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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia Banks or search for Virginia Banks in all documents.
Your search returned 19 results in 4 document sections:
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Self-made Nobility. (search)
Condition of Virginia Banks.
Bank of the Old Dominion, Alexandria, Va., Oct. 19, 1860. Hon. e from State of Virginia1,030.46182.96
Due by Banks and Bankers16,194.0324,195.79
Notes and Check Bks. in the State.17,416.168,762.28
Notes of Banks out of the State130.0085.00
Coin40,390.4251,4 0
Capital Stock$403,900.00$403,900.00
Due to Banks and Bankers.59,249.3928,949.78
Individual Dep eposits84,377.53
due to other Banks and Bankers8,171.16
Asse Outstanding debt148,316.26
Notes of other Virginia Banks9,814.00
Foreign Bank Notes470.00
Stocks, &c.537.29
Due from other Banks and Bankers24,335.74
We, the un .00
Bills protested1,431.981,884.66
Due from Banks, &c.15,455.164,666.82
Cash on hand — Specie25 of this Bank16,837.6031,221.00
Notes of other Banks in this State1,613.002,978.00
In Checks261.30 3,041.863,975.66
Due to Banks, &c.25,106.3014,580.41
Notes of this Bank on
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Self-made Nobility. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fatal accident. (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 9, 1860., [Electronic resource], Fall of a Church Steeple in New Haven. (search)