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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 25., Mr. Stetson's notes on information wanted. (search)
of Medford a good while before he died, in 1739. In the foregoing lines is a lot of information given by no other writer, which is replete with interest. The Magoun place (or library building) was probably (see Register, Vol. XXII, No. 1) erected in 1834-5. Its frontage on High street is about equal with those enumerated B a board fence. The folding gates were of flat palings loosely bolted to the rails; a counter balancing weight to each lifted them against the tall posts. The Magoun battery organization was dissolved by an order of the adjutant general, sent to the selectmen. The building was then used by the highway department as a stable with the said statuary, was emphatically convinced. I told Mr. M——that his reference to the statuary reminded me of my recollections of the statuary on the old Magoun estate that I was accustomed to see as a youngster, when my grandmother took me to ride in my baby carriage. Quick as a flash he replied, Why don't you write an