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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., At Medford's old civic Center. (search)
ate, and now, about 1800, was to be neighbor to another of the latter class. (Regis-Ter, Vol. XV, p. 97). Our incomparable chronicler Caleb Swan. noted that Mr. Green took the whole house and for a while let the west part to the Wyley family from Georgia. Mrs. Green removed to Boston at the death of her husband, 1809, and the Mrs. Green removed to Boston at the death of her husband, 1809, and the Misses Abby and Mary Hall, sisters of Nathaniel Hall, who lived in the Secomb house, rented the east part. A little later these ladies exchanged their quarters with the Swans, who about this time became owners of the property. About 1815 the west half was occupied by the wife of Captain Trevet of the revenue service. She was the Bishop lot where later the first Thatcher Magoun erected the building now the home of the Public Library. Were these Warners identical? Two years later Mrs. Green returned to the west half, remaining until 1822, when, with the Gilchrist family, she moved to Charlestown, N. H. This part then became the home of widowed s
4.28 Savings4000.00Poor2082.92 Taxes7938.31Notes payable and int.3331.79 School. Com. damage to Schoolhouse collected10.75Highways and Bridges780.27 Nathan Adams for removal of house10.12Fire Dept. 324.62 Sale of Fishing rights96.00Law Suits534.06 Stone posts from Charlestown8.25Salaries & Fees609.95 State Treas. for State paupers111.94Miscellaneous524.89 State Treas. for School Fund64.03Bal. in treasury31.07 State Treas. for Military15.00 Jonas Coburn rent of store332.37 S. S. Green rent of store127.50 Reading Room Assn.50.00 —————— $14,13. 85$14,13. 85 Probable outstanding$1,183. One item in Miscellaneous is Charles Caldwell. —platform and rail in front of desk, 17.50. A few of our older citizens will recall this furnishing of the old town hall that did duty until Medford became a city (perhaps longer), the elevated aisle through which the voters passed before the selectmen in voting by ballot. Another: Zephaniah Stetson—new hearse $80.00 and A