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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
n 1730720000 The town of Medford to Saml Brooks T [ ] s 1729 Novr 17To Cash Recedd: of John Richardson Esqr£210[ ] 1730 March 14To Cash Recedd: of Mr Step: Hall pd: him by Jno: Hall for not Serv= Constable50[ ] 21To Cash Reced of Capt Saml Wade for his Pew10[ ][ ] Loanrst To Do Received Mr John Bradshaw for pt: of ye 50000 Int11 [ ][ ] May 9To Do Reced of Mr. Willm. Patten for his Pew——50[ ][ ] 12To Do Recedd. of Mr Peter Seccomb for his Pew10[ ][ ] 13To Do Recedd: of Ebenr. Brooks of Medford100[ ][ ] To Cash Recovered of Richard Waite Constable in the year 1728, being a Rate bill Feb 27for Twenty five Pounds, And Costs of Court £ 5..2..9 all300[ ][ ] 172 9/30Omitted Entring before march 21stTo Cash Recedd. of Capt Saml Wade for ye Building his Pew[] 173 1/2 Febr 21To Cash Recedd. of Mr John Willis on of the Trustees of ye 50 Thousand Pound Loan[] To Cash Reced of Andrew Hall on ye A[ ]t of ye Widow Susanna Willis[] 1732 JuneTo Cash paid by Danl Russel Esqr by Ord<
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., A business man of long ago. (search)
settled parts of the city. containing forty acres, was sold for $447 to Rev. David Osgood. This was north of the present Fells parkway. It was bequeathed to the town by Dr. Osgood's daughter. The last years of Mr. Hall's life were saddened by the death of his oldest son, Benjamin. He had always been with his father in business, and in 1801 had become his successor. He married Lucy Tufts, daughter of Dr. Simon Tufts, and took her, a bride, to the Old Garrison House. Property of Jonathan Wade about 1650. Still standing. Some authorities think this dates back to 1636. The young couple lived there nine years, and then removed (1786) to a new house built next to his father's. This mansion is still well preserved, and is a fine example of the architecture of its time. (Dr. Chandler's home.) Simon Tufts, a wealthy merchant in the far East, who was a brother of Mrs. Hall, writing to his brotherin-law, gives a hint of the latter's character. In the eyes of a merchant prince t
tal 10414716115020722349790 The negroes thus constituted one-sixteenth of the population of the town in 1765. By way of comparison it may be added that in 1822 Medford had 1,474 inhabitants; in 57 years it had failed to double its population. As the ratio of whites to blacks in the colony at large was 45:1, it is seen that Medford had an unusually large negro population. So far as I have found records, a strong, able-bodied negro was worth, in 1700, about £ 18. In the inventory of Maj. Jonathan Wade's property appears the following asset: 5 negroes£ 97; and elsewhere in his papers is the record: 2 negroes that died appraised @ £ 35. Still, it is impossible to generalize from such insufficient data. After the beginning of hostilities in 1775 Colonel Royall departed for Nova Scotia, and Dr. Tufts for a while managed his property. Under date of March 12, 1776, Royal writes: Please to sell the following negroes; Stephen and George; they each cost £ 60 sterling; and I would take