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d his letters must not be subjected to espionage. In the opinion of one of these gentlemen, this remonstrance will have its effect. Certain it is, that the authorities of Charleston were notified to supply provisions, &c., and that they have telegraphed back that the desirable courtesies would be extended. Mr. Holt's letter to Gov. Pickens, threatening to stop the mails if Major Anderson was not allowed free access to his correspondence, and the urgent suggestion of Messrs. Davis, Hunter, and others, that the surveillance should be removed by which he has been prevented from procuring supplies, have had the desired effect. Information to-day states that he has all the expected privileges. The following letter from Major Anderson, in reply to one addressed to him by C. G. Childs, communicating to him, as chairman, a resolution unanimously adopted at a meeting of prominent citizens of Philadelphia, without distinction of party, held at the hall of the Board of Trade, on
but not to exceed $5 per week. Fractions over the first week 71 cents per day. No extra charges except for surgical operations, and then an additional fee ranging from $2 or $30 will be charged. Bills payable on the removal of the patient. No small-pox admitted. A covered spring wagon will convey patients to and from the Hospital when desired. Orders may be left at the Hospital when desired. Orders may be left at the Hospital, or at the office of A. L. Holladay, 12th street, between Main and Cary. The subscriber, who has been connected with the institution since its foundation, having taken it under his exclusive charge, sided by competent assistants, solicits a continuance of the liberal patronage of his friends and of the public generally. Attending Physician and Surgeon. James Bolton, M. D., Grace street, between 4th and 5th. assistants: C. W. P. Brock, M. D., Church Hill, cor. 25th and Marshall sts. C. M. Hunter, Resident Physician. ja 18--1y