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Oswego (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
a for the defence of New York. In regard to the improvement of the negroes, Penn attempted to legislate, not for the abolition of slavery, but for the sanctity of marriage among the slaves, and Chap. XIX.} for their personal safety. The last object was effected; the first, which would have been the forerunner of freedom, was defeated. Neither did philanthropy achieve permanent benefits for the Indian. Treaties of peace were renewed with the men of the wilderness from the Potomac to Oswego, and the trade with them was subjected to regulations; but they could not be won to the faith or the habits of civilized life. These measures were adopted amidst the fruitless 1701. Aug. 21. wranglings between the delegates from Delaware and those from Pennsylvania. At last, the news was received that the English parliament was about to render all their strifes and all their hopes nugatory by the general abrogation of every colonial charter. An assembly was summoned instantly; and, whe
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
s and the chase. In conversation he was abrupt, speaking little and slowly, and with repulsive dryness; in the day of battle, he was all activity, and the highest energy of life, without kindling his passions, animated his frame. His trust in Providence was so connected with faith in general laws, that, in every action, he sought the principle which should range it on an absolute decree. Thus, unconscious to himself, he had sympathy with the people, who always have faith in Providence. Do yoProvidence. Do you dread death in my company? he cried to the anxious sailors, when the ice on the coast of Holland had almost crushed the boat that was bearing him to the shore. Courage and pride pervaded the reserve of the prince who, spurning an alliance with a bastard daughter of Louis XIV., had made himself the centre of a gigantic opposition to France. For England, for the English people, for English liberties, he had no affection, indifferently employing the whigs, who found their pride in the revoluti
Canaan (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
age; and, as the spirit of the reformation, which was but a less perfect form of freedom of mind, was advancing, reason was summoned to interpret the records of the past, and to separate time-hallowed errors from truths of the deepest moment. The statute-book, in obedience to this adoration of the letter, had asserted the existence of witchcraft by establishing death as its penalty; sustaining both the superstition and its pun ishment by reference to the Jewish records. New England, like Canaan, had been settled by Chap. XIX.} fugitives. Like the Jews, they had fled to a wilderness; like the Jews, they looked to heaven for a light 1688. to lead them on; like the Jews, they had no supreme ruler but God; like the Jews, they had heathen for their foes; and they derived their legislation from the Jewish code. But, for the people of New England, the days of Moses and of Joshua were past; for them there was no longer a promised land—they were in possession. Reason now insisted on br
Ryswick (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 1
d if, on the one hand, the English Church succeeded in engrossing the provision made by the Chap. XIX.} ministry acts, on the other, the dissenters were wakened to jealousy, lest the Episcopal party, deriving countenance from England, might nourish a lust for dominion. The differences were tranquillized in the short administration of the kindlier earl of Bellamont, an Irish peer, with a sound heart and honorable sympathies for popular freedom. He arrived in New York after the peace of Ryswick, with a commission extending to the 1698 April 2. borders of Canada, including all the northern British possessions, except Connecticut and Rhode Island. In New York, Lord Bellamont, who had served on the committee of parliament to inquire into the trials of Leisler and Milborne, was indifferent to the little oligarchy of the royal council, of which he reproved the vices and resisted the selfishness. The memory of the wrongs of Leisler was revived; and the assembly, by an appropriation o
Courtland, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
laws he pleased. The dread of this doctrine sunk deeply into the public mind, and afterwards attracted the notice of the assemblies of New York. At that period of disorder, the committee of safety reassembled; and Aug. 16. Leisler, an insolent alien, assisted, say the principal men of New York, by those who formerly were Chalmers, 610. thought unfit to be in the meanest offices, was constituted the temporary governor of the province. The appointment was, in its form, open to censure Courtland, the mayor of the city, Bayard, and others of the council, after fruitless opposition, retired to Albany, where the magistrates, in convention, proclaimed their allegiance to William and Mary, and their resolution to disregard the authority of Leisler. When Milborne, the son-in-law of Leisler, first came to demand the fort, he was successfully resisted. In December, letters were received addressed to Nicholson, or, in his absence, to such as, for the time being, take care for preserving
Rhode Island (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
e favoritism of Charles I. opened the way for religious liberty in Maryland; Rhode Island long cherished the charter which its importunity won from Charles II.; the hnada, including all the northern British possessions, except Connecticut and Rhode Island. In New York, Lord Bellamont, who had served on the committee of parliamentrd and Treves, that the ordinary power of the militia in Connecticut, and in Rhode Island, belonged to their respective governments; and Winthrop, returning from his The decisions which established the rights of Connecticut included those of Rhode Island. The assaults of the royalists were always made upon the more powerful colorchy. But the results in Chap XIX.} the two were not strictly parallel. Rhode Island had asserted entire freedom of mind; it had, therefore, apparently, less uni nearly every colony. Where the people selected them, as in Connecticut and Rhode Island, they were chosen annually, and the public preference, free from fickleness,
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 1
ell, and beseech God to guide you in the ways of righteousness and peace. I have thought fit, upon my further stop in these parts, Chap. XIX.} to throw all into your hands, that you may see the confidence I have in you, and the desire I have to give Minutes, i. 274. you all possible contentment. And, as the council of his province was, at that time, elected directly by the people, that body collectively was constituted his 1690. deputy. Of its members, Thomas Lloyd, from North June 2. Wales, an Oxford scholar, was universally beloved as a bright example of the integrity of virtue. The path of preferment had opened to him in England, but he chose rather the internal peace that springs from mental felicity. This Quaker preacher, the oracle of the patriot rustics on the Delaware, was now, by free suffrage, constituted president of the council. But the lower counties were jealous of the superior weight of Pennsylvania; disputes respecting appointments to Nov. 21. office grew up
Canterbury (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 1
ed a powerful intercessor. The countess of Sunderland, whom the Princess, afterwards Queen, Anne describes as a hypocrite, running from church to church after the famousest preachers, and keeping a clatter with her devotions, is remembered in America as a benefactress. The aged Lord Wharton, last surviving member of the Westminster assembly of divines, a constant and cordial lover of all good men, never grew weary in his zeal. I take pleasure in recording that the tolerant archbishop of Canterbury, the rational Tillotson, charged the king not to take away from the people of New England any of the privileges which Charles I. had granted them.—The charter of New England, said the feebler Burnet, was not an act of grace, but a contract between the king and the first patentees, who promised to enlarge the king's dominion at their own charges, provided they and their posterity might enjoy certain privileges. Yet Somers resisted the restoration of the charter of Massachusetts, pleading
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 1
a revolutionary stadtholder, now assisted to constitute him a revolutionary king, transforming the impassive champion of Dutch independence into the defender of the liberties of Europe. The English statesmen who settled the principles of the revfused to confirm itself by force, and would not tolerate standing armies. It even compelled William III. to dismiss his Dutch guards. A free discussion of the national policy and its agents was more and more demanded and permitted. The English ghis support upon the less educated classes of the Dutch, and English dissenters were not heartily his friends. The large Dutch landholders, many of the English merchants, the friends to the Anglican Church, the cabal that had grown up round the roymbly. 1708. Aug. 19. The third which he convened proved how rapidly the political education of the people had advanced. Dutch, English, and New England men, were all of one spirit The rights of the people, with regard to taxation, to courts of law
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
operty, were soon to be attracted. Already New England 1696 June 26. men were allured to the regihat their liberties were less than those of New England, were put upon a nice inquiry into the Quavity of a sort of wandering pretenders from New England, deluding even Churchmen by their extempora the whole province fell, with New York and New England, under the consolidated government of Androe people had advanced. Dutch, English, and New England men, were all of one spirit The rights of tment by reference to the Jewish records. New England, like Canaan, had been settled by Chap. XI p. 27. evil spirits. The revolution in New England seemed to open, 1689 once more, a career tver the French was excited; his subjects in New England, said Increase Mather, if they could but enhe king not to take away from the people of New England any of the privileges which Charles I. had l governor. The decisions in the courts of New England had been final; appeals to the privy counci[28 more...]
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