Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Bourbon County (Kentucky, United States) or search for Bourbon County (Kentucky, United States) in all documents.

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f Clinton, Henry co., Mo: That the public mind may not be misinformed and misled by the many emissaries the are running to and from through the country, east of this place, as we are informed, and to justify those who have the dark designs of the abolition marauders under the notorious Capt. Montgomery in Kansas and on the border, we beg leave to state the following facts, in addition to those heretofore given: The armed abolitionists have continued their murderous operations in Bourbon and Lynn counties, Kansas, hunting down and driving from the Territory all men who have disapproved of their robbing and murdering, and who have acted in any manner to sustain the laws. Their ads leading eastward from the Territory have been crowded with wagons and persons, male and female, escaping from these fiends. In one instance a mother gave birth to an infant on the road near Poppingsville, in this State, during the flight of the family. On Monday of this week a Mr. Bi