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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23. 12 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23.. You can also browse the collection for John Warner Barber or search for John Warner Barber in all documents.

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hed at Worcester, whose title was Historical Collections. Its author was John Warner Barber. It contained a colored map of Massachusetts, a condensed history of theding one illustration. The Historical Society has in its library a copy of Mr. Barber's work which is well worth examination. It was given by Mr. George D. Cumminunger Mr. Cummings remarked (of the view), How does that street look to you? Mr. Barber said in his Preface The drawings for the numerous engravings were, with f on the register's frontispiece, and bespeak for it a careful observation. Mr. Barber named none of the features of this Southern view of Medford, as he did in ma third meeting-house, at the extreme left, was torn down in 1839, the year of Mr. Barber's publication, and stood on the site of present Unitarian church. The secondion became known. It is a long stride from the wood cut to the half-tone. Mr. Barber mentioned four industries of Medford: Ship-building, bricks, hats and linseed