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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 24, 1860., [Electronic resource].

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William G. Paine (search for this): article 1
rs of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
J. Harrison (search for this): article 1
s of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
s of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
H. L. Kent (search for this): article 1
The Merchants of Richmond held a meeting at the Merchants' Insurance office, on Thursday evening last, to consult as to the best plan to be adopted in regard to the rates of exchange, and other matters of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committe
George J. Sumner (search for this): article 1
ening last, to consult as to the best plan to be adopted in regard to the rates of exchange, and other matters of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonableB. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
James B. Ferguson (search for this): article 1
adopted in regard to the rates of exchange, and other matters of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room,
A. P. Fox (search for this): article 1
s of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
T. R. Price (search for this): article 1
s of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
J. B. Fickle (search for this): article 1
rs of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
A. Y. Stokes (search for this): article 1
rs of interest to the commercial community. The meeting organized by calling Horace L Kent, Esq., to the Chair, and appointing Mr. George J. Sumner, Secretary. On motion of Mr. Jas. B. Ferguson, a committee of five was appointed to contest with the officers of the various Banks in this city upon the subject of Northern exchange, with a view, if possible, to fix upon some reasonable and uniform rate, and to report to an adjourned meeting. The Chair appointed as the committee, Messrs. J. B. Ferguson, S J. Harrison, A. P. Fox, T. R. Price, W. H Christian. Mr. J. B. Fickle made a motion, which was carried, that a committee of five be appointed to take the subject into consideration, and to recommend suitable measures for adoption in regard to exchange and currency.--Committee--Messrs. J. B Ficklen, George J Sumner, A. Y. Stokes, Wm. G. Paine, Wm. S. Donnan. After appointing a committee to procure a suitable room, the meeting adjourned until Friday evening at 6 o'clock.
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