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. W. Welch twenty years ago, and on which he erected his stable. This was his business quarters until taken over by the Park Commission. These trees are not in Medford however, but in Somerville, and within the Mystic river reservation, and their roots are above the former tidal flow at its highest. Till recently we supposed these birches to be the only trees on the banks of the Mystic. We find, however, that there are two smaller ones just below the Metropolitan pipe bridge. But for an example of nature's work in recent years, look along Meeting-house brook, both below and above Winthrop street, and see the numerous birches there rapidly growing. It is but six years since our opening remark was made by one unaccustomed to a treeless river bank, and as in future years conditions may well be different, we make note of this as worthy of record. It would be well if the ravages of the gypsy moth could be thus remedied on the rocky hill slopes about the source of Whitmore brook.