Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for George M. Savage or search for George M. Savage in all documents.

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Meeting of citizens of Henrico County. --A meeting of the citizens of Henrico county was held at the Court-House, at 12 o'clock yesterday. The meeting was called to order by Col. John P. Harrison, on whose motion Geo. M. Savage, Esq., was called to the chair. Mr. Savage returned thanks for the honor conferred on him, and urged calmness and courtesy in the deliberations of the meeting, which was called without regard to party. He then announced his readiness to proceed to businesMr. Savage returned thanks for the honor conferred on him, and urged calmness and courtesy in the deliberations of the meeting, which was called without regard to party. He then announced his readiness to proceed to business. On motion, Dan'l E Gardner, Esq., was chosen Secretary. Dr. John R. Garnett arose to make a motion for the appointment of a business committee. He said it was obvious to every reflecting mind that we were overshadowed by an impending crisis-- that our glorious Union, under which we had heretofore lived in prosperity, was in imminent danger — and that it was time for the people to take such action as would ensure the protection of their rights and their institutions. He exhorted to