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e subject. You two seem to know the most about High street. You once made a winter ramble along the smelt brook. You might make a back-yard ramble behind the High street houses and possibly discover or infer something. Sincerely yours, Thos. M. Stetson. Not all Mr. Stetson's queries were answered, and we are presenting them anew, with his notes in full, hoping they may awaken new interest along historic lines. He was the son of Rev. Caleb Stetson, the able minister of the First PariMr. Stetson's queries were answered, and we are presenting them anew, with his notes in full, hoping they may awaken new interest along historic lines. He was the son of Rev. Caleb Stetson, the able minister of the First Parish (1827 to 1848). Under the caption A Medford Schoolboy's Reminiscences, in Vol. XVII, No. 4, is a most interesting contribution to our columns to which we call especial attention. His parents lived in Medford, first in the Rev. Charles Brooks house, but later on High street where is now St. Joseph's rectory. In reading his Reminiscences and these following notes it will be seen that he was at home on old High street, and his observations and descriptions the very best. It was to our regre