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aphet Sherman held a superior place. His trim-looking house, just below the corner of Pleasant street, was his residence from the time he built it, fifty-two years. He came from Marshfield, born there in 1818. In 1834 he apprenticed himself to Oakman Joyce, to learn carpentering and joinering, which trade he followed through life. His thoroughness and skill still speak in the fine work on the interiors of the houses of Gen. Samuel C. Lawrence, James W. Tufts, George L. Stearns, and Hon. Edward Brooks. He was a member of Volunteer Fire Department of General Washington, No. 3, and was instrumental in detecting the incendiaries who made the year 1855 one of terror. On his advocacy the cemetery was constituted a separate department of town government. He served six years on the first Board of Trustees. His zest for nature was keen. He knew every rare plant, and where in our woods it grew. His knowledge of shade and fruit trees was sought, and he shared his secrets with his neighb
nd twenty-two wide. Sometimes, Mr. Blanchard records, lectures were given in the church on secular subjects. Under date of Oct. 11, 1833, he writes: Lecture in vestry by M. Fowle on rocks, shark's jaws, mountains &c. In Mr. Blanchard's day people manufactured their own ink, and Mr. Blanchard, who was a fine penman, made his very carefully by the following receipt: 2 oz. nut gall, 1 do. Copperas, 1/2 do. gum arabic to 1 qt. Rain Water. Among Mr. Blanchard's friends and patrons were Governor Brooks, John Bishop, Benjamin and Dudley Hall, Dr. Daniel Swan and his brother Joseph, Rev. Charles Brooks, Major John Wade, Turrell Tufts, and others. In 1815 Mr. John Bishop, Richard Hall, Major Wade, and Samuel Kidder still wore small clothes. In 1820 Major Wade was charged for seating and repairing small clothes 37 It is said that Major Wade was the last man in Medford to wear the ruffled shirt, small clothes, and shoe buckles of the colonial period. Mr. Blanchard's price for making a s