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de from the architect's drawings. Whatever the schoolhouses of Medford were in years before, there was some architecture in this, made possible by the gifts of interested citizens of West Medford. This has been reproduced in the Register of July, 1916, with its authentic story. An enlargement of it hangs in the principal's room in the present Brooks school building. In 1854 the Mystic Hall Seminary at West Medford was opened. This was a private boarding school for young ladies, Mrs. T. P. Smith, preceptress. After four years, she removed it to Washington, D. C. It was housed in three substantial buildings, two of which remain today. Strange to say, no mention of it was made by either historian. From its year-book two views of the seminary buildings have been reproduced in the Register, Vol. XI, No. 3, and illustrate the story of the famous school written (and read at a Society meeting) by one who attended and graduated from it. Two views of the little mill on the Arling