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Suffolk County (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
nce of a clock, seen in the possession of these two orphans, was an event to be noted and remembered. The records of Essex County confirm this result as to the scarcity of time-pieces, for in the three years from December, 1699, to December, 1702, there were one hundred eleven inventories filed, and in but four of them is there mention of a clock or watch, and to three of these the epithet old is attached, indicating that they were probably out of repair and useless. The records of Suffolk County for 1699-1700 show seventy-two inventories, in but eight of which clocks or watches are mentioned. The question may now be asked, If they had no clocks or watches, how did they keep time? But, before answering, we must determine what we of 1900 mean by keeping time. We follow time so closely that it is seldom we are surprised at finding our watches indicating a different hour and minute from what we anticipated before looking. With this in mind, how shall we define keeping time in
Oshkosh (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ddenly at his office in Boston, December 2, 1902, of heart disease. Cleopas Boyd Johnson. Cleopas Boyd Johnson, an honorary member of the Medford Historical Society, was born in Medford, January 6, 1829. His parents were John and Eliza (Mears) Johnson. He was the youngest of four children. He attended private and town schools, and was well liked by his mates. He left the high school early and served an apprenticeship at house carpentering in Medford. Then the family went to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, but after a short time returned to their old home. In those days they travelled via the Erie Canal. On his return he worked in the ship yards of Medford, and in the Navy Yard. When a young man he was a member of a brass band of musicians, and of the fire department. He was a Free Mason for many years and a charter member of the Medford lodge. He recently joined the Knights of Malta. He and his brother, Theophilus, were master carpenters and builders in Medford. Later he carri
Hampshire (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 1
eping one's residence and business under one roof has long ago disappeared, but from 1835 to 1850, the custom was almost universal. After the fire in 1850, most of the buildings destroyed were replaced by cheaper structures, many of which are still in existence. The Tufts lot, corner of South and Main streets, remained vacant for many years. Finally, the Central Engine House was built there. Ancestry of Aaron Blanchard, periwig-maker. I. Thomas Blanchard, the emigrant, came from Hampshire, England, in 1639. He lived in Braintree, Mass., from 1646 to 1651. In February, 1651, he bought of Rev. John Wilson, Jr., pastor of the church in Dorchester, a house and farm of two hundred acres in Charlestown, lying on the north side of Mystic river, and between Malden river on the east, and the Cradock farm, or Medford line, on the west. This land is now known as Wellington. The farm remained a part of the town of Charlestown until 1726,, when it was annexed to Malden, but later se
High (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
was elected captain. The company was in good condition, many of its members being former officers of the High School Cadets. In less than two months after Capt. Clark's commission, a war cloud overhung the sky, and orders were given for each man to provide himself with clothing and equipments ready for instant duty, should war be declared. For the third time in the history of the United States, the nineteenth of April brought a call to arms. Again the drums beat for recruits at the High street armory, and those who had heard it nearly forty years before felt like stopping their ears and fleeing from the sound, but the boys, sons and grandsons of the men of ‘61, were full of the same excitement as in the days of the Civil War. Ninety-two names were enrolled in one week. April 29, came the disappointing news that the 5th was not needed, but on May 24, the regiment was ordered to Gloucester for an eight days tour of duty. As it was not at all certain that the boys would be or
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
s ahead of the opening time? How he and his neighbors would have resented any interference in their dealings with their servants. His own clock will help us answer these questions. In Charles Brooks' History of Medford, is a story that is still touching, even if it is packed away in a lot of genealogical material. It is the story of the two children, a boy and a girl, made orphans by the Spaniards. The Spaniards and the English were in continual strife in the Bahamas, and in 1699, at Nassau, the Spaniards gained control, and beginning a course of plunder and slaughter, killed, among others, the parents of these children. Mr. Brooks relates how the orphans in some unknown way escaped and fled to the wharves and found a friend in the captain of a Boston vessel. He took pity on the helpless little folks and assured them that he would take them to Boston. Before sailing, the captain went to the plundered home and found a clock, which he brought to the ship; so, with the sister i
Malden Bridge (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
til a few years ago was occupied by his daughter. Mr. Peter Lewis built a small vessel on the north bank of the river, just east of the Lowell Railroad bridge. Another was built at the wharf where the new armory stands. The hulls of vessels of a thousand tons burden have been built west of the bridge, which was twice widened to accommodate larger craft. Once in a while a vessel would be caught in the draw and teams were obliged to go around through Arlington and Cambridge, or via Malden bridge, to reach Boston. It was a pretty sight to see a large vessel on the way down the river, depending on the tide, and men with tow lines (no steam tugs in those days), and with Capt. John P. Clisby, the pilot, standing in the bow giving his orders. He was a large man, with a florid complexion, and looked every inch the sea captain. The river pilots, beside Capt. Clisby, that the writer can remember, were Benjamin and Reuben Williamson, William Snowdon, and James Porter. The town so
Mystick River (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
and Elizabeth Danforth. He bought first the property afterwards known as the Thatcher Magoun estate, on the banks of the Mystic, and later, selling it, acquired the estate through which Meeting House Brook runs, on which the second meeting-house wasold weaver's clock, can it keep time? the reply is made, it keeps the time of 1700, one understands what is meant. Mystic river above the bridge, 1835-1850. CRADOCK bridge had a wooden draw which divided in the middle, and the two leaves were Some of the very earliest deeds refer to this landing, which was public property before that part of Medford south of Mystic river was set off from the town of Charlestown. Mr. James B. Gregg bought the property formerly occupied by the lumber ya, pastor of the church in Dorchester, a house and farm of two hundred acres in Charlestown, lying on the north side of Mystic river, and between Malden river on the east, and the Cradock farm, or Medford line, on the west. This land is now known as
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Read before the Medford Historical Society, May 19, 1902.] AS soon as Co. C, 39th Regiment, was dismissed from the United States service, in June, 1865, the members renewed their old associations with the Lawrence Light Guard and resumed regular h clothing and equipments ready for instant duty, should war be declared. For the third time in the history of the United States, the nineteenth of April brought a call to arms. Again the drums beat for recruits at the High street armory, and were received that on the last day of June the Light Guard was to march to South Framingham and be mustered into the United States service. On the evening of June 29, the Opera House was packed to suffocation. Ex-commander George L. Goodale preppines after their return from Greenville, and both have been commended for gallant service there. They are still in United States service in the islands. After the Spanish War, the Light Guard established a temporary armory at No. 9 High street
Cuba (Cuba) (search for this): chapter 1
ey developed into anything serious. All through the campaign he kept his promise made to the townspeople, I will look after the health of your boys. In October, 1st Lieut. Neilson was promoted to take command of Co. K, of Braintree; 2d Lieut. Whitney was promoted to his place. As section after section of those camped at Middletown left for the South, the 5th began to be disheartened; but on November 16 they were ordered to march, and took the cars to Greenville, S. C., one step nearer Cuba. Orders to go forward and a visit from the paymaster made November 14 a gala day. The troops were reviewed at Greenville by the mayor, and marched through the town with the band playing Dixie. Captain Clark had preceded the company, and tent floors and cook houses were ready for its advent. Thanksgiving dinner was sent by the Woman's Relief Corps and the Volunteer Aid Association of Medford, not the first or last of generous donations. The boys sent home the message, We have met the Tur
Hartford (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
He was a fine workman and well posted in all branches of his trade; a great reader of the Bible and mechanical papers. Early in the fifties he married Eliza Sawtell of Medford, who died about twelve years ago, since which time he has lived alone in the same house they occupied at her death. They had no children. He was buried from the Unitarian Church, Sunday, December 21, 1902. Mrs. Fanny Russell Leary. Mrs. Fanny Russell Leary died November 24, 1902, at her temporary home in Hartford, Ct. She was born in South Hadley, August 16, 1838, and was a descendant of Rev. John Russell, one of the earliest settlers of that town. In her death we realize the loss of a patriotic, loyal-hearted woman, who was interested in the past and present of Medford. Almost from its beginning she was one of the most devoted members of the Medford Historical Society. Notes. At the January meeting of the society, Hon. C. H. Porter, of Quincy, gave an address, entitled The 39th Massachusett
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