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Lake Erie (United States) (search for this): chapter 38
papers, which have been preserved, show how he almost imperceptibly gained the power of writing correctly; always expressing himself with clearness and directness, often with felicity of language and grace. When the frontiers on the west became disturbed, he at nineteen was commissioned an adju- Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June 15. tant-general with the rank of major. At twenty-one he went as the envoy of Virginia to the council of Indian chiefs on the Ohio and to the French officers 15 near Lake Erie. Fame waited upon him from his youth; and no one of his colony was so much spoken of. He conducted the first military expedition from Virginia, that crossed the Alleghanies. Braddock selected him as an aid, and he was the only man who came out of the disastrous defeat near the Monongahela, with increased reputation, which extended to England. The next year, when he was but four and twenty, the great esteem in which he was held in Virginia, and his real merit, led the lieutenant governor
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
ey were to recognise king Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June 12. George the Third as their rightful sovereign, and to look up to the supreme and universal superintending Providence of the great Governor of the world, for a gracious interposition of heaven for the restoration of the invaded rights of America, and a reconciliation with the p, and rejoiced in it, and were proud of it. They lived in his life, and made his success and his praise their own. Profoundly impressed with confidence in God's Providence, and exemplary in his respect for the forms of public worship, no philosopher of the eighteenth century was more firm in the support of freedom of religious opiuld be done. To his wife he unbosomed his inmost mind: I hope my undertaking this service is designed to answer some good purpose. I rely confidently on that Providence, which Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June. has heretofore preserved and been bountiful to me. His acceptance at once changed the aspect of June. affairs. John Adams
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 38
ed and well ordered commonwealth as no visionary had believed to be possible. So that it has been truly said, he was as fortunate as great and good. This also is the praise of Washington; that never in the tide of time has any man lived who had in so great a degree the almost divine faculty to command the confidence of his fellow-men and rule the willing. Wherever he became known, in his family, his neighborhood, his county, his native state, the continent, the camp, civil life, the United States, among the common people, in foreign courts, throughout the civilized world of the human race, and even among the savages, he, beyond all other men, had the confidence of his kind. Washington saw at a glance the difficulties of the position to which he had been chosen. He was appointed by a government which, in its form, was one of the worst of all possible governments in time of Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June. peace, and was sure to reveal its defects still more plainly in time of war.
Patrick Henry (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
own a cannon, nor a pound of powder, nor a tent, nor a musket; they had no regularly enlisted army, and had even a jealousy of forming an army, and depended on the zeal of volunteers, or of men to be enlisted for less than seven months. There were no experienced officers, and no methods projected for obtaining them. Washington saw it all. He was in the enjoyment of fame; he wished not to forfeit the esteem of his fellow-men; and his eye glistened with a tear, as he said in confidence to Patrick Henry on occasion of his appointment: This day will be the commencement of the decline of my reputation. But this consideration did not make him waver. On the sixteenth of June, he appeared in his place in congress, and after refusing all pay beyond his expenses, he spoke with unfeigned modesty: As the Chap. Xxxvii} 1755. June. congress desire it, I will enter upon the momentous duty, and exert every power I possess in their service, and for the support of the glorious cause. But I beg
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
ost solemn attestation of their desire to end civil discord, and regard the things that belong to peace. Measures were next taken for organizing and paying an American continental army, to be enlisted only till the end of the year, before which time a favorable answer from the king was hoped for. Washington, Schuyler, and others were deputed to prepare the necessary rules and regulations. It was also resolved to enlist ten companies of expert riflemen, of whom six were to be formed in Pennsylvania, two in Maryland, and two in Virginia. Then on the fifteenth day of June, it was voted June 15. to appoint a general. Johnson, of Maryland, nominated George Washington; and as he had been brought forward at the particular request of the people in New England, he was elected by ballot unanimously. Washington was then forty-three years of age. In stature he a little exceeded six feet; his limbs were sinewy and well proportioned; his chest broad; his figure stately, blending dignity
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
insidious offer, the first day of June, 1775, saw the house of burgesses of Virginia convened for the last time by a British governor. Peyton Randolph, the speaker, who had been attending as president the congress at Philadelphia, arrived at Williamsburg with an escort of independent companies of horse and foot, which eclipsed the pomp of the government, and in the eyes of the people raised the importance of the newly created continental power. The session was opened by a speech recommending sis of the modification of the navigation acts; and saw so many ways opened of settling every difficulty, that it was long before he could persuade himself, that the infatuation of the British ministry was so blind as to neglect them all. From Williamsburg, Jefferson repaired to Philadelphia; but before he arrived there, decisive communications had been received from Massachusetts. That colony still languished in anarchy, from which they were ready to relieve themselves, if they could but wri
West Indies (search for this): chapter 38
anied by security against future aggression. The finances of Virginia were at this time much embarrassed; beside her paper currency afloat, she was burdened with the undischarged expenses of the Indian war of the last year. The burgesses approved the conduct of that war, and provided the means of defraying its cost; but the governor would not pass their bill, because it imposed a specific duty of five pounds on the head, about ten per cent. on the value, of every slave imported from the West Indies. The last exercise of the veto power by the king's representative in Virginia was in favor of the slave trade. The assembly, having on the fifth thanked the delegates of the colony to the first congress, prepared to consider the proposal of the ministers. The gov- Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June. ernor grew uneasy, and sent them an apology for his removal of the fifteen half barrels of powder belonging to the province. I was influenced in this, said he, in a written message, by the best
York, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
raise, free, and arm slaves. Meantime their consultations extended through several days, and Jefferson was selected to draft their reply. While the house was thus engaged, Dunmore received an express from Gage to acquaint him of his intention to publish a proclamation, proscribing Samuel Adams and Hancock; and fearing he might be seized and detained as a hostage, he suddenly, in the night following the seventh of June, withdrew from the capital, and went on board the Fowey man-of-war, at York. He thus left the Ancient Dominion in the undisputed possession of its own inhabitants, as effectually as if he had abdicated all power for the king; giving as a reason for his flight, his apprehension of falling a sacrifice to the daringness and atrociousness, the blind and unmeasurable fury of great numbers of the people. The burgesses paid no heed to his angry words, but when they had brought their deliberations to a close, they, on the twelfth of June, addressed to him as their final
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
Chapter 37: Massachusetts Asks for George Washington as com-mander in chief. June 1—June their repeal; when the charter and laws of Massachusetts were mutilated and set aside by the same a trade, altering the form of government of Massachusetts, changing the government of Quebec, enlargsive communications had been received from Massachusetts. That colony still languished in anarchsioned to explain more fully the wishes of Massachusetts, was then called in. His communication had disclaimed any wish that the officer whom Massachusetts had advanced, should be superseded by a Vit on the eighth, it tardily recommended to Massachusetts not to institute a new government, but to eath he established martial law throughout Massachusetts, while vessels cruised off Sandy Hook to trtmouth; some of the Indians, domiciled in Massachusetts, having strolled to the American camp to gerous, and brave general, as the choice of Massachusetts, said: This appointment will have a great
Concord, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (search for this): chapter 38
f the people raised the importance of the newly created continental power. The session was opened by a speech recommending accommodation on the narrow basis of the resolve which the king had accepted. But the moment chosen for the discussion was inopportune; Dunmore's menace to raise the standard of a servile insurrection, and set the slaves upon their masters, with British arms in their hands, filled the South with horror and alarm. Besides, the Chap. Xxxvii} 1775. June. retreat from Concord raised the belief that the American forces were invincible; and the spirit of resist-June. ance had grown so strong, that Some of the burgesses appeared in the uniform of the recently instituted provincial troops, wearing a hunting shirt of coarse linen over their clothes, and a woodman's axe by their sides. The great civilian of Virginia came down from Albemarle with clear perceptions of the path of public duty. When parliament oppressed the colonies by the imposing of taxes, Jefferso
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