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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 7.. You can also browse the collection for Peggy Swan or search for Peggy Swan in all documents.

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onth for board; five dollars entrance each for music and dancing, and then seventy-five cents per lesson for one and eight dollars per quarter for the other. Miss Peggy Swan of Medford was the teacher in penmanship. In discipline Mrs. Rowson was severe and yet not arbitrary, One of her contemporaries wrote of her: such were her athe following list: Lydia Bishop. Rebecca Bishop. Fanny Blanchard. Lucy Brooks. Lucia Gray. Sallie Richardson. Ann Rose. Hannah Swan. Peggy Swan. Catherine Thompson. Fanny Tufts. Peggy Tufts. Sarah Wait. Harriet Wait. Mary Warner. Sallie Burgess. There is also given Mary Lane of Tas Susan Wyman, daughter of James Wyman. She was married to James Gilchrist June 10, 1805, and lived in what is called the Train house. Of Fanny Blanchard, Peggy Swan and Sallie Richardson, I have failed to find anything authoritative. In the summer of 1803, Mrs. Rowson moved her school from Medford to Newton; in 1807, to