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d freedom and subsistence to any man who can bait a hook or pull a trigger. Franklin's Hints for a Reply to the Protests of Certain Members of the House of Lords against the Repeal of the Stamp Act. The Americans, said the press of Virginia, Gage to Conway, 1766. are hasty in expressing their gratitude, if the repeal of the Stamp Act is not at least a tacit compact that Great Britain will never again tax us; and it advised the different Assemblies, without mentioning the proceedings of Pare support of the army, placed New-York, where the Headquarters were established, in the dilemma of submitting immediately and unconditionally to the authority of Parliament, or taking the lead in a new career of resistance. Moore to Conway, and Gage to Moore, in Prior Documents, 94, &c. The rescript was, in theory, worse than the Stamp Act. For how could one legislative body command what another legislative body should enact And, viewed as a tax, it was unjust, for it threw all the burden on
of the citizens, the General reported the ensuing quarrel as a proof of anarchy and confusion, and the requisiteness of troops for the support of the laws. General Gage to Secretary Richmond, 26 Aug. 1766. Yet the New-York Association of the Sons of Liberty had been dissolved; and all efforts to keep up its glorious spirit, wer value, urged their immediate colonization. Sir William Johnson; William Franklin, the royalist Governor of New Jersey; several fur-traders of Philadelphia; even Gage Gage to Secretary of State, 28 March, 1766, referred to the Lords of Trade in May. himself eagerly took part in a project by which they were to acquire vast estGage to Secretary of State, 28 March, 1766, referred to the Lords of Trade in May. himself eagerly took part in a project by which they were to acquire vast estates in the most fertile valley of the world. Reasons for establishing a British Colony at the Illinois, 1766; Sir William Johnson to Secretary Conway, 10 July, 1766; Lords of Trade to the King, 3 Sept. 1766, before the above named papers were received; Letters of William Franklin and Benjamin Franklin, 1766; Franklin's Writing
o the Governor, 4 Feb. 1767. By the authority of the same Act of Parliament, Gage demanded quarters for one hundred and fifty-eight recruits, of the Governor of C did nothing, till he was duly authorized by an Act of the Colonial Assembly. Gage to Shelburne, 20 Feb. 1767, and accompanying papers; Prior Documents, 130, &c. of the continent. No pains, no address, no expense, he insisted, Carlton to Gage, Quebec, 15 Feb. 1766; compare Shelburne to the Board of Trade, 5 Oct. 1767. woular of Shelburne to all the Governors in America, 11 Dec. 1766; Shelburne to General Gage, 11 Dec. 1766; Shelburne to Chatham, 1 Feb. 1767. Relief to the mother cral rules by the respective Provinces at their own cost. Compare Shelburne to Gage, 11 Dec. 1766. Resisting those who advised to concentrate the American army ong the younger Colonies, where their presence might be desired. Shelburne to Gage, 11 Dec. 1766. The people of America, even a majority of those who adhered t
laces for the sake of profit; and had no higher object than to augment and assure their gains. For this reason they wished to become independent of colonial Legislatures' for their support, and to strengthen the delegated executive power. The Commander-in-Chief was of a kindly nature, but without sagacity, or any one element of a statesman; reasoning about the debates of free legislative Assemblies as he would about the questioning of military orders; entering complaints against Georgia, Gage to Shelburne, 7 April, 1767. South Carolina, and other Colonies, and holding up New-York as preeminent in opposition. The letters of Moore, who had been appointed Governor of New-York by the Rockingham Ministry, advocated an independent civil list and more troops. The same views were maintained by William Franklin of New Jersey, and by the able, but selfish Tryon, who, under a smooth exterior, concealed the heart of a savage. The Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina was a man of sense; bu
e lighted, and in the evening, these are Hutchinson's Hutchinson to Richard Jackson, 23 March, 1768. words, written within the week of the event, we had only such a mob as we have long been used to on the Fifth of November, and other holidays. Gage Gage to the Secretary of State, 31 October, 1768. too, who afterwards made careful inquiry in Boston, declared the disturbance to have been trifling. But Bernard reported a great disposition to the utmost disorder; hundreds parading the streetGage to the Secretary of State, 31 October, 1768. too, who afterwards made careful inquiry in Boston, declared the disturbance to have been trifling. But Bernard reported a great disposition to the utmost disorder; hundreds parading the streets with yells and outcries that were quite terrible. As the mob passed his house, there was so terrible a yell that it was apprehended they were breaking in. It was not so; however, it caused the same terror as if it had been so.—The whole made it a very terrible night to those who thought themselves objects of the popular fury. And this was said of a mere usual gathering of men, women, and children at a time of rejoicing, when no harm was done or intended. I can afford no protection to the C
e on that Continent, and in New-York itself took precedence Moore to Shelburne, 5 March, 1768; Gage to Lord Barrington, 28 March, 1768; Hillsborough to Moore, 14 May, 1768. Moore to Hillsborough, t, 1768, &c. of the Governor, was ordered to maintain the public tranquillity. Hillsborough to Gage, 23 April, 1768. But it was characteristic of Massachusetts, that the peace had not been broken. ally misconceiving the state of things, Hillsborough, on the eighth of June, peremptorily ordered Gage to send a regiment to continue permanently in Boston, for the assistance of the civil magistrates and the officers of the revenue. Hillsborough to Gage, 8 June, 1768. The Admiralty was also directed to send one frigate, two sloops, and two cutters to remain in Boston harbor; Hillsborough tors. and the little castle of William and Mary was to be occupied and repaired. Hillsborough to Gage, 8 June, and to Bernard, 11 June, 1768. This first act of hostility on the part of Great Brit
r 7, 1768, in Grenville Papers, IV. 396, 397. I am perfectly of opinion with General Gage, that the King's cause has been more hurt in this country by some of his ownt of Friday had been only a small disturbance. Dangerous disturbances, reported Gage, whose information came from royalists, are not to be apprehended. See Gage tGage to Hillsborough, 17 June, 1768, and the Report of the Council. While the Commissioners stifled their doubts about the wisdom of their conduct, by resolving that thnth of Chap XXXIV} 1768. June. June, the Commissioners of the Customs wrote to Gage and to Hood, demanding further protection; for, said they, the leaders of the people of Boston will urge them to open revolt. The Commissioners to Gen. Gage and Commodore Hood, 15 June, 1768. Letters to the Ministry, 137. To the Lords ofrescind its resolutions. Compare Franklin's Writings, IV. 531. After timid Gage to Hillsborough, 17 June, 1768. consultations between Bernard, Hutchinson and Ol
uents, voted in favor of rescinding, was indicated as the future capital of the Province. Now Boston must tremble, for, said the Secretary, the Crown will support the laws and the subject must submit to them. At this time Bernard received from Gage, in consequence of the earlier orders from England, an offer of troops, if he would make a requisition for them. But the Council, after a just analysis of the late events, gave their opinion, that the civil power did not need the support of the . July. Majesty's service or the peace of the Province, that any should be required. Bernard dared not avow his own opinion; Bernard to Hillsborough, 6 August, 1768. but, in his spite, he wrote to Hillsborough for positive orders Bernard to Gage, 30 July, 1768. not to call a new Assembly until the people should get truer notions of their rights and interests. The advice of the Council was inspired by loy- Aug. alty. All attempts at a concert to cease importations had hitherto failed;
morning, the Senegal left the port. Compare Gage to Hillsborough, 7 Sept. 1768. The next day, thnt appeared on almost every brow. Bernard to Gage, 16 Sept, 1768. Captain Corner's Diary, Thursdad, that a rising was agreed upon; Bernard to Gage, 16 Sept. and in his fright at an empty barrel gn nation, who acknowledge no dependence; wrote Gage. Sedition, he feared, might be catching, and show itself in New-York. Gage to Hillsborough, 26 Sept. 1768. Your life is in danger from those Ca I wish I were away, Compare Hillsborough to Gage, 16 Sept. 1768, and Captain Corner's Diary, Thu Upon this, Bernard produced the letter of General Gage, by which it appeared, that one only of the Act of Parliament; and they insisted, that General Gage could not have intended otherwise, for the al letters with their signatures. Boston, said Gage, is mutinous, Compare Paper of Intelligence, inclosed in Gage's, No. 15, of 26 September, 1768. its resolves treasonable and desperate. Mad peo[1 more...]
o do any thing in his province. Dalrymple to Gage, 2 Oct. 1768. Since that resolution was taken tmodore Hood, 5 Oct. 1768. L. Col. Dalrymple to Gage, Bernard to Hillsborough. on the Long Wharf. E them to sleep in Faneuil Hall. Dalrymple to Gage, 2 Oct. 1768. By management, said he, I got posretary of the Admiralty; Halifax, 12 Oct. 1768. Gage came from New-York to demand, in person, quartetill the barracks at the Castle were filled. Gage to Commodore Hood, 18 Oct. 1768. The Governs law. Bernard to Hillsborough, 1 Nov. 1768; Gage to Hillsborough, 31 October, 1768. I am now at s of the peace. Before two justices, exclaimed Gage, the best of them the keeper of a paltry tavernm to return of themselves; but in an Address to Gage, adopted by a vote of fifteen out of nineteen, Address to General Gage from fifteen members of the Council, 27 Dec. 1768; Letters to Hillsborougd from New Orleans, to reside at the Balise. Gage to Shelburne, 17 January, 1767. Compare Aubry [10 more...]