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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 17.. You can also browse the collection for Samuel Train or search for Samuel Train in all documents.
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Deacon's demijohn destroyed.
We have been asked to insert some funny stories relative of course to Medford or her people.
In Vol.
II. p. 167 of the Register is a memoir of Deacon Samuel Train, the man of solemn aspect mentioned in this issue by Mr. Stetson.
It contains a story of the accidental breaking of a demijohn of choice whiskey just presented him. A large one too, as according to the deacon's statement, the whiskey for ten feet around was six inches deep, and his clothes smelt so strong that his daughter thought he was intoxicated.
Caleb Swan made note of another occurence in which the deacon met his match, and records that the deacon (probably proud of his smart grandson) told Mrs. Peggy Swan that he shouted up the stairway to the boy, Keep still or I'll come and cut your liver out, and then the boy replied, What will you do with it, grandpa,—cook it for breakfast?
Of course it must be understood that such were the whimsical exaggerations and expressions of a good