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occurred, and he had a distinct remembrance of the event. The Payson farm being so near to the canal bridge, Mr. Smith's house was free and open to passengers taking the boats. Over the bridge crossing the canal lived Thomas Calfe, the gardener for Peter C. Brooks. This house was on the corner of Grove street. An eighth of a mile further east lived Miss Rebecca Brooks—Aunt Becky. Robert Caldwell lived in her house and carried on the farm. This house was remodelled and used by Mrs. T. P. Smith for a boarding school in the fifties. The school was known as Mystic Hall Seminary for Young Ladies, and was very popular in its day. Nearly opposite lived Miss Rebecca's brother Caleb, on the present site of the railroad station. One of the first station agents of the Boston and Lowell railroad at West Medford lived there afterward. He was known as Dontey Green. This house was destroyed by the great tornado. A few rods beyond lived Eleazar Usher, in the house owned by his bro