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with the above name. At the present time, of the coterie born in the year 1818 but one survives, See following article. and he in age and feebleness extreme. Their names, so far as can now be ascertained, were Asa Law, Marshall Symmes, William B. Thomas, Henry Richardson, Alfred Tufts, Henry Reed, David S. Hooker, Mark Durgin, Samuel F. Woodbridge and John Frost. How many beside Mr. Symmes were natives of Medford is unknown. Various occupations they had. Mr. Law, who bore the militarying business, and also at times officiated as an auctioneer. Mr. Symmes was a farmer, and resided at Symmes' Corner in Upper Medford, in Governor Brooks' birthplace, and when Winchester was incorporated was thus arbitrarily moved out of town. Mr. Thomas was a carpenter, skilled at his trade, and served the town in various offices. Mr. Richardson and Mr. Reed were ship-carpenters in the days when things were lively on the Mystic. Mr. Woodbridge was a Faneuil Hall market-man, and John Frost wa
built, and are good for many years more of service. This old house, probably erected by the first Samuel, was inherited by Thomas Brooks, the village squire and noted marrying justice. The second Samuel had slaves, as shown by his will, and Thomas had one negro man named Pomp, who seems to have been his master's general utility man, according to our historian's mention of him. When the house was built, it was faced southward according to the custom of the time, and three black walnut tree that the bricks were brought from England—incorrect however. Mr. Edward Brooks in 1875 told the present writer that the bricks were made from clay dug on the estate, and was much amused at such a story finding credence. This house of Samuel, Thomas, and lastly of Gorham Brooks, is shown in the history of Medford (Brooks', '55) with the great black walnut trees before it, and also the brick wall, granite post and lilac bushes. In this picture the house is shown with a massive chimney. A
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Colonial houses—old and new. (search)
by clumsy hand-made nails and heavy spikes. This house has been in the possession of the Brooks family since 1768. This date has been given from hearsay and has not been verified, but is approximately correct. The house had already had several other owners, and so must have been built many years before. Jonathan Brooks was the oldest son of Thomas Brooks, who lived on Grove street in a house built by his father Samuel, back of the old brick wall now standing, which was made by Pomp, Thomas' slave. Jonathan, on his marriage with Elizabeth Albree, also a descendant of one of Medford's early settlers, went to live in this house, which has since borne his name. There all his children were born, among them the Rev. Charles Brooks, who was so active in Medford school matters. Here and in the adjoining house his accomplished daughter Elizabeth dispensed the gracious, old-fashioned hospitality, the fame of which still lingers. About her own childhood, in this old house, the last