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Medford), was sold and removed. Its corner-stone, bearing the second date of 1896, was placed beneath this. Its early removal was a necessity, and preserved the trees on Holton street, to which a bit of history attaches: In the early '50's Mr. T. P. Smith (then owner) set out a row of elms on a proposed street (Minot by name) which was to follow the course of the canal just abandoned. At the construction of Boston avenue in ‘73, four of these, then on the land of Mr. Horace A. Breed, were du successful. Just when he did it we may not say, for at eight o'clock on Saturday evening they were lying by the capacious holes, but on Sunday morning when the worshippers came to the new church they were in place and sidewalk swept clean. Mr. Smith passed away nearly seventy years ago, Mr. Breed and Mr. Meyer nearly forty, but we walk under the grateful shade of these trees today. But one shows in the view. The second, after twenty years, was affected by some pest, requiring its removal