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e natives for the soil from Cape Henlopen to Chap. XV.} 1630. the mouth of Delaware River; in July, 1630, this purchase of an estate, more than thirty miles long, wa. And were they not so? The first permanent colonization of the banks of the Delaware is due to Oxenstiern. Yet more than four years passed away before the desig Chap. XV.} phia before William Penn became its proprietary. The banks of the Delaware from the ocean to the falls were known as New Sweden. The few English familied the beaver of the Schuylkill, the Dutch were to contend for the banks of the Delaware. In the vicinity of the river, the Swedish company was more powerful than itsad firmly 1659. maintained the right of the Dutch to the southern bank of the Delaware, pleading purchase and colonization before the patent to Lord Baltimore had be more as proprietary of the eastern moiety of New Jersey; but the banks of the Delaware were reserved for men who had been taught by the uneducated son of a poor Leic