces. Dec. 11. The adjustment was difficult. Lord Baltimore claimed by his charter the whole country as far as the fortieth degree. Penn replied, just as the Dutch and the agents of the duke of York had always urged, that the charter for Maryland included only lands that were still unoccupied; that the banks of the Delaware had been purchased, appropriated, and colonized, before that Chap. XVI.} 1682 Dec. charter was written. For more than states; as his spirit, awakening from its converse with shadows, escaped from the exile of fallen humanity, nearly his last words were—Mind poor Friends in America. His works praise him. Neither time nor place can dissolve fellowship with his spirit. To his name William Penn left this short epitaph—Many sons have done virtuously in this day; but, dear George, thou excellest them all. Were his principles thus excellent? An opposite system was developed in the dominions of the duke of York
Quaker (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
resented itself under a theological form. The Quaker doctrine is philosophy, summoned from the cloil possible worlds; the Chap. XVI.} illiterate Quaker adhered strictly to his method; like the timidecting changes and improvement in society. No Quaker book has a trace of skepticism on man's capacirences others as gods. I am a man, says every Quaker, and refuses homage. The most favored of his summer and autumn after the first considerable Quaker emigration to the eastern bank of the Delawaretourt of the princess palatine, and to the few Quaker Chap XVI} 1678 converts among the peasantry oided, nine representatives, Swedes, Dutch, and Quaker preachers, of Wales, and Ireland, and England,ions with Baxter and the Presbyterians, before Quaker meetings, at Chester and Philadelphia, and thre most competent judge of the beautiful; every Quaker believes them the best arbiter of the just andland, and in some measure North Carolina, were Quaker states; as his spirit, awakening from its conv[5 more...]
Nottingham (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 6
, who sent George Fox into the world, forbade him to put off his hat to any, high or low; and he was required to thee and thou all men and women, without Fox, 74. any respect to rich or poor, to great or small. The sound of the church bell in Nottingham, the home of his boyhood, struck to his heart; like Milton and Roger Williams, his soul abhorred the hireling ministry of diviners for money; and on the morning of a firstday, he was moved to go to the great steeple-house and cry against the idnd philosophers, statesmen and divines, were gathered as a cloud of witnesses to the same unchanging truth. The Inner Light, said Penn, is the Domestic God of Pythagoras. The voice in the breast of George Fox, as he kept sheep on the hills of Nottingham, was the spirit which had been the good genius and guide of Socrates. Above all, the Christian Quaker delighted Penn, i. 261; III. 619. in the divinely contemplative Plato, the famous doctor of gentile theology, and recognized the unity of th
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