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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., Turnpikes Past and present. (search)
In a press notice of Turnpikes of New England, its writer quotes rare Ben Johnson as saying: I turn up my axle like a turnpike. Having in his boyhood s produced, the present writer can claim a slight acquaintance. But as rare Ben Johnson lived and flourished in the sixteenth century, there is no one in Medford whon which a toll is paid for the privilege of traveling thereon. But how did Ben Johnson turn up his axle (whatever that was) to make it resemble Mystic avenue or anThis was supported by a quotation: I move upon my axle like a turnpike. Ben Johnson, Staple of News, III Further search in our Public Library (by the ready courtesy of one of the staff) shows that Ben Johnson didn't turn up his axle. Rather, he dug into ancient mythology, and made one of his characters (Picklock by nam all things to all men and everything to everybody. It is evident that rare Ben Johnson was misquoted in the recent press notice, otherwise an excellent one. The