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Austria (Austria) (search for this): chapter 7
I. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assiento, the, III. 231. Benefit of it given to the South Sea company, 401. Augustine, St., I. 69. Austria, its war of succession, III. 449. Ayllon, voyage of, I. 36.
Nova Scotia (Canada) (search for this): chapter 7
Index to the history of colonization. A. Abenakis of Maine solicit missions, III. 135. War with, 211. Language, 238. Aborigines, their conversation with Eliot, II. 95. Their language, III. 236. Manners, 265. Political institutions, 274. Religion, 284. Natural endowments, 299. Origin, 306. Acadia settled, I. 27. Fortunes of, 445; II. 70; II. 186, 234. Accomacs, III. 239. Aguesseau, III. 357. Aix la Chapelle, congress of, III. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Qu
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
, 299. Origin, 306. Acadia settled, I. 27. Fortunes of, 445; II. 70; II. 186, 234. Accomacs, III. 239. Aguesseau, III. 357. Aix la Chapelle, congress of, III. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assien
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
I. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assiento, the, III. 231. Benefit of it given to the South Sea company, 401. Augustine, St., I. 69. Austria, its war of succession, III. 449. Ayllon, voyage of, I. 36.
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
II. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assiento, the, III. 231. Benefit of it given to the South Sea company, 401. Augustine, St., I. 69. Austria, its war of succession, III. 449. Ayllon, voyage of, I. 36.
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Index to the history of colonization. A. Abenakis of Maine solicit missions, III. 135. War with, 211. Language, 238. Aborigines, their conversation with Eliot, II. 95. Their language, III. 236. Manners, 265. Political institutions, 274. Religion, 284. Natural endowments, 299. Origin, 306. Acadia settled, I. 27. Fortunes of, 445; II. 70; II. 186, 234. Accomacs, III. 239. Aguesseau, III. 357. Aix la Chapelle, congress of, III. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Q
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 7
Index to the history of colonization. A. Abenakis of Maine solicit missions, III. 135. War with, 211. Language, 238. Aborigines, their conversation with Eliot, II. 95. Their language, III. 236. Manners, 265. Political institutions, 274. Religion, 284. Natural endowments, 299. Origin, 306. Acadia settled, I. 27. Fortunes of, 445; II. 70; II. 186, 234. Accomacs, III. 239. Aguesseau, III. 357. Aix la Chapelle, congress of, III. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Q
John Archdale (search for this): chapter 7
II. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assiento, the, III. 231. Benefit of it given to the South Sea company, 401. Augustine, St., I. 69. Austria, its war of succession, III. 449. Ayllon, voyage of, I. 36.
Claude Allouez (search for this): chapter 7
s, 265. Political institutions, 274. Religion, 284. Natural endowments, 299. Origin, 306. Acadia settled, I. 27. Fortunes of, 445; II. 70; II. 186, 234. Accomacs, III. 239. Aguesseau, III. 357. Aix la Chapelle, congress of, III. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by S
I. 466. Alabama entered by Soto, I. 48. By the French, II. 200, 348, 352, 365. Albany founded, II. 273. Alexander's, Sir William, patent, I. 332. Algonquins war with the Dutch, II. 288. Visited by Jesuits, III. 128. Language, 237. Allouez, Father, III. 149. Amidas, his voyage, I. 92. Anabaptism in Massachusetts, I. 449. Anabaptists popular reformers, II. 460. Andros, Edmund, II. 405. Lands at Boston, 427. In Virginia, III. 25. Anglo-American. See Colonies. Annapolis, Maryland, III. 31. Anne, Queen, war of; III. 206. Gives audience to five sachems, 219. Anson's expedition, II. 439. Antinornian controversy, I. 386. Archdale, John, III. 16. Argall, I. 146, 148, 151, 152. Arkansas entered by Soto, I. 52. By the Jesuits, III. 160. Artaguette, III. 366. Assiento, the, III. 231. Benefit of it given to the South Sea company, 401. Augustine, St., I. 69. Austria, its war of succession, III. 449. Ayllon, voyage of, I. 36.
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