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Concord (Massachusetts, United States) | 36 | 0 | Browse | Search |
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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 28..
Found 1,447 total hits in 744 results.
Potter (search for this): chapter 3
Oliver Wendell Holmes (search for this): chapter 3
Parson Turell's Legacy or the President's old Arm-Chair.
A poem with this caption was written by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes many years ago. A recent reading suggested search in the Probate records for the old parson's will, and led to an interesting evening with Parson Turell at the Historical Society, when the poem we reproduce was read.
As no such bequest appeared in the will, we were led to inquire how much was fact or how much poetic license or fictional embellishment.
We appeal were asked, Have you found the Turell chair yet?
We replied cautiously, We saw the president's chair at Harvard College on September 16, 1924, but really don't know that it was Parson Turell's. It doesn't look like the woodcut we saw. Perhaps Dr. Holmes' poem is much embellishment and little history. M. W. M.
Parson Turell's Legacy or the President's old Arm-Chair Facts respecting an old arm-chair, At Cambridge.
Is kept in the College there, Seems but little the worse for wear. That'
Hancock (search for this): chapter 3
Lee (search for this): chapter 3
Dix (search for this): chapter 3
Moore (search for this): chapter 3
Mather (search for this): chapter 3
Dunn (search for this): chapter 3
Sewall (search for this): chapter 3
Isaac Hall (search for this): chapter 3