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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. 11 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28.. You can also browse the collection for Fitz Henry Smith or search for Fitz Henry Smith in all documents.

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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Medford and her Minute Men, April 19, 1775. (search)
passing red coats. Signal guns and alarm bells rapidly spread the news, and here in Arlington, Smith, realizing the significance of the signal guns and alarm bells, sent back to General Gage for ref an hour, with fife and drum and flying colors, the column moved up the road. By eight o'clock Smith's main body had reached its objective six miles further on in Concord. There they searched out e bridge. Captain Hall's men were then doubtless further down the road. It was noon when Colonel Smith gave the order to march back to Boston, a long seventeen miles, long for the able-bodied who the flanking parties, there was other business for them along the road below Lexington. When Smith reached Arlington on his advance twelve hours earlier, alarmed by the general uprising that was osite the present high school and there, opening their ranks, received into that welcome shelter Smith's exhausted troops. It was nearly four o'clock when the British forces again moved. Their pr
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28., Old ships and Ship-building days of Medford. (search)
was the California, which was driven completely across Massachusetts bay and cast ashore on Black ledge, near Cohasset. Often they met mishap and, after injuring themselves or others, they were finally repaired. One of these was the Columbianna, built by Paul and J. O. Curtis. She was of six hundred and fifty tons—the largest vessel of that time. She was used in the ice trade, and at the close of 1839 was loading ice at Charlestown. In Storms and Shipwrecks in Boston Bay Fitz Henry Smith, Jr. is the following:— In December, 1839, there occurred one of the most disastrous storms on this coast up to this time. More than ninety vessels were lost and nearly two hundred dismasted, driven ashore and otherwise injured. The storms occurred at intervals of about a week. In the third gale, which began December 27th and blew a hurricane until near sunrise of the 28th, the ship Columbianna was at Swett's wharf, Charlestown, partly loaded with ice, when she slipped her moori